牛津译林版英语期末复习专题(8A Unit2)

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1、初二英语期末复习专题(8A Unit2)一、核心词汇1foreign adj考点点拨 foreign作形容词,意为“外国的”,常用在名词前修饰名词,作定语。a foreign language 一门外语;foreign countries外国;foreigner外国人。如:The best way to learn a foreign language may be to surround yourself with native speakers.学习外语的最佳方式可能就是进入到母语使用者的环境当中。Foreigners have different ways of life from us

2、.外国人的生活方式和我们的不同。He sounds like a foreigner.他的发音像个外国人。2during prep考点点拨 during介词,意为“在期间”,引导名词、代词或名词性短语,不能误用作连词来引导句子。如:误:During he was in Nanjing, he visited many places.正:While he was in Nanjing, he visited many places.正:During his stay in Nanjing, he visited many places.他在南京期间参观了许多地方。3discuss vt考点点拨

3、discuss动词,意为“讨论,议论”,后面直接跟宾语而不需要用介词,其宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词或从句,不能是动词不定式。如:Have you discussed this problem with anyone?你和谁讨论过这个问题吗?When shall we discuss this?我们何时讨论一下这个事?We briefly discussed buying a second car.我们简单讨论过再买一辆车的事儿。You need to discuss when you should go.你们需要商量一下应该什么时候动身。discuss的名词形式为discussion(讨论)

4、,have a discussion相当于discuss。如:Lets have a discussion我们讨论一下吧。4offer vt考点点拨 offer作动词,意为“主动提出,自愿给予”,offer sb. sth offer sth to sb.给某人提供某物。如:Please offer some coffee to me.Please offer me some coffee.请给我提供一些咖啡。The little boy offered his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.这位小男孩在拥挤的公交车上主动把他的座位让给了一位老太

5、太。5win vt.& vi考点点拨 win作动词,意为“赢得;赢,获胜”,其宾语是比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名词,即race,match,game,competition,war,prize之类的词,而不能是表示人的词。如:They won the match this time.这次比赛他们赢了。He won the first prize in the surfing competition他在冲浪比赛中获得了第一名。赢的宾语是人或队的名称时要用beat。如:We played very well, and we beat them at last.我们发挥得很好,最终赢了他们。We be

6、at the strongest team in the football match this time.在这次足球赛中我们战胜了最强的那个队。6real adj.考点点拨 real形容词,意为“真实的,真的”,指客观上存在的、真材实料的,而不是想象、虚构或仿造、伪造的。如:This is a story of real life. 这是一个取材于真实生活的故事。This is a real diamond这是一颗真正的钻石。二、核心句型1Whats school like?上学是什么样子的?考点点拨 Whats .like? 意为“怎么样?”,常用来询问一个人的性格。如:Whats he

7、like?他是个怎样的人?What is the weather like today?今天天气怎样?2. Among all my subjects, I like French best在我所有学科中我最喜欢法语。考点点拨 among意为“在三者或以上中”,通常用来表示范围。如:Someone is wrong among us.我们当中有人错了。They live in a small village among hills.他们居住在一个小山村里。3. Chinese students spend the most time on homework.中国学生在作业上面花的时间最多。考点

8、点拨(1)spend time/money on sth.花时间金钱在某事物上面。如:I spend about an hour on English every day.我每天大约花一小时在英语上面。Many girls spend much money on clothes.许多女孩在衣服上面花许多钱。(2) spend time/money (in) doing sth花时间金钱做某事。如:I spent about half an hour reading English in the morning.早晨我大约花了半小时读英语。He spent twenty yuan buying

9、this book他花了二十元买这本书。三、重点语法1比较事物的数量我们可以用morethan和fewer/lessthan来比较事物的数量。用the most表示最多的数量,用the fewest/the least表示最少的数量。(1)morethan比多,其中more是形容词many或much的比较级形式,后面可以跟不可数名词或复数名词。如:We need more time than you我们需要比你(们)更多的时间。(2)fewer/lessthan比少,其中fewer是形容词few的比较级,后面跟复数名词;less是形容词little的比较级,后面跟不可数名词。如:I have

10、fewer storybooks than you.我的故事书比你的少。Lucy has less meat for lunch than Lily.露西午饭吃的肉比莉莉少。(3) most是形容词many或much的最高级形式,意为“最多的”。当三者或三者以上的事物作比较时,最大的数量用the most,后面可以跟复数名词或不可数名词。如:Tom had the most rice for lunch of us three today.在我们三个人当中汤姆今天午饭吃的米饭最多。Who has the most storybooks in your class?你们班上谁的故事书最多?(4)

11、 fewest,least分别是形容词few和little的最高级形式,意为“最少的”。当三者或三者以上的事物作比较时,最少的数量用the fewest或the least。the fewest后面跟复数名词,the least后面跟不可数名词。如:Millie made the fewest mistakes in the English test.米莉在这次英语测验中犯的错误最少。Daniel has the least milk丹尼尔的牛奶最少。(5)more,most,less和least还可以用作副词,后面跟多音节形容词、副词和部分双音节形容词、副词构成相应的比较级和最高级形式。如:

12、Exercise l is more difficult than Exercise 2.练习一比练习二难。She found the job less attractive.她发觉那工作没那么有意思了。This book is the most interesting of the three.这本书是三本中最有趣的。2副词的比较级和最高级副词的比较级和最高级与形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方法相同,即单音节副词大多数在词尾分别加“-er”和“-est”构成比较级和最高级;多音节副词和部分双音节副词分别在词前加more和most构成比较级和最高级。如:fast-faste-fastest ea

13、rly-earlier-earliesthappily-more happily-most happily另外还有副词的比较级和最高级的不规则变化。如well-better-best badly-worse-worstmuch-more-most little-less-leastfar-farther/further-farthest/furthestDaniel draws the most carefully in our class.丹尼尔是我们班画得最认真的。No one can sing better than her.没有人能唱得比她更好。副词最高级前的the常常省略。如:Which sport do you like best, swimming, running or shooting?你最喜欢哪一项运动,游泳、跑步还是射击?


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