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1、扬州广陵区XX小学三年级英语下册期中练习卷 姓名:一、选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同一类的选项。(8分)( )1.A. desk B. chair C. bird( )2.A. talk B. class C. drink( )3.A. he B. she C. its( )4.A. where B. this C. that( )5.A. on B. not C. in( )6.A. ruler B. robot C. rubber( )7. A. morning B. evening C. good( )8.A. window B. pencil case C. schoolbag二英汉

2、互译:(10分)1.关门 6.in the library 2.在书桌后面 7.how beautiful 3.在椅子下面 8.Dont shout. 4.我的铅笔 9. Is that a robot? 5.打开你的书 10. over there 三、单项选择。(10分)( )1. the blackboard, please. A. Look B. Look at C. Open( )2. talk in the library. A. Please B. dont C. Dont( )3. Listen Miss Li. A. in B. now C. to( )4. This cak

3、e is you. A. for B. to C. at( )5. this an English book? A. its B It C. Is( )6. you like a ball? A. What B. Whats C. Would( ) 7. Dont run, Mike. _A. Im sorry. B. No. Thank you. C. Hello, Mr Green.( )8. Is that pencil case? A. you B your C. I( )9. my rubber? Its in the box. A. Whats B. Where C. Wheres

4、( )10. Is it in your schoolbag? No, . A. it is B. it isnt C. he isnt四、根据情景选择最佳答案,把序号填在括号里。(6分)( )1. 你想知道自己的短裙在哪里,你可以问: A. Is this my skirt? B. Where is your skirt? C. Where is my skirt?( )2. 你想告诉同学这不是你的小汽车,你可以说:A. This is a car. B. Is that my car? C. This isnt my car.( )3. 同学给你看他新买的夹克衫,你可以说:A. Here

5、you are. B. Its red. C. Wow, how beautiful!( )4. 你想提醒朋友不要在公交车上跑,你可以说:A. Dont eat,my puppy. B. Dont sleep, my dear . C. Dont run, my friend.( )5. 风筝飞到了树上,你可以说:A. Its on the tree. B. Its in the tree. C. Hes in the tree.( )6. 当妈妈找不到饭盒,你发现了,可以说:A. Its here. B. Its not my lunch box. C. Thank you.五、连词成句(1

6、0分)1. beside, she , tree, is , the ( . ) 2. not , a , red , that , car , is ( . ) 3. this , a , beautiful , is bird ( ? ) 4. is , your , where , pencil case , new ( ? ) 5. you , thank , are , here , you (. . ) 六、从 II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。(6分)( )1. Please sit down. A. How nice!( )2. Whats that? B. Hes behind

7、 the door.( )3. This is my doll. C. Its in the bag.( )4. Wheres Bobby? D. Its a bag.( )5. Where is the egg? E. Yes, it is.( )6. Is this your CD?. F. Yes, Mr. Green.七、 根据图片内容,填入所缺单词。(7分)1. A: this your , Liu Tao? B: No, isnt. A: your pen ?B: Its the book.2. This is a . That is a . 八阅读短文。(5 分)Tim: Whe

8、res my cap? Wheres my cap?Mike: Dont shout,Tim.Tim: I cant find my cap.Mike: Is it behind the door? Close the door,please.Tim: No,its not here.Mike: Open your big English book. Is it in the book?Tim: No, its not here.Mike: Oh , no. Touch(触摸) your head (头).Tim: Oh ,Im sorry , Mike. My cap is on my he

9、ad .( )1.Tim cant find his A . cup B. cat C. cap( )2.The cap behind the door . A. is B . isnt C . are( )3.Is this cap in the book? A. Yes ,it is . B . No ,it is . C . No ,it isnt .( )4. “ your head .”Mike said. A . Eat B. Shout C. Touch ( )5 .Tim found(找到) his cap at last.(最后)A . on his head B . in the book . C . behind the door


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