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1、 2012年高一年级英语第一次月考试卷1. Jim, Im _ my present job. I want to look for another one.A. fond of B. busy with C. tired of A where B that C when D before D. pleased with2. Jackson has been crazy _ Chinese culture since he visited China last year. A. about B. with C. for D. At.3. Was it an accident or did Da

2、vid do it_?A. in purpose B. by purpose C. on purpose D. at purpose4 . The child asked his mother _ go out to play tennis. A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he D. that could he5After they heard the _news, they all got _.A. exciting exciting B. excited, excited C. exciting, excited D. excite

3、d exciting6There was a time _ girls couldnt go to school . A before B when C that D which7 It was the second time that Tom _The Great Wall. A visited B has visited C had visited D was visited 8 How long will it _he comes back ? A since B after C before D when 9 The teacher told us light _faster than

4、 sound . A traveled B had travelled C is travelling D travels 10 By the end of last year , another hospital_in Beijing.A would be completed B had been completed C was being completed has been completed 11 He has passed the examination _his hard work .A because B because of C thank to D as a result 1

5、2_foreign guests come to our school for a visit every year and we exchange _information about education A A large number of ; plenty of B A great deal of ; a lot of C A plenty of ; a great deal of D A great many of ; lots of 13 Your friend broke your favorite camera and got it_.A. repairing B. repai

6、r C. repaired D. repairs14 -Bob didnt pass this exam. -He_. A. should study hard B. should have studied hard C. should be studying hard D. study hard15 Have you ever dreamed of _such a good chance for further education abroad ?A there is B there to be C there will be D there being 16 Mary wanted to

7、_ her experiment, but her parents encouraged her to continue.A. give up B. give in C. give out D. give away17He _ her to go with him ,but failed . A persuade B tried to persuade to C advises D tries to advise 18 They would be good friends _he saw her at the party.A for the first time B the first tim

8、e C first time D It,s the first time 19. He said he _ you the story the night before. A. has told B. tells C. had told D. told20Although they _for five years, they dont plan to get married soon. A. have been in love B. have fallen in love C. fall in love D. are in love第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读

9、下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。Two sons worked for their father on the family farm. For some years, the 36 brother had been given more 37 to do than the older one. The older brother couldnt 38 why, so one day he asked his father the 39 why he al-ways trusted (信任) his younger brother to do

10、 more work. The father said, Go to the Kellys 40 nearby and see if they have any 41 to sell. The older brother soon 42 with the answer, Yes, they have five ducks they can 43 to us. That father then said, Good, now please ask them the 44 for the ducks. The son returned, The ducks are 10 each. The fat

11、her asked, 45 can they deliver (交付) the ducks? The son returned, They can deliver the ducks tomorrow. The father asked the older brother to 46 and watch. He then said to the younger brother, Go to the Davidsons Farm and see if they have any ducks for sale. The younger brother soon returned with the

12、47 , Yes, they have 48 ducks for 10 each, 49 ten ducks for 8 each; and they can 50 them tomorrow I asked them to deliver the five ducks 51 I told them not to in the next hour. We agreed that if I wanted the 52 five ducks I could buy them at 6 each. The father 53 the older son, who nodded his head. H

13、e now 54 why his brother was given more work. His younger brother was actually 55 at it than he was.21 A. cleverer B. younger C. taller D. bigger 22 A. work B. money C. lands D. Times23. A. agree B. notice C. guess D. Understand24. A. thought B. fact C. reason D. Result25. A. shop B. office C. factory D. farm 26. A. ducks B. chickens C. pigs D. cows 27. A. appeared B. returned C. brought D. arrived 28. A. send B. sell C. lend D. Give29. A. price B



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