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1、Unit 7 International charitiesPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit基础检测一、根据句意和汉语释义写出单词1. There are wild flowers all over the valley (山谷) all year round, _ (尤其) in April and May.2. Students in Grade 1 begin to learn the _ (基本的) skills of reading and writing.3. A child usually receives its early

2、_ (教育) at home.4. The Internet makes the _ (扩散) of information become quicker and quicker.5. In Mexico, women didnt get the _ (权利) to vote until 1953.二、根据句意, 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. All the farmers are busy _ (plant) crops as it is getting warmer.2. John is my best friend. I _ (know) him for twenty years.

3、3. How much do you know about the charity _ (call) UNICEF? 4. What she has learnt will help her _ (enter) a whole new world.5. We all think _ (share) happiness with friends is very important.三、短文缺词填空As we all know, more (1) _ is needed for charity. Hobo finds Eddie has some (2) _ money left, so he a

4、sks Eddie to go and (3) _ it. (4) _ Eddie _ doesnt want to do it. He says its time to have (5) _ Hobo tells Eddie not to (6) _ because they can have a big lunch after that. On the way, Eddie feels very (7) _ . He tells Hobo that he is too (8) _ to walk any further. He wants to have lunch (9) _ . But

5、 Hobo doesnt listen to him. He says they only have five kilometres (10) _ . Poor Eddie!技能提升完形填空On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was worried. Her _1_ broke down. Just then a young man named Robert passed by. He was on his way back home as usual. The lady wondered,“Is the

6、man going to _2_ me? He looks very cold and hungry.” But to her surprise, he stopped and asked, “Whats wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening. After a while, the car was at last fixed by Robert. She wanted to pay him.“No, that is _3_ madam,” he said. “I was just helping someone in _4_ .

7、 If you rally want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand.”A few minutes later, the lady _5_ a shabby (破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Roberts words, so she stopped. The hostess (女主人) warmly asked her _6_ . The lady could see it was a _7_ family

8、 and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady _8_ 500 dollars on a table and went away quietly.Robert came home later than before, thinking how _9_ their life was. Their baby was to be born the next month but they dont have _10_ money. His wife went up to him,

9、gave him a kiss and said softly. “Dont worry, dear! An angel (天使) has helped us out!”Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.1. A. bikeB. motorbikeC.busD. car 2. A. helpB. saveC. killD. find3. A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything4. A. pictureB. rainC

10、. needD. danger5. A. sawB. heardC. smeltD. felt6. A. outB. inC. awayD. along7. A. terribleB. sadC. richD. poor 8. A. paidB. forgotC. leftD. collected9. A. excitingB. hard C. happyD. interesting10. A. lotsB. someC. enoughD. little二、阅读理解Perhaps your childhood piano lessons made you never want to play

11、the piano again. Perhaps a piano is too expensive for you to afford. Now thanks to a programme in Sydney called “Play Me, Im Yours”, people are able to play the piano in public places for free. They share beautiful music and the programme also helps them communicate with each other.Thirty pianos hav

12、e been placed in different parts of the city, including several parks, a bus stop and some streets. The pianos have the logo “Play Me, Im Yours” on them. People are invited to play music or sing songs with the pianos no matter what level of ability they have. Lots of people have been attracted to th

13、e programme and stopped to watch or play the pianos.“Play Me, Im Yours” is part of the Sydney Festival. It is a project of the British artist Luck Jerram. He wants to help people in the city connect with each other. He thinks that so many people are sitting in front of computers and busy with their

14、work all hours and they almost have no chance to enjoy music. So the purpose of the project is to help them relax and make new friends.The programme “Play Me, Im Yours” has also reached England and Brazil (巴西) before. It was warmly welcomed there. But its greatest success seems to come at the Sydney

15、 Festival. “Its a chance for people to be creative, connect with strangers and just have some fun,” Jerram said.1. According to the first sentence of the passage, your childhood piano lessons may be _ .A. boringB. amazingC. interestingD. meaningful2. Thirty pianos are placed in parts of the city except _ .A. in parksB. at a bus stopC. on streetsD. in a school3. The aim of the project is to help people _ .A. lea


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