北师大版高中英语必修四:Module 4 Unit9 Wheels第1课时导学案

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《北师大版高中英语必修四:Module 4 Unit9 Wheels第1课时导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版高中英语必修四:Module 4 Unit9 Wheels第1课时导学案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、主备人:郭洁 授课人: 使用时间:2013.04.01班级 小组 姓名 【学习目标】1、知识目标:准确认读新学词汇,深入理解课文,了解阿姆斯特丹倡导骑自行车以解决交通拥堵及环境污染问题的情况;学习掌握现在完成进行时的用法。2、能力目标:通过自主学习与合作探究,学会归纳整理课文主要信息。3、情感目标:在运用中学习英语,感受英语表达思想的快乐。预习案(限时30分钟,课前独立完成)一、翻译短语(1)洗淋浴,洗澡 have a shower (2)看起来很烦 look fed up(3)交通堵塞 traffic jam (4)享受的好处 enjoy the benefits of(5)在20世纪60年

2、代 in the 1960s (6)节省能量 save energy (7)多亏,由于 thanks to (8)让某人搭载 give sb. a lift (9)锻炼身体 work out (10)与某人争吵 argue with (sb.) 二、连线选择段落大意Paragraph 1 Awhite bikes 30 years laterParagraph 2 Bwhite bikes in the 1960sParagraph 3 Ceffects of the white bikesParagraph 4 Dwhy Amsterdam is called the “City of Bi

3、cycles” 三、长难句分析1、They believed that it would be better for everybody if cars werent allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were.分析:(1)在本句中, that 引导宾语从句,在从句中又包含由 if 引导的条件状语从句。(2)在条件状语从句中,only bicycles were 为省略句,补充完整应为:only bicycles were allowed in the city centre .2、The bikes are parked at spec

4、ial parking places and people who want to use them have to take them to another special parking place that has enough room.分析:本句是一个由 and 连接的并列句,在第二个分句中 who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 people ;that引导 定语 从句,修饰先行词 place 。我的疑问(带着问题进课堂) 探究案 (课堂交流合作完成)o【探究点一】:语篇理解1. The “return to the white bikes” means C .A. people ret

5、urned the bikes they borrowedB. thieves returned the bikes they stoleC. bikes reappeared in AmsterdamD. people painted their own bikes white2. The following offers convenience for cycling in Amsterdam except B .A. flat ground B. friendly citizens C. bicycle paths D. parking places3. In the 1960s, pe

6、ople in Amsterdam C .A. couldnt drive cars in the city centreB. only rode white bikesC. had the chance to enjoy free transportationD. were aware that they should protect the environment4. Compared to the bikes in the 1960s, the “white bikes” now D .A. cant be stolen easily B. are specially designedC

7、. should be parked in special places D. all of the above【探究点二】字、词、句要点1 benefit 【观察领悟】 说明:此处学生导学案没有中文译句。People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.多年来人们一直享受着在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车的益处。Who is most likely to benefit from the old ladys death?最有可能因为老位老妇人去世而获益?Its an expensive investment

8、but it will benefit the company in the long run.= Its an expensive investment but it will be of benefit to the company in the long run.= Its an expensive investment but it will be beneficial to the company in the long run.投资很高,但是从长远来看对公司有益。For the benefit of those people who arrived late, Ill just e

9、xplain the plan again.来源:学_科_网为了那些迟到的人,我要把计划再讲解一遍。【自我归纳】benefit vt.&vi. 使受益,得益 n. 好处,益处beneficial adj.有益的,有好处的benefit from / by 从中受益 be of benefit to= be beneficial to 对有益来源:Zxxk.Com for the benefit of 为了的利益【活学活用】( B )The fresh air our health and we it.A. benefits to, benefit B. benefits, benefit fr

10、om C. benefits from, benefit D. benefits, are benefited by2 convenient 说明:此处学生导学案没有中文译句。【观察领悟】 It is not convenient for me to ring him up. 我现在不便于给他打电话。Come to see me whenever it is convenient to you.你什么时候方便什么时候来看我。I keep the books on my desk for convenience.请在你方便时给我回信。Please send me an answer at you

11、r convenience.为了方便,我把书放在桌上。【自我归纳】 it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是便利的 be convenient to / for sb. 对是方便的 convenience n. 方便,便利 for convenience 出于便利,为了方便起见 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候【活学活用】(A)Will you be to pick me up at five oclock?A. free B. vacant C. convenient D. spare3 work out【词义匹配】阅

12、读下列句子,并在其后的括号中填入相匹配的含义。A. 处理,解决; B. 锻炼,做运动 C.(计划等)进展顺利,有预期的结果 Things worked out quite well. ( C )Can you work out the problem? ( A ) I work out on the playground for an hour every morning. ( B )4. The new “white bike” is not actually white but is an unusual design with bright colours. 这种“白自行车”实际上不是白

13、色的,而是带有鲜艳颜色的一种独特的设计。【句型剖析】(1)notbut“不是而是”,为并列连词,其后接对等结构。(2)notbut后跟名词作主语时,谓语单复数要与最近的主语保持一致,即就近原则。 【活学活用】完成句子。1. Not he but I am (be) to blame.不是他而是我应受责备。2. Properly speaking, that is not a dictionary but a grammar book.严格说来,那不是一本词典而是一本语法书。3. He goes to school not by bus, but on foot .他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走

14、路去的。4. Not that I dislike the task, but that I am not equal to it.并非我不喜欢这工作,而是我无法胜任。【探究点三】: 语法突破1 现在完成进行时【观察领悟】 People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years. What have you been doing all these days? I have not been using the car for the last two months.【自我归纳】1、 基本形式:have / has + been doing 否定形式: have / has not been doing 疑



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