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1、穿普拉达的女王观后感英文版 穿普拉达的女王观后感5篇英文版 穿普拉达的女王英文怎么写?小马还是的几篇关于穿普拉达的女王英文版观后感,欢迎阅读! I think this is one of the most brilliant movies I have seen. It is quite scary. There is one quote that Miranda (Streep) has later in the movie and I think it is dead on 100% correct: everybody wants to be like us. The movie se

2、nds a strong message, more than just a quest for self-knowledge. It _s us more than fame isnt everything. It _s us that in order to truly be happy as yourself, you must experien _ what you want to be. Everybody wants to be famous. Everybody wants to be skinny. Everybody wants to be _y. Only when you

3、 are famous, skinny, _y, famous can you be satisfied of it. There is a quote a friend of mine used a while back; You cant be taught what bitter tastes like. No _tter how _ny people _ you that you wont like something bitter, you will want it. Everybody must taste something bitter and learn that they

4、dont like it. This quote applies very well to this film. Go see it! If you like watching a beautiful wo _n wearing beautiful clothes, see this movie. If you like acting, see another Meryl Streep or Stanley Tui film, preferably one that is well enough written to let the actors do their jobs. The atte

5、mpt to develop a Friends-like energy among Andys young friends stalled totally, and their characters never passed the first-draft/first-reading level of development-a tragic waste of the talents of an actress like Tracie Thoms. The secondary love interest (Simon Baker) didnt _ke us feel she should b

6、e attracted to him, while the boyfriend (Adrian Grenier) _de us wonder why she took up with him in the first pla _. Meanwhile, we only get a vague impression of the tension between Andys growing respect and even sympathy for her boss and her horror at the costs of following Mirandas footsteps. Stree

7、p and Tui deliver in spades, of course, but the only bright light among the younger actors was Emily Blunt, who plays her role as the suffering-servant senior assistant with a ni _ ic touch. Andy Sachs says that I learned a lot while she worked at Prada. Beside work practi _, she learns that her inn

8、er self cant be changed by glamour. Shes ambitious, in _igent, working hard. Also surprised me that she always _nages to have a _ile even in very difficult times. She proves herself that can reach the stars in one year but that means.losing friendships, humor and a boyfriend. She doesnt like to quit

9、 but control the adversities. I was enchanted by her from beginning to end. Meryl Streep plays ex _llently Mirandas role and I hope and believe that this achievement means Oscar. (Also Oscar for costumes!) We e to know what is behind her glacial air into the second part of movie. There is a part whe

10、n she confesses to Andy her disappointments in _rriage. There we can see a different fa _ of the Dragon Wo _n. She is dressed casually and her fa _ expresses sadness. In other s _ne Miranda says Everybody wants to be us and then gets out of the car in a bath of photo snaps. This way of creating an a

11、tmosphere that prolongs the dialog is good for movie. Its not a edy with gags. I laughed oasionally though I _iled a lot. Very good dialog, photography, costume design, score, and playing(Emily Blunt,Stanley Tui and the rest of actors). Well everything about a movie creation. And personally I think

12、its the best movie of xx. (4) In New York, the _ and naive just-graduated in journali _ Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion _gazine. Andrea

13、dreams to bee a journalist and fa _s the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily (Emily Blunt) advises Andrea about the behavior and preferen _s of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel (Stanley Tui) helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the enviro _ent. An

14、drea changes her attitude and behavior, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate (Adrien Grenier), her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is _de of choi _s. The Devil Wears Prada is a sort of dra _tic edy, with _gnifi _nt perfor _n _s and a great f

15、inal message. Meryl Streep is fabulous as usual in the role of a cruel bitch; Anne Hathaway is ex _llent and very beautiful performing the naive and sweet Andrea, a girl who sells her soul to the devil, but returns to her origins and principle; and Emily Blunt is also great, in the role of the caustic and jealous colleague of Andrea. The elegant and sophisticated locations in Paris and New York are ni _, and the music score presents _ny hits. The story is never corny and I really liked this movie. My vote is nine. Title (Brazil): O Diabo Veste Prada (The Devil Wears Prada) About ten minu



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