【最新】五年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 1 will you help me课件2

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1、创设情境,present,启发思考,toy panda,What about a .,What about a .,自主或小组探究,1)What present does Fangfang ask Damming to take to his cousin Simon? (2)What will Daming take for his cousin,Listen and answer,Daming: Im going to visit my cousinin New York. His name is Simon. What present can I take? Fangfang: What

2、 about chopsticks? Daming: I think hes got chopsticks. His mother is Chinese,怎么样? 我们可以用它来提出建议噢! 例如,What about some apples,Were going to have a picnic. What can I take,What about going shopping,What about,Fangfang: What about a kite? Daming: Good idea! Ill make a kite! Fangfang: But will it be windy

3、in NewYork? Daming: I think so,我认为 我们可以用它来表达自己观点噢! 例如,I think so. I dont think so,我也这么认为的/我想是的。 我认为不/我不这样想,I think,Daming: Will you help me? Fangfang: Of course I will,Will you help me? 你将会帮我吗? 两种回答形式: 肯定Of course, I will/Yes, I will. 否定No, I wont(Sorry, I wont,Fangfang: Daming, your cousin will lov

4、e this kite. Its a Chinese dragon. Daming: Thank you for your help. It will be a great present,Daming is going to visit his cousin in _.His name is _.Daming will not take _.He will make a _. It will be _ in New York. _ will help Daming.Simon will love this kite.Its a _,New York,Simon,chopsticks,Chin

5、ese kite,windy,Fangfang,Chinese dragon,Fill in blanks,Read in role,Practise,wear a coat,play the computer,fly a kite,read a book,have a hamburger,play football,Of course I will,协作交流,老师准备了一些卡片,写上go shopping 、play basketball等词组和一些问题。把问题和卡片发到不同的学生手中,请他们就问题提问。比如:Will you go shopping tomorrow?去提问拿到卡片的同学,谁找到的答案比较多,谁就胜出,Game: 找朋友,总结提高,Will you . ? 两种回答形式: 肯定Of course, I will/Yes, I will. 否定No, I wont(Sorry, I wont,1. 听读本课内容5遍。 2. 写一写你的暑假计划,Homework,五年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 1 will you help me课件2 外研版(一起)-外研级下册英语课件,五年级英语下册 Module 8 unit 1 will you help me课件2 外研版(一起)-外研级下册英语课件


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