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1、面试英语,Crack down 大力整顿(文/太平洋英语)新闻中常说“大力整顿某行业、大力打击犯罪”等,英文中用 crack down 这个词组来表示“大力整顿”。我们先来看一个例子:例句-1:For months, motorists had been speeding down Main Avenue. They caused a number of accidents including pedestrians being hit. Thats when more police officers were assigned to enforce the law. Its worked.

2、Since we crack down on speeding, there have been fewer problems.几个月来,开车的人总是在主街大道上超速飞车,结果发生了好多起交通事故,还有行人被撞到。为此,警方在那里增加了警力,加强执法。这种大力管制很有效,管制开始以来,事故的数量减少了。Crack down 也可以表示 “严格管制”,比如在下面的例子中,这位老板对员工管得就很严。例句-2:I know the employee manual says that we only have an hour for lunch. But once in a while I have

3、an errand to run and I get back a few minutes late to the office. My new boss is so strict about the rules. Shes taking notes on anyone whos not at his desk on time. Shes really cracking down on us.我知道员工守则上说我们的午饭时间只有一个小时,不过有时我有些杂事要办,也会晚个几分钟回办公室。我的新老板对这条规定特别较真儿。她会记下所有没按时回到办公桌前的员工名字。她管我们真是严格无比。从上面例子可以

4、看出,在 crack down 后面加人或物时,需要加介词 on, to crack down on somebody or something 意思就是大力整顿或者打击某事。另外,把 crack 和down 这两个词放在一起,就变成名词了 crackdown, 意思一样,也是打击,镇压。例句-3:The government began a crackdown on piracy.政府开始大力打击盗版活动。background n.背景backwater n.回水处,回水back-yard n.后院baggage n.行李bake vt.烤balcony n.阳台band n.伙,帮bar

5、n.棒;栅,栏bare a.赤裸的barely ad.仅仅bargain vi. n.讨价还价base n.底部be glued to vt.盯着bear vt.负荷bearing n.关系,联系beat vt.打败bedraggle vt.(在泥水中)拖湿beekeeper n.养蜂人beetle n.甲虫befall vt.降临到.(指坏事)beg vt.乞讨being n.存在beings n.人belong vi.住belongings n.行李bend vt.(把目光等)集中benefit vi.受益benefit n.好处,受益bet vt.打赌betray vt.暴露bewild

6、ering a.令人无所适从的bewilderment n.为难beyond prep.超出.之外beyond prep.(表示范围)超出bind vt.使结合birth n.出生bit n.小片bite vt.咬bitterly ad.厉害地blackberry n.黑莓blackberry n.黑莓blacken vt.使.变黑blame vt.责怪blank a.空白的blare vi.发嘟嘟声block n.街区board vt.上(车船,飞机)board n.船舷boathook n.有钩的篙子boathouse n.船库boatman n.船夫body n.身子bomb vt.轰炸

7、book-keeper n.薄记员booming a.轰响的boot n.(汽车的)车箱bore vt.钻boredom n.烦恼,无聊bother n.麻烦bother vt.烦扰bottom n.底boulder n.大石块bound a.必定的boundary n.边界boxer n.拳击手boxing n.拳击brake vt.刹(车)breath-taking a.惊人的breed vt.培育brief a.简短的briefly ad.短暂地brilliantly ad.灿烂地brown paper n.牛皮纸bullion n.金条bump vi.碰撞bump vt.颠簸地行驶bumpy a.崎岖不平的bundle n.包袱burglar n.盗贼burnt a.烧焦的burriedly ad.急忙地bus ride 乘公共汽车Byron 拜伦(英国诗人)


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