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1、高三新题型读后续写不同主题分析-教育孩子有爱心板块一-例文 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Recently I graduated from high school, and as a gift I received a huge hunch of flowers, 40 to be exact! I had so many that I didnt know what to do with them. The next weekend my niece and nephew, Sue and Mike, aged 6 and 7, came and

2、 suddenly I had an idea. I might let them give out these flowers to people they met on the street, and in this way they could learn how to be friendly to others. So I told them about my plan and explained that these flowers would make people feel happy and smile. They loved the idea and were eager t

3、o have a try. So at once we took every single flower and tied a smile card to it. We then went to the street with the flowers.The first flower went to a policeman. As soon as she saw the policeman, my niece ran up to him and handed him a flower. His smile was so big, but hers was even bigger!In no t

4、ime, we neared the end of our flowers. It was lunch time and we went to Subway for lunch. There the kids gave a flower to the waitress, who was really excited to receive the flower. As we were eating our lunch, the waitress came up to the kids with two big chocolate cookies! She said the chocolate c

5、ookies were for them and that she really liked the flower! As they ate the cookies, my niece and nephew looked at me with the biggest smiles I had ever seen.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。With just one flower left, I said it should be given to the person who needed it most._It turned out to be

6、 a great day for us._【答案】With just one flower left I said it should be given to the person who needed it most. Just then, my nephew caught sight of an old woman in a wheelchair nearby. “I think shes the very person for the flower. She lives a hard life because of bad health. She needs smiles most,”

7、said my nephew. With these words, my nephew, followed by my niece, took the flower up to her. You can imagine how happy the old woman looked! She smiled, and gave each of the kids a big kiss.It turned out to be a great day for us. We spread a lot of smiles by giving out flowers, and received a lot o

8、f smiles in return. The flowers not only made us feel good about ourselves, but also made 40 other people feel happy. I feel there is nothing more enjoyable than being friendly to people. Meanwhile, the kids learned an important lesson in the process. In fact, they cant wait until next time they hav

9、e such a chance again. They want to give out more flowers!【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,作者高中毕业时收到了很多鲜花,他打算让侄子侄女们把花送给别人,用这样的方式让他们知道如何对别人友好。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:只剩下一朵花了,我说应该给最需要的人,所以应该写谁是最需要这朵花的人。要详细描述为什么这个人是最需要这朵花的,同时要刻画当这个人收到花时的感受与表现等。第二段开头是:这对我们来说是伟大的一天。本段应该写我和侄子侄女通过送花这件事的感受及明白的道理。续写时要求短文的词数应为150左右

10、,所以要提前构思,抓住重点,避免长篇大论。【点睛】续写部分描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:catch sight of;morethan;cant wait ;give out等高级词汇;With these words,followed by my niece复合结构作状语等高级句式。版块二-读后续写精彩词句集锦身体动作headHehung / dropped / lowered / bent / bowed his headin shame.他羞愧地低下了头。Theynodded their headsin agreement.他们点头同意。Sheshook her headi

11、n disbelief.她怀疑地摇摇头。Hescratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。scratch skrtv 抓;挠Sheburied her headin the pillow.她用枕头捂住脑袋。Sherested her headon his shoulder.她将头靠在他的肩膀上。His headdroopedand tears fell into his lap.他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。droop dru:pvi低垂,垂落I fell asleep as soon as my headhitthe

12、pillow.我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。Heput / held his headin his hands, greatly annoyed.他双手抱头,十分生气。It neverentered my headthat he might be lying.我从未想过他会是在撒谎。I decided to go for a walk toclear my head.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。He could feel his headspinningafter only one drink.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。spin spinv旋转;眩晕He turned andheaded fort

13、he door.他转身朝门口走去。She stood up andheaded towardsthe exit. 她起身朝出口走去。 板块三-能力提升(现学现用)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。From the first day he entered my classroom, Willard P. Frank existed in his own world, shutting out his classmates and me. My attempts at building a friendly relationshi

14、p with him were met with complete indifference. I could see that his classmates fared no better. Willard was strictly a loner who seemed to have no desire or need to break his silenceShortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received word of the annual Christmas collection of money for the less fortunate people in our school district. “Christmas is a s


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