20192020高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp Bulletin Board课件 北师大选修7(通用)

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20192020高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp Bulletin Board课件 北师大选修7(通用)_第1页
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《20192020高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp Bulletin Board课件 北师大选修7(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20192020高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅳ Communication WorkshopLanguage AwarenessCulture Corner &ampamp;amp Bulletin Board课件 北师大选修7(通用)(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner suppose that 3. to make sb.feel shy,awkward or ashamed 4. a person who makes a formal request for sth. 5. the ability to do sth. 6. thank you 7. an object shaped like a ball;the world 8. a person whose job is to cut mens hair 9. to clo

2、se or join together the two parts of sth. 10. a woman whose job is to take care of passengers on a plane,a ship or a train,apply,provided that,embarrass,competence,cheers,globe,barber,fasten,stewardess,一,二,三,四,五,11. an official rule 12. the act of sb.cutting your hair 13. a person who takes part in

3、a sport or other activity for enjoyment or interest,not as a job 14. at the arranged or correct time;not late 15. a small enclosed place where you can make a telephone call 16. in a way that shows what you really feel,regulation,haircut,amateur,punctual,booth,sincerely,一,二,三,四,五,三、词汇拓展 1. n.申请人 n.申请

4、 v.申请 2. n.能力 adj.有能力的,足以胜任的 3. n.登记;注册 vt.登记 4. n.地球 adj.全球的 5. n.男乘务员 n.女乘务员 6. adj.业余的 adj.专业的(反义词,applicant,application,apply,competence,competent,registration,register,globe,global,steward,stewardess,amateur,professional,一,二,三,四,五,7. vt.使窘迫,使困惑 adj.局促不安的,令人为难的 adj.窘迫的,尴尬的 n.窘迫;尴尬 8. n.理发师 n.理发店

5、,embarrass,embarrassing,embarrassed,embarrassment,barber,barbershop,一,二,三,四,五,四、用所给单词的适当形式填空并归纳 1.It is (know) that he has never belonged to a trade union. 2.It is (say) that his novel has been translated into several foreign languages. 3.It is (report) that he was arrested for drunk driving. 4.It i

6、s (hope) that fine weather will continue next week. 5.It is (suggest) that we go there by bus. 总结:以上句子都使用了相同的句型,即:“It+be+过去分词,known,said,reported,hoped,suggested,that从句,一,二,三,四,五,五、阅读课文,选择最佳答案 1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph? A.George found a giant tortoi

7、se on the Galapagos Islands. B.George has been greatly influenced by the public as a celebrity. C.George was discovered more than forty years ago on the island of Pinta. D.George is known as the last surviving member of the tortoises. 2.How many reasons for the decline of the numbers of Galapagos to

8、rtoises are mentioned in the text? A.2.B.3. C.4.D.5,C,B,一,二,三,四,五,3.We may infer from the text that the writers attitude to the future of Lonesome George is . A.optimisticB.objective C.worriedD.unconcerned,C,1,2,3,1.The right choice for all applicants (Page 12) 所有申请者的正确选择 考点applicant n.申请人 As the wa

9、ges were low,there were few applicants for the job. 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。 So what is the procedure? 那么程序是什么呢? All the applicants are interviewed before a final decision is made by the authority. 所有的申请人在官方做出最终决定之前都要被面试。 The secretary arranged a convenient time and place for the applicants to have an int

10、erview. 秘书安排了合适的时间和地点让申请人面试,1,2,3,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出其中黑体词的词性或词组及含义 【高考典句】(2016浙江卷)When the time came to make the final decision for a course,I decided to apply for the one that reflected my interest. 词性 含义 Hi,lets go skating. Sorry,Im busy right now.I am filling in an application form for a new job. 词性

11、含义 This invention has wide applications. 词性 含义,动词,申请,名词,申请,名词,应用,1,2,3,He applied to the college for a scholar. 词组 含义 We should apply advanced technology to industry. 词组 含义 This rule doesnt apply to the students who live in school. 词组 含义 You should apply yourself to your study. 词组 含义,apply to.for,向申

12、请,apply. to,把应用于,apply to,适应于,apply oneself to,专心于,1,2,3,applicant主要考查词义和相关同根词,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,2.Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.(Page 12) 第三,你们说,只要我提前付款就有折扣。 考点provided that 如果,条件是 (引导条件状语从句) Well buy everything you produce provided that the price is right.

13、只要价格合理,我们将采购你们的所有产品。 I will go,provided that you go too. 你也去的话我就去。 We shall go provided that the weather is fine. 只要天晴,我们就去。 考点延伸 suppose (that),supposing (that)和provided (that)都可以引导条件状语从句,表示假设,相当于if,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,3.I was so embarrassed.(Page 133,听力材料) 我非常尴尬。 考点embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬 He didnt mean

14、 to embarrass you. 他不是成心让你难堪。 An important negative effect of gossip is that it embarrasses the listener. 谣言的一个重要的负面影响就是让听者尴尬,1,2,3,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性或词组及含义 He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention. 词性 含义 The embarrassing situation last night made him embarrassed. 词性 含义 Much to her emb

15、arrassment,she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing. 词性 词组 含义,形容词,感到尴尬的,形容词,令人尴尬的,名词,to ones embarrassment,令人尴尬的是,1,2,3,embarrass主要考查词义和词形转换,1,2,3,1,2,3,语法指南 非人称转述结构 转述人们的一般认识或说的话时,我们可以用It+is/was+动词的被动式结构,如:predict,say,know,believe,claim,suppose,think,fear等动词,这一结构称为非人称转述结构。 It i

16、s said that body language is used in almost every place. 据说,肢体语言几乎用于每一个地方。 It was feared that the earthquake occurred suddenly when they were having classes. 人们担心,他们上课时突然发生地震,1,2,3,考点延伸 此类句型可转换成另一种句型,可以把有关的人和事放在句首,后面用不定式结构: sb./sth.+be predicted/said.to do. It is predicted that we will have a better environment to study English. =We are predicted to have a better environment to study English. 据预测,我们将有个更好的学习英语的环境。 注意:不定式的时态变化 如果转述的动作发生于转述的同一时间,用动词不定式的一般式:It is known that they prefer reading Engli


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