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1、三年级下册Unit1-Unit4 易错题一、英汉翻译。1.一块橡皮_ _ 2.打开窗户_ _ _3.Dont stand here._4.喝牛奶_5.在门后 _ 6.这只蓝色的铅笔_7.那把尺子_ 8.我的鸟 _9.在树上_ 10.在你的椅子下面_二、选择题( ) 1.Wang Bing,_ the parrot.A.look B.look at C. listen( ) 2.A:This is my _. B:Nice to meet you ,_ Black.A.sister ; Mr B.father;Mr C.father , Miss( ) 3.Bobby_two big_.A.is

2、 ;robot B.has;robots C.has;robot ( )5.Whats _ over there?Its a rubber. A.this B.that C. the( )6.That _ a ruler.Thats a pencil. Oh I see.A is B. isnt C. /( )7. _ the window. Its too hot.(太热了)A.Please close B.Please dont close C.Dont open( )8. _ is this? Its a rubber.A.Whats B.What C.Where( )9.- _is y

3、our rubber? -Its in the desk. A.Where B. This C. What( ) 10. _ an English book? A. This is B.That is C. Is this( ) 11.-Is this my crayon? -_ A. Yes, this is. B. Yes,it is. C. No, it is.( )12.-Whats that? -Its _ English book.A.a B./ C.an( ) 13. _ . Your book is under the desk. A.Look. B./ C.Look at.(

4、 ) 14. _ my doll. Its so beautiful. A.Look. B./ C.Look at.三情景题( ) 1.外面太热了,老师想让迈克打开窗户,可以说:A. Open the door, Mike. B. Please open the window, Mike.( ) 2.上音乐课时,刘涛一直在讲话,老师对他说A. Please talk and listen to the CD. B. Dont listen to the CD.C. Dont talk! Listen to the CD.( )3.当你想询问那人,那是否是他的钢笔时,你可以说A.Is this

5、your pen? B.Is that your pencil? C.Is that your pen?( )4._Yang Ling? Shes_ the door.A.Whats, behind B.Wheres, beside C.Whats, in ( )5.婉言谢绝别人提供给你的食物,你可以说:A.Thank you. B.Yes,please. C.No,thanks.( )6.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:_. A. Wheres my car? B. Its over there. C. That is your book.( )7.当你想询问Mike手中是不是他的钢笔

6、时,你会说:_. A. That is your pen. B. Is that your pen? C. Is that your pencil?( )8.你想告诉对方短裙不在那儿,可以说:_ A.Wheres the skirt? B. The skirt is not here. C.The skirt isnt over there.( )9.外面刮风了,妈妈会对你说:_ A.Please open the window. B.Please open the door. C.Please close the window.( )10.上课了,老师走进教室,班长会说:_. A. Stan

7、d up. B. Sit down. C. Come in.( )11.上课了,同学们起立,老师对大家说:_.A.Stand up. B. Sit down. C. Come in.四选择不同类的一项( )1.A.Miss B.Mike C.Yang Ling ( ) 2.A.down B.sit C.up ( ) 3.A.he B.your C.I ( ) 4.A.this B.is C.the ( ) 5.A.pen B.blue C.rubber ( ) 6.A.in B.class C.at ( ) 7.A.my B.your C.she五连词成句( 注意开头首字母大写,末尾加上标点勿

8、忘)1、is, rubber,this, you, for ( . )_2、is, your , that , book ( ? ) _3、beautiful, is, a, doll, this ( . ) _4、is, this, T-shirt, my, not ( . ) _5.is, here, Miss Li, not ( . ) _6.pen,the, is, desk, the, on ( . ) _ 六将下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。A.LiuTao,dontopenyourbook.B.Imsorry,MissLi.C.Goodmorning,classD.Stan

9、dupE.Thankyou,MissLiFItsyellow.H.Goodmorning,MissLiG.Whatcolourisit?I.Itsaparrot.J.Lookattheblackboard.whatsthis?Sitdown,please.DAA. Is this your pencil?B. What colour is your pencil?C.No,it isnt.D. Yes, it is. Thank you.E. Where s my pencil?F. Its green.G. Look! thats a green pencil. Is that your pencil?七根据上下文情境,选择合适单词。A:Good _. B:GoodafternoonA:Lookatthe_. _isthis? B:Its a _.A:What_ is it? B:Its_.( )1.Amorning B.afternoon C.evening( )2.Ablackboard Bparrot Cjacket( )3.A.How B.Would C.What( )4.A.ball B.new C.red ( )5.A.friend B.colour C.great( )6.A.sweet B.new C.brown


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