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1、.单项填空1(2013济宁模拟)There were several messages from people,most of _ I didnt know,on my answering machine when I got home.来源:学科网Athose BwhichCwhom Dthem解析:选 C。考查定语从句。分析句式结构可 知,如果选择 A、D 两项,则构成独立的分句,缺少连接词;B 项关系代词 which 只能指代物。C 项 whom 引导定语从句,修 饰先行词 people,并在从句中作 of 的宾语。故 C 项正确。2(2012高考江西卷)By 163 0,_ was a

2、lmost closing time,nearly all the paintings had been sold.Awhich BwhenCwhat Dthat来源:Z#xx#k.Com解析:选 A。考查非限制性定语从句。句意:到了 1630,差不多是关门的时间了,几乎所有的画都卖完了。定语从句缺少主语,使用关系代词 which 引导。when 是关系副词;what 不能引导定语从句;that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。3(2013泰安一轮质量检测)In the UK,what impressed me most was the Student Activity,_ I got lots o

3、f information outside.Awhere BthatCwhich D when解析:选 A。考查定语从句。句意:在英国,让我印象最深的是学生活动,从中我学到了很多课外知识。分析句子结构可知,先行词为 the Student Activity,从句中缺少地点状语,应用 where 引导,相当于 in which。故 A 项正确。4(2012高考安微卷)A lot of language learning,_has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents sh ould talk muc

4、h to their children during that period.Aas BitCwhich Dthis解析:选 A。考查定语从句。句意:正如被发现的那样,大量的语言学习是在人生的第一年发 生的,所以父母应当在那个时期和孩子多说话。该题解题的关键是理顺句子结构。空白处所在句为非限制性定语从句,B 和 D 可排除。还原后题干结构:has been discovered,a lot of language learning is happening in the first year of life,so parents should talk much to their childr

5、en during that period.空格处的关系词指代 a lot of language learning is happening in the first year of life 这个句子。指代某个句子时,as 引导的非限制性定语从句可后指或前指,而 which 引导的从句只能前指。此处为后指,因此 A 项正确。5(2012高考福建卷)The air quality in the city, _ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.Athat BitCas Dwhat解析:选 C。考查定语从

6、句。句意: “正如报告中所显示的,这个城市的空气质量在过去的两个月已经得到了改善”。分析句子结构可知,两个逗号之间的部分为非限制性定语从句,that 不能用于引导非限制性定语从句,it 和 what 不能作定语从句的引导词。6The engineers made two big plans for the dam,_ was never put in force.Aone of them BwhichCone of which Dboth of which解析:选 C。句意:工程师们为大坝制订了两大计划,其中一个从未实施。由逗号前后没有连接词可知,后面为非限制性定语从句,根据从句中的 was

7、及前面的 two 可知,此处指的是“其中的一个”,故选 C。7The English song calls up the happy days _ we spent together in our youth.Awhich BwhenCon which Dwhat解析:选 A。句意:这首英文歌使我们想起了年轻时一起度过的快乐的日子。先行词 days虽然表示时间,但在定语从句中作 spent 的宾语,故用关系代词 that 或 which。8The beaver chews down tress to get food and materia l_ to build its home.Awith

8、 which Bof whichCto which Dfor which解析:选 A。句意:海狸啃下树皮来获取食物并用这些树皮来建造它的房子。所选项是“介词which”引导定语从句,根据题意,表示“用”,其中的介词用 with。9Remember that there is still one point _ we must make clear at the conference tomorrow.来源:学,科,网Awhere BwhyCwhen Dthat解析:选 D。句意:记得明天的会议我们还必须弄明白一点。所选项引导定语从句,修饰先行词 point,并在从句中作 make 的宾语,故用

9、 that。where 在从句中常作地点状语;why在从句中常作原因状语;when 在从句中常作时间状语。10Last week, we watched Beijing Opera,_ style was unfamiliar to most of us.Awhat BwhichCwhere Dwhose解析:选 D。句意:上周我们观看了京剧,它的风格对我们大多数人来说很陌生。所选项引导定语从句,修饰先行词 Beijing Opera,并在从句中作定语修饰 style,故用 whose。.用适当的关系代词或副词填空1The first blog site _ makes users regis

10、ter with their real name opened in China on Monday.来源: 学| 科|网答案:that/which2Another new year is coming.Its up to all of us to fill it with things _ promise progress and happiness.答案:that/which3Can Starbucks(星巴克)find a place in China ,_ tea has been the preferred drink for hundreds of years?答案:where4T

11、he World Wide Fund for wildlife is an organization _ aim is to protect wildlife.答案:whose5The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _ he can walk correctly and safely.答案:when6This is Mr.Smith ,_ I think has something interesting to tell you.答案:who7I cant find Mr.Smith.Where did

12、you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel _ he stayed.答案:where8The students are talking about the strange stories and persons _ they met in the adventure.答案:that9Many young people end up in a job _ theyre not interested in.答案:that/which/ 不填10A computer is so useful a machine _ we can use everywh

13、ere.答案:as.阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的关系词,使短文合理、连贯So many of us hold on to little resentments(怨恨)1._ may have stemmed from an argument,a misunderstanding,or some other painful event.Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to usbelieving this is the only way 2._ we can forgive or rekindle(重新激起 )a frie

14、ndship or family relationship.A friend of mine,3._ health isnt very good, recently told me that she hasnt spoken to her son in almo st three years.She said that she and her son had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldnt speak to him again 4._ he called first.When I suggested that she be

15、the one to reach out,she resisted that he should have been the one 5._ should apologize.After a little gentle encouragement,she decided to be the first one to reach out.来源:学+ 科+网 Z+X+X+K6_ is usually the case when someone takes the chance and reaches out,everyone wins.Whenever we hold on to our anger,we turn“small s tuff”into really“big stuff”in our minds.We start to believe that our po


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