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1、Unit 2 What s the matter知识点概括1. have a _ 胃疼2. have a _感冒3. have a _ 发烧4. have a _疼痛5. have a _ 咳嗽6.have a _牙疼7. have a _ throat 咽喉疼8. have a sore back 背疼=have a backache9. lie down 躺下10. have a _ 休息一会11. hot tea _ honey加蜂蜜的热茶12. _ a dentist 看牙医13. drink _water 多喝水14. _ Chinesedoctors 传统中医15. be _out

2、 有压力的16. a balance of yin andyang 阴阳平衡17. forexample 例 如18._quiet=_quiet 保持安静19. too _ yin 太多的阴20. be angry_ sb对某人生气21. _medicine 吃药22. eat a balanced diet饮食平衡23. on the other hand 另一方面24. get _ 疲倦的25.at the _此刻 目前26. have a lot ofheadaches经常疼痛27. host family 房东28._ better 感觉好些29._ countries 西方国家重点句

3、子1.whatthes matter with you ?你怎么啦? =what swithyou ?=what s the t_?2.I m sorry to hear that.3.It s +adj +for (of) sb +to do sth(1).It s very important to eat a balanced diet.(2).It s very kind (nice) of you to help me4. She should go to bed early.5. He shouldn t eatthingany= He should eat _.6. He may

4、 know = _he knowsHe may be at home.= Maybe he isat home.7. I m not feeling well = I don t feel well=I feel ill.=I feel terrible.8. I hope you feel better soon.9. Taking exercise is good for your_ 健康 .10. I m sorry to hear that.单元练习一、抛砖引玉1.Open your mand say ah.2.I have a hand have to see the doctor.

5、3.He didn stop playing computer games uhis mother camehome from work.二、介词 (副词 )填空1.Can you give me some advice ()how to learn English well.2.His father is angry ()him ()his bad grades.3. You should have a good sleep ()a few nights.4.Ifyou don tknowhow to doit, you shouldask your friends()advice.三、单词

6、百变1.Respecting(尊敬 ) the old and loving the young are our Chinese good()(traditional).2.He got a strange(奇怪 ) ()(ill).The doctor dontknowhow tohelp him .3.() (eat) Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for your health.4.He has a toothache,and needs ( )(see) a dentist.四、单项选择1I was ()last night and b

7、ecame a ()man.A illillB sicksickC illsickD sickill2.She is () quiet girl and hardly speaks to her classmates.A suchB soC such aD so a3.There are ()many interesting books in the library that we like toread books there.A suchB soC such aD so a4.He runs ()fast that nobody can catch up with him.A suchB

8、soC such aD so a5.She is a careful student ,and there are ()mistakes in his paper.A a fewB a littleC fewD little6.There is only ()milk in the glass and help yourself to it.A a fewB a littleC fewD little7.The cat ate up the bread and there is ()left( 剩下来 ) in the plate.A a fewB a littleC fewD little8

9、.People ()are too angry may have too much yang.A whatB whichCwhoseD who五、短语互译1.感冒2.胃疼3. 背痛4.牙痛5.休息6.发烧7.嗓子痛8.加蜂蜜的热茶9.有压力的、紧张的10.三天前11.感到口渴12.给某人某方面的建议13.对某人生气14.因某事生气15. 传统中医16.服中药17.保持健康18.此时,现在19.寄宿家庭20.西方国家21.躺下来休息22.去看牙医23.我认为如此24.阴阳平衡25.有一个健康的饮食习惯26.变得很累27.对话练习28.头痛得厉害29.早点上床睡觉六、句型转换1. What sth

10、e matter withyou?=() () withyou?=() () () with you?2.I believe he will finish his homework on time.( 变为否定句 )3.You should drink a lot of water.= You should drink () ()water.= You should drink () water.4.You shouldn t eat any more dumplings.=You should( eat )()dumplings.七、 “译”往无前1.当你胃痛的时候,你不应该吃任何东西。2.我认为平衡饮食对我们来说很重要。3.为了保持健康,请不要搞得太紧张。4.那听起来像一个好主意。


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