河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic2 Section C教案

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1、 主持人:时间参加人员刘静敏、程伟杰地点办公室主备人刘静敏课题Unit6 Topic2 Section C教学目标重、难点及考点分析Words and expressions,attributive clauses课时安排One period教具使用录音机/挂图/图片Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 8分钟)检查作业,让学生描述文学作品中他们最喜爱的人物,复习上节课的语言知识点。为导入新课作准备。1. (检查作业,让学生叙述作文My friend。)T: Now lets check up your compositions. Who can report your resul

2、t? Volunteers?S1: S2: 2. (小组讨论,孙悟空与哈利波特更喜欢哪一个?复习上节课的语言知识点。) T:Discuss in groups. Which hero do you prefer, the Monkey King or Harry Potter? Why?3. (让学生描述自己最喜欢的文学作品中的人物。) T: Please take out your literature works and describe your favorite characters. Why do you like him or her? What other characters

3、do you remember clearly? Do you like them? Why?S3: S4: Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12分钟)运用不同的教学方式呈现新词汇,然后学习1a。锻炼学生的英语阅读能力,让学生懂得珍惜友谊。1. (教师用不同的方式呈现新词汇,导入1a。)T: From Journey to the West, we know the Monkey King was set free by a Tang dynasty monk, Xuanzang. The Monkey King won every battle for Xuan

4、zang with the help of Pigsy and Sandy. They helped each other and succeeded in finishing their tasks. Now we certainly know friendship is very important to us. However, arguments are common between friends. How can we deal with them? First, lets learn some new words. Next, maybe we can get some help

5、 from the story Sand and Stone.(板书并要求学生掌握set free;理解argument。)set freeargument(1) (利用构词法学习生词。)eraser (n.)erase (v.) erase from gold (n.)golden (adj.)(2) (利用英文解释学习生词。)mud = very wet earthsink = go downslap = a quick hit with the flat part of the hand(板书并要求学生掌握golden;理解mud和sink;了解slap和erase。)erasemud

6、erase from goldensink slap2.(教师出示小黑板上的问题,让学生阅读1a后回答问题。)T: I believe you can help each other, and everyone should have the grateful heart. Here is a story with the idea of it. Lets come to 1a and read the story Sand and Stone. Then answer the following questions.(出示小黑板。) (1)How many people are there

7、in the story?(2)Where did the story happen?(3)What did the tall boy do when he had an argument with his friend?(4)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend hurt him?(5)What happened in the pond?(6)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend saved him?(7)What did he mean by

8、his last words?(核对答案。)(以下是几个问题的答案,板书以备学生复述。)(1) There are two people in the story.(2) The story happened in a desert.(3) He slapped his friend in the face.(4) He wrote in the sand.(5) The short boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink.(6) He wrote on a stone.(7) If someone hurts me, Ill be angry

9、 but try to forget it and forgive the person. If someone gives me help, Ill be thankful to him and try to remember him forever.3. (让学生用自己的话复述课文,要求用记叙文。)T: Please retell the story with the sentences above.(读课文,进一步理解故事。找出在课文中遇到的疑难点。)T: Now well, stop here. Lets read the text again and have a further u

10、nderstanding of 1a. And find out the difficult points.(教师帮助学生解决疑难点,并板书疑难点。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)根据1a,让学生讨论1b的问题,完成1b。教育学生应该学会宽容,并乐于与他人合作。1. (根据短文,让学生回答问题,完成1b中第一个问题,为下面的辩论作准备。)T: Do you agree that it is good to forgive your friends when they hurt you? Why?S1:Yes. I agree, because.S2:

11、 Yes, I agree, because (教师作出总结,教育学生正确认识自己的优点与不足,学会宽容并乐于与他人合作。)T: OK. You did a good job. You can solve the problem according to your own ideas. But remember the proverbs: Two heads are better than one. One tree cant make a forest. One more friend, one more way. We should always be thankful and grate

12、ful to others. We should cherish friendship. Then we can get more happiness from our life.2. (两人合作完成1b中的2。)T: Please work in pairs to finish 2 of 1b.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)要求用尽量多的定语从句,介绍2a图片上的中外著名文学家及其作品,然后讨论2b中的问题,完成2a和2b。让学生了解中外文学家及文学作品。1. (展示图片,介绍中外著名文学家及其作品。) T: Please look at the pictu

13、res in 2a. Lets understand the literati at home and abroad and their works.2. (把学生分成两组,一组代表中国,另一组代表其他国家,帮助他们用定语从句对2a图片上的人物进行描述。)T: Ill divide the class into two groups. One stands for China and the other stands for foreign countries. Describe the persons on the pictures using attributive clauses.Exa

14、mple:Bing Xin is a famous writer who is known for writing childrens works.3. (两人一组讨论2b中问题,完成2b。) T: Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in 2b. Finish 2b.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究(时间: 5分钟)把3中短语和图片连接起来,讲述美猴王的故事。完成3。综合训练学生读、写、说能力,培养学生的合作精神。1. (让学生先看3中的图片,分析其所描述的内容,并将其与描述性短句对应上。)T: Look at the pictures i

15、n 3 and match them with the expressions above.(对6幅图逐一描述,核对答案。)T: Lets look at these pictures. Who can describe them?S1: The Monkey King is born from a magic stone.S2: The Monkey King has a fantastic golden iron bar.S3: The Monkey King is fighting against the gods.S4: The Monkey King is held under a mountain.S5: The Monkey King is set free by a Tang dynasty monk, Xuanzang.S6: The Monkey King helps Xuanzang travel to the West with Pigsy and Sandy.2. Homework:Accord


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