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1、Unit 5 Music Warming up and reading,music,Folk music (民族音乐,Rock n roll (摇滚音乐,Classical music (古典音乐,Jazz (爵士乐,Choral(合唱,Country music (乡村音乐,Rap (说唱音乐,Orchestra (管弦乐,Listen and Guess,You are going to hear some music, do you know what styles they belong to,Country music,Jazz,Rock n roll,Classical,Folk

2、music,Orchestra,Choral,Rap,Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have,Beyond; the Beatles of the UK , the zero oclock of China, The 12-woman group of China; U2; Backstreet boys; Savage Garden,飞轮海,The Beatles,The Monkees,The band that wasnt,Reading,Para 1: Para 2

3、: Para 3: Para 4,Match main ideas with paragraphs,How the Monkees formed the band,Dreaming of being famous,How the Monkees became popular and developed as a real band,The common way that bands form,Why the names of Song Zuying and Liu Huan are mentioned in P1? A. Because that they are very famous. B

4、. Because they can sing very well. C. The text only want us to know them. D. The text is giving us some examples of the famous singers that we might want to be like,to play _,to give performances _,in pubs or clubs,to practise music at home,to make records _,in a studio,in the street or subway,How d

5、o people form a band ? (Para.2,Careful-reading,To find four musicians,Advertised in a newspaper,Had to use actors,Relied on other musicians,Pretended to sing,Sang songs by others,Sang their own songs,Produced their own records,Broke up, then reunited,Produced a new record,Put the steps in the right

6、order,To find four musicians,Advertised in a newspaper,Had to use actors,Relied on other musicians,Pretended to sing,Sang songs by others,Sang their own songs,Produced their own records,Broke up, then reunited,Produced a new record,to play in the street or subway,The band that wasnt,to perform in pu

7、bs and clubs,to make records in a studio,to practise music at home,The band that is,Join the correct parts together,1 They produced a new record in 1996 2 Most musicians get together and 3 They put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for four rock musicians, 4 The first TV shows 5 However, the

8、 band broke up about 1970,A but only one person was accepted,B but reunited in the mid-1980s,C form a band because they like to write and play music,D to celebrate their time as a band,E was a big hit,If we are _ourselves, most of us have _ _ being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often

9、 meet and _ a band. Sometimes they play in the street to _ so that they can earn some _ money and this also gives them a _ to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different way. It was called the Monkees,honest with,dreamed,of,form,passers-by,extra,chance,Summary,The Monkees” was

10、 formed in 1960s in the USA. It began as a TV show. The m_ of the band played j_ as well as played music. In fact, it wasnt a r_ band at the very beginning. Most of the musicians were only a_ who p_ to sing the songs when they were on the stage,usicians,okes,eal,ctors,retended,They became popular because of their a_ performances. After a year or so, they became more s_ about their work and started to play their own i_ and write their own songs. However, the band b_ up in about 1970 and r_ in the mid-1980s,ttractive,erious,nstruments,roke,eunited,Thank you


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