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1、1.伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St.Pauls Cathedral)Located in London, on behalf of the Baroque architecture, with its spectacular dome is known, is the worlds second largest dome of the church, is a British classical architectural representation坐落于英国伦敦,巴洛克风格建筑的代表,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂2.大英博物馆 British Museum British Mus

2、eum also known as the British Museum, Oxford street in London to the north of the great Russell square, is the worlds oldest, most magnificent scale of one of the museum. 大英博物馆又称不列颠博物馆,位于伦敦牛津大街北面的大罗素广场,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的博物馆之一。3.白金汉宫 Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the highest palace, located in

3、the London right location - Weisimin zone. East St. James Park, west of Hyde Park, the British royal family living and working place白金汉宫是英国的王宫,位于伦敦最高权利的所在地-威斯敏特区。东接圣詹姆斯公园,西临海德公园,是英国王室生活和工作的地方。4.议会大厦及大本钟 Capitol and Big Ben According to the Thames River and the Capitol building is a British political

4、 center located in downtown London on the river Thames, UK in the mid nineteenth Century the main Gothic architecture. 依泰晤士河而建的议会大厦是英国的政治中心.位于伦敦市中心区的泰晤士河畔,是19世纪中期英国最主要的哥特式建筑.5.伦敦塔桥 Tower of London Bridge Tower of London Bridge is from the London Thames estuary is the first bridge, is also the symbol

5、 of London, London, called the front gate . 伦敦塔桥是从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征,有“伦敦正门”之称。6.西敏寺 Agile temple of westThe kings coronation ceremony, wedding banquet and national ceremony and other activities are held here, even the royal tombs are located almost here, in addition, many famous

6、historical figures tombstone or monument also located inside the church. 历代国王的加冕仪式、婚丧喜宴及国家大典等活动都是在这里举行,甚至连王室的坟墓也几乎都设在这里,此外,去多历史上著名人物的墓碑或纪念碑也设在教堂内. 7.惠灵顿凯旋门 Arc de Triomphe Arc de Triomphe is located in the northwest of Wellington, 10.8 kilometers from the city center, is one of the landmarks of london. 惠灵顿凯旋门位于惠灵顿的西北部,离市中心10.8千米,是英国伦敦的标志性建筑之一.8伦敦碗体育场伦敦碗体育场,其官方名称为伦敦奥林匹克体育场,是2012年伦敦奥运会的主场馆。London Bowl Stadium, the official name for the London Olympic Stadium, is the 2012 London Olympic stadium.


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