【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件1

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《【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件1(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、the Five-finger Mountains,the Ming Tombs,Chinatown,the Summer Palace,the White House,the Kite Square,the Mountain Tai,the Stonehenge,Can you speak famous places as many as possible? 你能尽可能多的说出一些名胜吗,brainstorm of places 名胜头脑风暴,What place is this? Its a great building in China. Its very long. Its very

2、old,the Great Wall,What building is this? Its in London. It has got an old clock on it,Big Ben,What building is this? Its in New York. Its very big and very tall. There are many countries in it,the UN building,M9U1 Do you want to visit the UN building,This is the logo of the UN,The United Nations (联

3、合的)(国家,the UN meeting,The UN was formed(成立) in 1945. then there were 52 countries. Now there are 192 countries in the UN,Can you guess its meaning? 你能猜猜它的含义吗,Listen and find: What is the UN building?(听录音,回答:什么是联合国大楼,Its a very_building in_. Its _. Its very _and very_,important,tall,big,beautiful,New

4、 York,Listen to Para 1 ,read and find:听,读课文第一段,回答问题,1. What does the UN want to do? 2. Is China in the UN,The UN wants to make peace in the world,Yes, China is one of the first countries in the UN. 中国是最早加入联合国的国家之一,Listen to Para 2 ,read and find:听,读课文第二段,回答问题,1. Has China got buildings like the UN b

5、uilding? 2. Does Daming want to go inside the UN building,Yes, weve got lots of very tall and big buildings in China,Yes, he does,Listen and repeat,Read the dialogue and find the sentences with “want to” 读课文,找出文中有want to的句子,Look, ask and answer,Do you want to ride on a bus ,Yes, I do. Do you,Do a su

6、rvey小调查,Do you want to visit,Yes, I do,No, I dont,Do you want to visit,Where do you want to visit,I want to visit,展示方式一:组长汇报 In our group, I want to visit wants to visit wants to visit wants to visit,show time! 展示时间,展示方式二: 小组对话,Homework: 1. Listen and read the text.听读课文 Ask where do your parents want to visit. 询问父母他们想去哪里参观,Thank you,I words,World 世界 Peace 和平 Countrycountries 国家 Important 重要的 Inside 在里面 Kangaroo 袋鼠,II phrases,1. make peace 维持和平 2. in the world 在世界上 3.the UN building 联合国大楼 4. one of 之一 5. want to 想要 6.first countries 第一批国家 7. go inside 进入 8. all right 好吧,III sentences


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