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1、最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Around town,Module 8,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Unit 1 How do I get to the Forbidden City,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,supermarket,square,memorial,bank,swimming pool,market,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,How to ask a way,1. How do I get to the Forbidden City? 2. Excuse me. Can you tell me t

2、he way to 3. Excuse me. Can you tell me whereis? 4. Excuse me. How can I get to, please? 5. Excuse me. Which is the way to, please,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,PRACTISE 问路练习,1. 请问,北京医院在哪儿? 2. 劳驾,附近有邮局吗? 3. 请问,到药店怎么走? 4. 顺着这条街往前走。 5. 顺着这条街走,然后左拐进入快乐路。 6. 博物馆在公安局的左边,Excuse me. Wheres Beijing Hospital, plea

3、se,Excuse me. Is there a post office near here,Excuse me. How can I get to the chemist,Go along this street,Follow this road and turn left Happy Road,The museum is on the left of the police station,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Listen and read,Sally: So show me your map of Beijing, Lingling. Lingling: OK,

4、 heres Tiananmen Square. On the left, over there, is the Great Hall of the People. And on the right is the National Museum of China. Sally: And how do I get to the Forbidden City? Lingling: Go straight ahead. Its opposite Tiananmen Square,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Sally: I see. And where is the Chairm

5、an Mao Memorial Hall? Lingling: Its here, between the Great Hall of the People and the Museum. Sally: And can you tell me the way to a park? Lingling: Yes, Beihai Park is my favourite. Its kind of quiet. Go across the square. Turn left into Changan Jie and then turn right into Chang Jie. I think the

6、res an entrance on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Sally: And where can I do some shopping? Lingling: Everyone asks about the shopping! The best place is Wangfujing Dajie. Go across Tiananmen Square, turn right, and go along Dongchangan Jie, and turn left into Wangfuji

7、ng Dajie,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Match the numbers on the map with the places. Then listen again and check,a Tiananmen Square b the Great Hall of the People c the National Museum of China d the Forbidden City e the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall f Beihai Park g Wangfujing Dajie,3,5,6,2,4,1,7,最新】八年级英语Mod

8、ule8课件外研版 课件,Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the box,between; on the corner of; opposite,1. Tiananmen Square is _ the Forbidden City. 2. The Great Hall of the People is _ Tiananmen Square and Xichangan Jie. 3. Changan Jie is _ Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City,opposite

9、,on the corner of,between,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Listen and repeat,1. How do I get to the Forbidden City? 2. Go straight ahead. Its opposite Tiananmen Square. 3. Can you tell me the way to a park? 4. Turn left into Changan Jie and then turn right into Chang Jie,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Module 8重点词语讲

10、解,1. corner n. 街角;拐角 如:There is a hotel on / at the corner of the street. 在那条街拐角处有一家旅店。 拓展:around the corner 很近,在附近;turn the corner (患病时期) 转危为安,脱离危险,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,2. opposite (1) adj. 对面的;另一边的 如:We live farther down on the opposite side of the road. 我们住在马路对面再远一点的地方。 (2) prep. 与相对;在对面 如:The

11、 bank is opposite the supermarket. 银行在超市的正对面,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,3) n. 对立的人(或物);对立面;反面 如:Whats the opposite of heavy? 重的反义词是什么? (4) adv. 在对面 如:Theres a newly married couple living opposite. 有一对新婚夫妇住在对面,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,3. between (1) prep. (空间上)在中间;介于之间 如: Switzerland lies between France

12、Germ- any, Austria and Italy. 瑞士位于法国、德国、奥地利和意大利之间,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,2) prep. (时间上)在之间;在中间 如: Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. 5到16岁的孩子必须上学,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,4. tour (1) n. 旅行;旅游 如:My grandfather likes sightseeing tours. 我爷爷喜欢观光旅行,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,2) v. 在作巡

13、回演出;旅游 如: We spent four weeks touring around Europe. 我们花了四个星期周游欧洲,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,5. painting n. 绘画;油画 如: Her hobbies include music and painting. 她的爱好包括音乐和绘画,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,6. shelf n. (固定在墙上的橱柜、书架等的) 架子;搁板 如:I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom. 我帮他在卧室里装了几个搁板,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,7. Medicine n. 药;(尤指)药水 如:You should have some cough medicine. 你应该服些咳嗽药。 medical adj. 医学的;医疗的,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件,Work in pairsAsk for and give directions to other places,Excuse me, how do I get to the Forbidden City? Turn right into Dongchangan Jie,最新】八年级英语Module8课件外研版 课件


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