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1、英语单词1、give,especially as the result of an official decision单选题A grantB awardC accessD allure 正确答案:B 2、needing the full use of ones abilities and effort单选题A corporateB diplomaC challengingD competition 正确答案:C 3、a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other单选题A competitionB corp

2、orateC eligibleD facilitate 正确答案:A 4、forming a single group单选题A enteerpriseB electC diplomaD corporate 正确答案:D 5、a document showing that a student has successfully completed their high school,college or university单选题A electB diplomaC privateD exploit 正确答案:B 6、make able,fit,or prepared单选题A propertyB j

3、ointC equipD exploit 正确答案:C 7、giving and receiving in return (something of the same type or equal value)单选题A exchangeB exploitC necessaryD choose 正确答案:A 8、use for advantage单选题A equipB completeC electD exploit 正确答案:D 9、a high-ranking member of an oxford or cambridge college单选题A innovationB jointC fel

4、lowD higher 正确答案:C 10、give,especially as a favor单选题A awareB privateC generateD grant 正确答案:D 11、more advanced,especially in development,organization,or knowledge needed单选题A fellowB innovationC higherD tutorial 正确答案:C 12、the introduction oof new things单选题A innovationB institutionC regionalD religious

5、正确答案:A 13、an organization,usually a long-established or well respected one单选题A campaignB impressionC federalD institution 正确答案:D 14、shared by two or more people单选题A eligibleB jointC rigorousD criterion 正确答案:B 15、set in a certain place单选题A restrictB locateC nationalityD detailed 正确答案:B 16、not intende

6、d for everyone,but for a particular person or chosen group单选题A privateB propertyC placementD marketing 正确答案:A 17、something which is owened单选题A privateB federalC griefD property 正确答案:D 18、keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit单选题A strictB rigorousC restrictD regional 正确答案:C 19、a f

7、ormal,official,or business plan单选题A rangeB schemeC corporateD eligible 正确答案:B 20、keep watch over(a job or activity,or the people doing it) as the person in charge单选题A superviiseB ventureC intrigueD criterion 正确答案:A 21、personal and physical comfort,especially food,health and happiness单选题A listingB in

8、trigueC institutionD well-being 正确答案:D 22、(happening,appearing,etc.)every year or once a year单选题A accessB annualC interigueD tutor 正确答案:B 23、find information,especially on a computer单选题A accessB annualC citerionD elevate 正确答案:A 24、an outdoor game between two terms of nine players单选题A basketballB bas

9、eballC exhibitD receive 正确答案:B 25、press the button of the mouse单选题A criterionB clickC detailedD exhibit 正确答案:B 26、a place where business agreements or arrangements are made单选题A accessB versionC dealershipD detailed 正确答案:C 27、raise,especially to a higher rank or position单选题A electB entryC listingD el

10、evate 正确答案:D 28、a piece of information that is written or included in a list,a book,etc.单选题A entryB exhibitC exchangeD detailed 正确答案:A 29、connected with money单选题A entryB financialC listingD recruiter 正确答案:B 30、working or giving work during the whole of the usual working period单选题A high-techB liberal

11、-artsC intrigueD full-time 正确答案:D 31、high techology单选题A full-timeB high-techC intrigueD liberal-arts 正确答案:B 32、most university subjects except science,mathematics,and practical subjects that prepare one directly for a job单选题A full-timeB high-techC intrigueD liberal-arts 正确答案:D 33、send or direct to(a

12、nother place or person)for information,decision,or action单选题A referB refugeeC placementD version 正确答案:A 34、someone who has been forced to leave his country for political reasons or during a war单选题A refeerB refugeeC recruiterD entry 正确答案:B 35、shop assistant单选题A eligibleB rangeC salesclerkD scan 正确答案:C 36、look at quickly,often looking for a particular thing单选题A salesclerkB clickC segmentD scan 正确答案:D 37、any of the parts in too which something can be cut or divided单选题A segmentB scanC salescler



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