牛津英语模块2 unit1 Tales of unexplained教案

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1、Unit 1 Tales of unexplained Welcome to the Unit 高一英语备课组Teaching aims: (1) To learn some new words or phrases: unexplained , mystery, advanced, sunken, footprint ,etc.(2) Get students to conduct a free discussion about some mysterious and unexplained phenomena in the world. Teaching procedures:Step 1

2、 Lead-in (1) Explain four pictures one by one.(2) Discuss the questions below the picturesStep 2 words and phrases:words: 1.unexplained adj. 无法解释的 5.footprint n.脚印 2. mystery n.神秘 6.Yeti n. 雪人 3.unsolved adj. 没有解决的 7.pyramid n. 金字塔 4.technology n. 技术 8.Stonehenge n. 巨石阵phrases: 1.tales of the unexpl

3、ained 无法解释的传说 2. be full of mysteries 充满神秘 3.advanced science and technology 高科技 4.run into 撞上,偶然碰上 5.a sunken ship 一艘沉船Step 3. Language points.1.unexplained adj. 无法解释的,神秘的 eg: an unexplained mystery He died for unexplained reasons.拓展:1)该词由词根explain加后缀ed 和否定前缀un构成,常用的类似词有: unsolved未解决的; unidentified

4、 未确定的,未查明的;unknown 不为人知道的;unmanned无人的,不载人的;unexpected 出乎意料的unmarried未婚的. 2)explain vt. 解释,说明 explanation n. eg:The lawyer explained the new law to us. He explained to us that he forgot about the meeting. He gave no explanation for his absence.Ex: Ill explain _you_ the machine works. A. for, how B. t

5、o, that C. to, how D. for, that Is there anthing unsolved? 还有什么问题没被解决吗? Give the explanation for changing the plan.说明你改变计划的原因。2.The world we live in is full of mysteries unsolved be full of 满的 (表状态) be filled with 装满的(表状态和动作),但be full of后只接容器里的东西,不接外面的东西。 eg: He received a basket full of flowers. =

6、He received a basket filled with flowers. His head is full of black hair. () His head is covered with black hair. ()Ex: 教室里满是人。 The classroom is full of/ filled with people.3. A spaceship from another planet? A satellite? A weather balloon? Cant tell? tell 常与情态动词can, could , be able to 连用,有判断、区别和猜测的

7、意思。eg: I cant tell the difference between Kelly and Connie. Can you tell Tom from his twin brother.4. run into 偶遇,无意中碰到(=run across / come across/ meetby chance) eg: While walking on the street, I ran into an old friend. 撞到上 eg: The bus got out of control and ran into a wall.拓展: run after 追求;追逐 run

8、away 离开;逃走 run over 撞到并碾压 run out 用光,耗尽Ex: 一、翻译:猜猜我今天遇到谁了. Guess who I ran into today ! 泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。 The Titanic ran into the iceberg. 二填空 1. You can use a dictionary whenever you run across a new word. 2. My hunting dog is running after a rabbit. 3. He ran away from home at the age of 13. 4. Two chi

9、ldren were run over and killed. 5. Hurry up! Time is running up.5. Thats why it is called a UFO! Thats why那就是为什么,那就是的原因。why引导表语从句。 eg: Thats why I was late for school today. Thats why he ran away from home. 拓展:Thats because那是因为 eg: He is not here today. Thats because he is ill.Ex: I had neither a ra

10、incoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through. (1998 上海卷) A. Its the reason B. Thats when C. Its because D. Thats why 那就是我减肥的原因。 Thats why I lose weight. 她变瘦了。那是因为她服了减肥药。 She becomes slim. Thats because she took weight-loss pills.6. The reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown even t

11、oday. The reason for sth / doing sth why eg: The reason for his being late is still unknown. = The reason why he was late is still unknown. 拓展:The reason(for sth./ doing sth./ why) is that eg: The reason why he was late / for his being late is that he sent a sick man to hospital.Ex: The reason_ he i

12、s late is _ there was a breakdown on the railway. A. Why, why B. because, that C. that, because D. Why, that 他没有参加会议的原因是他生病了。 The reason for his not attending the meeting / why he didnt attending the meeting is that he was ill. Unit1 Boy missing, police puzzled Reading (language points) Step1. Revis

13、ion Translation the following phrases:1. 偶遇 run into 6.根据according to2. 一艘沉船a sunken ship 7.编造make up3. 充满 be full of /be filled with 8.负责,接管take charge of4. 无法解释的事情unexplained things 9. 排除rule out5. 加强,促进step up 10.调查,检查look intoStep2. Language points 1. Boy missing, police puzzled (=A boy is missi

14、ng, and the police are puzzled.) (title0 puzzle vt. 使困惑 n. 疑惑,谜,智力游戏 puzzled adj. 困惑的(常用于指人,有时可以指人的表情)puzzling adj. 令人困惑的(常用于指物)eg: Her illness puzzled all the doctors. It is still a puzzle. The puzzling problem made me puzzled. There is a puzzled look in her face.归纳:puzzle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite


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