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1、高一英语必修三第四单元测验题一、单项选择(26分)1. That kind of customs still_in many parts of China, which is not a surprise.A. appears B. exists C. lives D. lies2. The womans illness_the doctor;he couldnt find the cause.A. surprised B. interested C. puzzled D. solved3. She is _her mother; she is tall while her mother is

2、 very short.A. unlike B. against C. beyond D. within4. The food is harmful_the customers,so it should get off the shelves.A. for B. with C. of D. to5. These_men were put in prison for attacking Mr. Smith and giving him a good beating.A. gentleB. violentC. helpful D. generous6. He forgot to turn on t

3、he radio and _missed the programme.A. even B. anyway C. thus D. instead7. Im afraid I cant pass the final maths examination. _. Things wont be as bad as you think.A. Turn up B. Cheer up C. Make up D. Hurry up8. The car came to a stop just _ to prevent an accident.A. at times B. on timeC. in no time

4、D. in time9.If one keeps what he wants in mind and tries to live it, he will succeed _.A. on timeB. in time C. for one time D. by the time10. Excuse me, can I help you sir?Yes, can you tell me the direction _ the thief the police are after ran?A. where B. that C. under which D. in which11. What a st

5、range man!He loves his wife,but_ he often beats her.at a time Bat one time Cin time Dat the same time12.You must think of a way _ into the dangerous areas.Astopping people getting Bto stop people to getCto keep people getting Dto prevent people from getting13._Mr.Smith iswellagain,he can go on with

6、his work.ANow and then BNow that CThe other day DNow just14.Kate worked late in the evening to finish her report _ her boss could read it the next morning.Aso that Bbecause Cbefore Dor else15.In a modern society full of fierce competitions,_ a person does is not always the same as _ he says.Awhat; w

7、hat Bwhat; that Cthat; that Dthat; what16.I had no idea when World War _,so I turned to my teacher for help.Abroke downBbroke out Cbroke in Dbroke away17.She made _ her task to take care of these children.Athis Bthat Cone DIt18.The evening news comes on at seven oclock and_ only thirty minutes.Akeep

8、sB. continuesC. finishesD. Lasts19.Completely lost in the exciting _ of the football match, Tom didnt feel his pocket picked.AsceneB. viewC.atmosphereD. Sight20.Its _for the ShenzhouVII spaceship that every Chinese feels cheerful and proud.Aso a successful flightB. so successful a flightC. such succ

9、essful a flightD. a such successful flight21. _matters most in learning English is enough practice.A. WhatB. Why C. Where D. Which22. _ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.A. ThatB. Which C. What D. As23. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronge

10、r, moreprosperous economy.A. As B. That C. This D. It24. _ you said isdifferent fromthe thing _he told us. A. What, whatB. That, thatC. What, thatD. That, what25. I think _ he said is true.But dont forget the fact _he is a cheat. Awhat, whatB. that, thatC. what, thatD. that, what26._ surprised us mo

11、st is _he spoke English so well. AWhat, whatB. That, thatC. What, thatD. That, what二、 完形填空(30分)Many people have heard of Franklins famous kite experiment, but not many know how to do the experiment themselves. To repeat Franklins 1 , first make a kite. Use a handkerchief 2 of silk, which is 3 to wit

12、hstand the wind and rain. Build a frame by making a cross of two pieces of 4 wood, just long enough to reach the corners of the 5 . Tie the corners to the points of the frame, and then attach a tail of cloth 6 your kite. Finish with a good strong kite string, one 7 will be long enough to fly the kit

13、e high.To get the kite ready for the experiment, there are three very important 8 . First take a long sharp piece of metal and attach it to the longer leg of the cross, 9 a foot or more beyond the frame. 10 , take a metal key and tie it to the end of the kite string, the end that will be on the ground near you. Finally take a silk 11 and tie it onto the kite string, just above the key. This silk ribbon needs 12 dry during the whole experiment, to 13 yo


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