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1、神探夏洛克第三季经典台词盘点(双语)刚刚结束的神探夏洛克第三季是不是还在你脑海中萦绕呢?我们就一起来回顾一下里面的经典台词吧。神探夏洛克第三季经典台词盘点The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world。追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。I wont insult your intelligence by explaining it to you。我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。Marriage ch

2、anges you as a person in ways that you cant imagine。婚姻会用一种你想象不到的方式改变你。You are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away。你结婚了,老朋友们就会慢慢溜走。The one person he thought didnt matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most。在他眼中那个对我来说最无足轻重的人,其实是对我最重要的人。John, I am a ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship。约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了。The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege。你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。To the very best of times, John。致那些最好的时光,约翰。


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