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1、Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课文精讲精析Section A1. get some information about the town获取关于这个镇的信息。information /news/ message辨析:【解析】(1)information “消息,信息”(不可数名词)一般指信息;消息;情报;资讯a piece of information 一条信息【2013上海】The students didnt find much_about the topic on that website. A report

2、 B article C information D story【2014四川内江】31. You can find many _about the famous film star on the Internet. A. news B. pictures C. tickets D. information(2)news 不可数名词,一般指新闻、消息 a piece of news 一则新闻【谚语】No news is good news 没有消息就是好消息 ( ) There are millions of websites on the Internet and there _ a lot

3、 of useful _ on the websites.A. are; information B. are; information C. is; information D. is; informations( ) You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. A. map B. Picture C. ticket D. information( ) Have you got _ about the most famous scientist?A. some information B. many information

4、 C. any information D. an information【2014江苏扬州】8. - What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot. - My pleasure. A. information B. newsC. suggestionD. advice(3)message可数名词,一般指(书面或口头的)信息、消息、音信。leave a message 留下消息take a message (打电话时用)传个话,留口信send a message 联络,联系 You could send short message to me if yo

5、u have the idea.give sb. a message 给某人捎口信=take a message for sb【2011云南中考】 My friends sent me many short _ with best wishes for my birthday. A. news B. information C. messages D. suggestions【2012湖北武汉】33. If by any chance Peter comes to us ,please ask him to leave a _. A. letter B. sentenceC. message

6、D. notice【2014呼 和 浩 特中考】13When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a _.AnoticeBmessage CsentenceDinformation2.get a pair of shoes 【解析】pair “ 一对;一副” 点拨 a pair of 意为“一双/一对/一副”,通常修饰由两个物体组成或由两部分合在一起而成的单件物品。后跟“由两个部分构成的物体( trousers; jeans; shoes; glasses等)” a pair of glasses一副眼镜 two pairs of trousers两条裤子

7、 three pairs of clean socks三双干净的短袜拓展 a pair of 作主语时,谓语动词用单数; “数词pairsof”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。This pair of glasses costs 200 yuan.这副眼镜200元。Two pairs of shoes are under the bed. 床底下有两双鞋。【2012黄石】 _that pair of_a little cheaper? A Is ; glass B Are ; glass C Is ; glasses D Are ; glasses 3.Could you please tell m

8、e how to get to the bookstore? 请问你能告诉我怎样去书店吗?【解析1】句型 (1)“Could you (please) 动词原形?”“请你好吗?” 表示礼貌地请求对方做某事,在语气上比can更委婉。Could you please close the door? Its cold outside. 请你关上门好吗?外面太冷了。OK. Ill do it right away. 好,我马上就关。否定式:“Could you (please) not 动词原形?”“请你(不要)做某事好吗?”用来表达有礼貌的请求。肯定回答:Yes, sure/certainly/of

9、 course.否定回答: Sorry, I cant. Could you please answer the telephone?请你接电话好吗?Sure./Sorry, I cant. Im too busy now. 当然可以。/对不起,我不能,我现在太忙。Could you please _(not play) computer game.【2011山西】-Could you please help me choose an MP4 player online? -_.My computer doesnt work.A I dont agree B I hope so C Im af

10、raid I cant 【2014重庆中考B卷2】36. - Could you please tell me _? - Two months ago. A. when did you take this photo B. when you took this photo C. where did you take this photo D. where you took this photo句型 常见的问路句型:(1)Could you please tell me whereis?(2)Could you please tell me how to get to?(3)Could you

11、please tell me how I can get to?(4)Where is, please?(5)Could you please tell me the way to?(6)Which is the way to?(7)Is therenear here?【指路的常用表达方式】:直着走: Go straight; Go straight head; Go down this road.拐弯: Turn left/ right at the first crossing; Take the first turning on the left/right指出具体位置: Its nex

12、t to the bank/ between the park and the post office/across from the school ; You wont miss it; Its on your left/ right.【综合指路】:(1) Walk along this street, and . is on your left.(2) Go down this way , and turn left at the first crossing , and youll find is right there , on your left.(3) You can just t

13、ake No.1 bus, and get off the second station. Then youll see it【2014贵州遵义】40. Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop? -_.A. I dont want say anything B. Go straight ahead for 50 meters C. It will take an hour to go there.【解析2】 “疑问词不定式”结构常用在know, decide, find out, tell, forget, remember, see, underst

14、and等动词后作宾语,相当于宾语从句。当宾语从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,宾语从句可转换为“疑问词不定式结构”。She didnt know which blouse to buy. (She didnt know which blouse she should buy.)她不知道买哪件衬衫。Im thinking about what to say. (Im thinking about what I should say.) 我在考虑说什么。2013济宁-I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation.What about you?-I havent decided where_.A go B went C going D to go【2014黑龙江龙东】17.Excuse me



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