牛津译林版英语期末复习专题(8A Unit6)

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1、初二英语期末复习专题(8A Unit6)一、核心词汇1nature 72考点点拨 nature意为“大自然,自然界”,其形容词形式为natural,意为“大自然的”。如:a nature reserve in China中国的一个自然保护区the Natural History Museum自然历史博物馆2provide vt考点点拨 provide意为“提供”。provide sth for sb.provide sb. with sth为某人提供某物。如:provide a service for the public为公众服务The local government provides u

2、s with basic infrastructure当地政府为我们提供基础设施。3while conj.考点点拨 while作“然而;可是”讲时,连接两个并列的句子,表示对比关系。如:He went out for a walk, while I stayed at home.他出去散步了,而我却待在家里。4stay n考点点拨 stay作名词,意为“停留,逗留”,其动词形式为stay。如:go to Beijing for a short stay去北京短暂待一阵stay at home待在家里stay healthy保持健康Can you stay with us over the we

3、ekend?这个周末你能和我们待在一起吗?5space n考点点拨space为不可数名词,作“空间”讲时可用room代替,此时的room也为不可数名词。make space/room for为留空间,为腾出地方;take up space/room占据空间。space还可意为“太空”。如:in space在太空中time and space时间和空间The big box takes up too much space in my bedroom.这个大盒子占用了我卧室太多地方。6. lead vi& vt考点点拨 lead意为“领导,带领”,是不规则动词,过去式和过去分词都是led。lead

4、er可数名词,意为“领导者;领导”。lead sb. to someplace带领某人去某处。如:She will lead you to the bus station她将带你去公交车站。lead sb. to do sth致使诱使某人做某事。如:What led you to think so?什么致使你这么想的?lead to意为“(道路)等通往;导致引起(结果等)”。如:All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马。7tourist n考点点拨tourist意为“旅行者,观光者”,相当于travellervisitor。tour名词,意为“旅行,观光”。如:Few tou

5、rists go sightseeing there很少有游客去那儿观光。8introduce vt考点点拨(1)introduce表示“介绍”时,主要用于介绍两个不认识的人互相认识,或是向听众或观众宣布并介绍演讲者或广播、节目等的细节。如:Allow me to introduce my wife.请允许我介绍一下我的太太。It is my pleasure to introduce tonights speaker.我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。(2) introduce后面习惯上不带双宾语,要表示把某人物介绍给另一人,可用introduce sb./sth. to sb结构。如:让我把我的

6、朋友介绍给你。正:Let me introduce my friend to you.误:Let me introduce you my friend.汉语中说“作自我介绍”,英语中用introduce oneself,如:Permit me to introduce myself.请允许我介绍自己。(3)有时汉语中说“介绍”,其实是指“推荐”,此时应用recommend,而不能用introduce。如:Can you recommend me a good book to read?你能给我介绍一本好书读吗?二、核心句型1. It is one of the worlds most impo

7、rtant wetlands.它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。考点点拨 one of意为“当中之一”,后面跟复数名词或代词。one of作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。如:One of us is from Suzhou.我们当中有一人来自苏州。Millie is one of the tallest girls in our class.米莉是我们班最高的女生之一。2. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.许多鸟长年生活在扎龙,而有些鸟则仅是去那儿短暂停留一阵。考点点

8、拨 all year round全年,长年,一年到头。如:Our company sells fresh fruit all year round.我们公司一年四季出售时鲜果品。Do you exercise all year round?你一年到头都锻炼吗?3. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.一些人为了有更多地方建农场和大楼而想减少湿地面积。考点点拨 in order to意为“为了,以便”,表示做某事的目的,后面跟动词原形,该

9、结构可以转换为“in order that+从句”,其否定形式是in order not to do sth。如:She studied very hard in order to pass the exam She studied very hard in order that she could pass the exam.她非常努力地学习以便能通过考试。She got up very early in order not to be late again为了不再迟到,她很早就起床了。4. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife

10、.这将导致野生动物的生活空间越来越少。考点点拨 less and less space越来越少的空间。表示“越来越”,用“比较级+ and+比较级”结构。如:As autumn comes, days get shorter and shorter, andnights get longer and longer.随着秋天的到来,白天越来越短,夜晚越来越长。Our school gets more and more beautiful.我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。5. Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there.而且,渔民们一直在那儿捕鱼。考点点拨 keep

11、(sb.) doing sth(使某人)一直做某事;keep sb. from doing sth阻止某人做某事;keep sb.sth+adj.使某人或某物如:Why does he keep forgetting what he should remember?他为什么总是忘记他应该记住的东西呢?三、重点语法1用动词不定式表示目的不定式和不定式短语可以用作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的。为了使目的意义更加清楚或加以强调时,还可以在动词前面用in order to。如:My mum will come to my school to see me this aftern

12、oon.我妈妈今天下午将要来学校看我。Ive written it down in order not to forget.为了不忘记,我已经把它写下来了。2动词+宾语+动词不定式(1)在“动词+宾语+动词不定式”结构中,动词不定式作宾语补足语。用于该结构的常见动词(短语)有:advise, ask, invite, order, teach, tell, need, allow, encourage, remind, require, want, warn, would like等。作宾语补足语的动词不定式的否定式直接在不定式符号to前面加not。如:We have invited Mr S

13、un to come to our party.我们已经邀请孙老师来参加我们的聚会了。I warned you not to go near the dog. It might bite people.我提醒过你不要接近那条狗。它可能会咬人。(2)有些动词可以跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。这类动词(短语)常见的有:make,let,have,see, watch,hear,listen to和look at等。如:I often see Millie sit there.我经常看到米莉坐在那儿。(3)作动词help的宾语补足语的动词不定式可以加to,也可以不加to(美国人常不加to)。如

14、:Would you please help me (to) clean the windows, Lucy?露西,请你帮我擦一下窗户好吗?考点精练一、单项选择( )1. (2014天津)Mo Yan is one of _ writers in the world. A famous B more famous C. most famous D. the most famous( )2. (2014广东)In order _ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning. A. not to be

15、 late B. not being late C. to be late D. being late( )3. Fantawild Adventure is very popular and _tourists visit it year by year. Amore and more B fewer and fewer C. less and less Dmore or less二、根据句意及中文提示完成单词1Hard work_(导致)to success.2. You like sports, _(然而)I prefer music.3(2014阜康、米泉)We hope you can_(提供)us with some information about shopping online.4.This table takes up to


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