高二英语下学期Unit20 课件(通用)

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1、THE KING OF STONEHENGE,Stonehenge Forever a mystery,There is nothing quite like Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5000 years it has drawn visitors to it,No one really knows how or why Stonehenge was built. These circles of giant stones were placed in a grassy field in southern England nearly

2、5,000 years ago. Some believe that the rocks served as enormous (巨大的) sundials (日冕仪). Others think that people used them for religious purposes. Over time, the landscape around Stonehenge underwent substantial change and development,What you see today is about half of the original monument, some of

3、the stones have fallen down, others have been carried away to be used for building or to repair farm tracks and over centuries visitors have added their damage too,Stonehenge was formerly owned by a local man, Sir Cecil Chubb, and he gave it to the nation in 1918 and it is now managed by English Her

4、itage on behalf of the Government. In 1986, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site.It is without doubt one of the finest prehistoric monuments in existence and an even more remarkable mystery,materials,bone,copper,pottery,clay,stone,fur,gold,Which materials were found ,Which objects were found in

5、 the grave of the king of Stonehenge,objects,a bone pin,two gold earrings,A cushion stone,two copper knives,tools,arrows,a bow,two pots,His grave is the richest of any found that period . He was buried three miles from Stonehenge at the time when the great stones were being brought to Salisbury to b

6、uilt it . It is possible that the king of Stonehenge may have had a hand in planning the monument or help transport and pull up the stones. He was the person who brought culture and new technique from the Europe to Britain ,which caused the change of an era -from Stonehenge to Bronze Age,Why is the

7、discovery important,On march ,3,2002,archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 3000BC. People got to known where the man was from by testing his bones . The discovery of the king of Stonehenge was far from important. The two earrings are not only the oldest gold ever fou

8、nd in England, but also a proof that the ancient British ere clever to make gold even in around 2,500BC. Because of his power and his successful origination of the Stonehenge ,the man got his title as the king of Stonehenge. In ancient times it was very difficult for the people to construct the Ston

9、ehenge not because the stones were huge and heavy but they couldnt use our modern machines,True or false question,suppose,Suppose your hometown found an ancient grave,some people in your town suggest digging it up, while others have different opinion. Please have a dialogue with your partner, express your ideas,Construction of Stonehenge: A process of blood, sweat, and tears,Good-bye



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