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1、Chapter 11诵读Moon, so round and yellow月亮,那么圆,那么黄Moon, so round and yellowLooking from on highHow I love to see youShining in the sky月亮,那么圆,那么黄从高处往下看我多想见到你啊在天空中闪耀Often and often I wonderWhen I see you thereHow they get to light youHanging in the air我常常在想当我看到你在那里它们是如何照亮你的悬挂在空中Where you go at morningWhe

2、n the night is pastAnd the sun comes peepingOver the hills at last你早上去哪里当夜晚过去太阳出来了终于爬过了山Sometimes I will watch you,Slyly overheadWhen you think Im sleepingSnugly in my bed有时我会看着你,狡猾地挂在头顶当你想睡觉的时候舒服地躺在我的床上阅读1The Grand Canyon大峡谷Sam and Justin are visiting the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA, for the first

3、 time. This is their conversation.山姆和贾斯汀是第一次参观美国亚利桑那州的大峡谷。这是他们的对话。Sam: Wow! This view is great.山姆:哇!这景色真美。Justin: I feel small next to it.贾斯汀:在它旁边我觉得自己很渺小。Sam: The Canyon is more than a million acres.山姆:峡谷有一百多万英亩。Justin: Really?贾斯汀:真的吗?Sam: Yes. The biggest part is 18 miles across.山姆:是的。最大的部分有18英里宽。

4、Justin: Thats really big!贾斯汀:好大啊!Sam: Look over there. You can see layers in the rock. I can see at least six.萨姆:看那边。你可以看到岩层。我至少能看见六个。Justin: One, two, three, four . I think there are more than six . five, six, seven, eight!贾斯汀:一、二、三、四我想不止六个五,六,七,八!Sam: Its so dry. I dont think anything lives here.山

5、姆:太干了。我想这里什么都没有。Justin: It does. Look down there. Flowers are growing. There are lots of different flowers and animals living here.贾斯汀:真是这样。往下看。花正在增长。有许多不同的花和动物生活在这里。Sam: Where do they get water?山姆:他们从哪里取水?Justin: From the Colorado River (科罗拉多河).It goes through the Canyon.贾斯汀:从科罗拉多河来的。它穿过峡谷。Sam: Is

6、that what shapes the rock?山姆:那是岩石的形状吗?Justin: Yes. Over millions of years.贾斯汀:是的。超过数百万年。Reading ComprehensionI. Read quickly for the topic.( B )This dialogue is mainly about_the Grand Canyon.A. what Sam and Justin do inB. what Sam and Justin see inC. how Sam and Justin get toII. Read quickly for the

7、 information you want.( C )1. Justin counts the layers, and finds there are_layers in the rock.A. sixB. seven C. eightD. nine( A )2. It is dry in the Grand Canyon, but there are still_living there.A. animals and flowersB. birds and flowersC. animals and fishesD. fishes and flowersIII. Read carefully

8、 for more information.( B )1. Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe the Grand Canyon?A. Great. B. Lifeless. C. Grand. D. Lively.( D )2. Which of the following is true according to the dialogue?A. They think the trip makes them small.B. They find the Grand Canyon is small.C. They f

9、eel bored to see rocks everywhere.D. They feel amazed at everything in the Grand Canyon.Reading-Writing ConnectionIV. Read again and prepare for writing.Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.Sam and Justin are visiting a place of interest in Arizona, USA: the Grand Canyon. It is the (1)f_ tim

10、e for them to be there. Sam finds the view (2)g_ . The Grand Canyon is more than a (3)m_ acres. The biggest part is (4)e_ miles across. Justin finds there are several layers in the rock. The Colorado River goes through the Canyon and it has shaped the amazing (5)r_ over millions of years.1. first 2.

11、 great 3. million 4. eighteen 5. rock 阅读2Snow Day下雪天John and his family just moved from Mexico (墨西哥)to Canada in December. He missed the warm sun back home and the holidays on the beaches.约翰和他的家人刚从墨西哥在12月到加拿大。他想念家乡温暖的阳光和海滩上的假期。One morning, John woke up and found it was quiet at home. He quickly dres

12、sed up and went into the kitchen. His mother said to him, “John, it snowed last night. Theres no school day today.”一天早上,约翰醒来发现家里很安静。他很快穿好衣服,走进厨房。他的妈妈对他说:“约翰,昨晚下雪了。今天不上学。”John looked outside. Everything was covered with a white blanket of snow. Few people were on the streets, and there were no cars o

13、n the roads. John pulled on his coat and gloves and ran outside. He picked up some cold, wet snow. Then he packed it into a ball and threw it at a tree. “Wow!” he shouted happily. It was his first snowball.约翰看着外面。所有的东西都盖着一层白色的雪。街上行人稀少,路上也没有汽车。约翰穿上外套,戴上手套,跑了出去。他捡起一些又冷又湿的雪。然后他把它打包成一个球,扔向一棵树。“哇!他高兴地喊道。

14、这是他的第一个雪球。Soon his friends came. They had a snow fight. John got hit on the face a few times. His face might be black and blue, but he felt excited. Later Johns friends taught him to build a snowman and they even agreed to teach him how to sled.不久他的朋友来了。他们打了一场雪仗。约翰的脸被打了几下。他的脸可能是青一块紫一块的,但他感到很兴奋。后来约翰的

15、朋友们教他堆雪人,他们甚至同意教他如何滑雪。Playing in the snow was so much fun that John didnt even feel cold.在雪地里玩太有趣了,约翰甚至不觉得冷。Reading ComprehensionI. Read quickly for the topic.( A )This passage is mainly about _.A. what John did on a snowy dayB. what a snowy day is likeC. how John learned to make a snowmanII. Read quickly for the information you want.( C )1. John lived in_before his fa


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