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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots? Reading,Do you think you will have your own robot,What do the robots look like,What can the robots do,Do you know about robots,What do they look like,They look like humans,What do they look like,They look like snakes,This robot looks like a huge arm,This one looks lik

2、e a dog,There are some other robots, what can they do,play football,dance,help with the housework,help people do the most unpleasant jobs,play the piano,What can they do,talk,Do you think you will have your own robots,Circle the words and phrases you think you can read. Compare your predictions with

3、 your partner,housework cars years ago bored will was koalas buildings less work swimming possible America doctor piano backpack,Reading strategy Read the title and picture, then predict what you will learn about. This helps you get ready to acquire new information,准备好,获得,取得,Section 1 Before You Rea

4、d,1. The robots help people do the most pleasant jobs. ( ) 2. Scientists try to make robots look different from people. ( ) 3. Robots in Japanese companies can walk and dance. (,T or F,F,F,T,4. Robots will never get bored to do simple jobs over and over again. ( ) 5. Humans will have more work to do

5、 in the future. ( ) 6. Space rockets seemed to be possible a hundred years ago. (,F,F,T,Section 2 While You Read,In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs,科幻电影,机器人能够帮助人们做

6、家务和那些最让人不愉快的工作,1. help with sth. =help (to) do sth. 帮助做某事 e.g. Robots can help people with many things. = Robots can help people (to) do many things,2. It is/was/will be + 形容词+ (for sb.+) to do sth. 对某人来说做是 e.g. It is not easy for me to get up early on Sunday morning. Its interesting for teenagers t

7、o play computer games,3. wake up 醒来 wake up sb. 叫醒某人 e.g. Dont wake me up,5. over and over again 一遍又一遍地 e.g. He said it over and over again,4. There be sb. doing sth. 有某人正在做某事 There is a man walking in the street,6. get bored=be bored=feel bored,the same as make do to take (period of time) to help d

8、o to help with,Section 3 After You Read,3b Make sentences with the following phrases,Section 3 After You Read3c What can robots do,They can help with the housework. However, it may take hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under the buildings,Discuss in groups and design(设计) your own robot,What does it look like,What can it do,Do you think you will have your own robot,Thank you


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