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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.黄俊杰Period 1 Section A I.Teaching Aims : 1.Talk about what you are allowed to or not allowed to do.2. Agree and disagree.3. Grammar: 被动语态(结构:be + done)4. 青少年学生应该在环保方面做那些事情。II. Key Point :1. Understand the important words 2. Pay attention

2、to the pronunciation.3. The grammar(被动语态)III. Difficult Point:1. Understanding the listening2. The grammar(被动语态)IV. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-up1. Greeting2. Duty reportStep 2 Learn the new words1.Let students read the new words.2.Explain some words3.Let them remember the most of the wordSt

3、ep 3 Free talk1. Read the statements in 1a.2. Talk about agree and disagree.3. Tell a little about the grammar(be+done).Step 4 Listen to tape1. Talk about what do the pictures mean in 1a.2. Read the statements in 1b.3. Play the recording and Ss just listen.4. Play the recording and ask Ss to circle

4、T or F.5. Ask a student to tell his/her answer.Step 5 Pairwork 1. Ask Ss some questions T: What rules do you have at home?(提示学生回答打扫房间) S: I have to clean up my room. T: We have to clean up our classroom too. Because we want to keep our environmental clean and beautiful. So what should we do for envi

5、ronmental protection(环保)?(要求学生运用被动语态的语法) S1: Our classroom should be cleaned up every day.(每天打扫教室) S2: The lights should be turned off in the daytime.(白天要关灯) S3: The faucet should be turned off when we washing our hair.(洗头时要关水) S4: The books and papers should be recycled.(回收利用书本和纸张) S5: Our own bags

6、 should be taken when shopping.(购物时带环保袋) S6: Bikes should be rode instead of cars.(骑自行车代替开小汽车).2. Ask Ss to look at the statements in 1a and make conversations. Use the phrases in the box in 1c.3. Ask a pair of Ss to perform. A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree.

7、They arent serious enough. Step 6 Homework Do the workbook Page 10 英语学科渗透环境教育教案黄俊杰【教学内容】Lesson 10 Make Our World More Beautiful(Book 3)【教学课时】The 2nd period 【教学目标】1在课文学习中,掌握现在完成时的用法,通过听文章、回答问题、看一些材料,提高运用英语的交际能力;2通过分工合作的学习方式,让学生们体会到相互协作的重要性,并且乐于接受多媒体教学手段,提高学习英语的兴趣; 3指导学生通过查阅课外材料和上网收集一些有关环境方面的资料,初步了解有关


9、多媒体教学技术进行教学【教学设计与过程】教学过程教学设计说明Step 1 Everyday English:A student on duty Free talk: Action of how to protect our environment 培养学生使用英语的习惯,通过表演、对话等形式,激活以学内容,且能在日常生活中灵活运用。Step 2 Look at pictures and develop the ability of the Ssimagination ;Come to the new content about the lesson. 通过图片和一些情景观察,发挥学生的想象,导

10、入新课。Step 3 1. Listen and watch.Do the “True or False”exercises; 2. Ask and answer the questions about the text; 3. Retell the text with the key words or sentences. 新授课文,通过听和看,选择对和错,并且能就课文知识回答问题,然后复述课文,达到掌握课文之目的。Stop 4 Discussion:Whats the importance of protecting our environment?If youre a mayor,wha

11、tll you do to make our city more beautiful? Divide the whole class into several groups and ask some leaders to report the main meaning of their discussion. 通过课堂学习和讨论,扩展课内知识,拓宽学生的知识面,培养学生使用英语的能力。认识到“各种污染对环境的危害性”以及“保护环境的重要性”,拓宽学生们的知识面。Step 5 Assignment for Homework. 指导学生写一份报告,出一份环境小报,对环保做一些宣传工作。【教学小结】

12、1学习和运用英语知识贯穿本课堂的始终,英语的口头和书面表达能力、听力、交际能力等都得到加强;2本节课涉及到一些自然、环保、生物等方面知识,采取多种方法进行学习,增加了学生多渠道获得知识的能力和对知识的综合运用能力;3通过本课的学习,学生们了解到环境对人类的生存、发展是多么的重要,所以,我们要采取措施保护环境;4指导学生写一份报告,出一份环境小报,对环保做一些宣传工作。英语学科渗透环境教育教案 Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!ILearning objectives 教学目标SkillFocusListen and talk about anim

13、alsShow disagreement and agreementLearn to describe animalsReview the tenses and use them freelyLanguageFocus 功能句式Show disagreement and agreement (P120)I think that animals should not live in zoos.I disagree with you. / I agree with you.Talk about what we can do for the world (P121, P123)stop riding

14、 in carsdont use paper towels or napkinsrecycle books and paperHow do you feel about . It makes me .What are three things you are supposed to do?词汇1. 重点词汇pound, discover, expression, pull, planet, society, model, raise2. 认读词汇manatee, furry, enormous, playful, aggressive, gray, spotted, kangaroo, chi

15、m-panzee, cheetah, mangrove, swamp, habitat, aquatic, u-nderwater, vegetation, weigh, polluted, present progressive, present simple, infinitive, pas-sive voice, present perfect, suitable, tiny, cage, disgusted, educate, urge, recycle, built, stuff, glue, roof, discard, tile, fence, can, recently, inspira-tion, spare, Winterbourne


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