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1、新概念英语第一册Lesson 121-122Name_ score _一根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(6X5=30)1. The _(顾客)wanted to change the hat.2. I _(忘记)to bring my homework yesterday .3. My father is the _(经理) of the hotel.4. I _(认出) Tom in the crowd the morning .5. She is standing behind the _(柜台).2 连词成句(单词不能重复使用,标点符号已给出)(8X5=40)1. take, with

2、 , you , the , umbrella_.2. put, please , would , on , it , you_?3. took , their , they , off , shoes_.4. to , all, Rome , lead , roads_.5. like , the hat, wear , to , I_.3 翻译(10X3=30)1. 你有字典吗?_?2. 我有一个住在巴黎的姐姐。_.3. 我接待的那个人当时戴着顶帽子。_.新概念英语第一册Lesson 123-124Name_ score _一根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(5X8=40)1. He sw

3、ims everyday_(在.期间) the summer.2. I am going to go on a _(旅行)to Hong Kong.3. He _(提供) me a good _(工作).4. We often _(猜测)the age of the teacher.5. I want to be a teacher when I _(生长)up.6. Do you like _(小猫)?7. We hope to _(旅行) around the world.2 用who,which, whom,填空(6X5=30)1. He has a brother _lives in

4、London.2. That is the man _ I met yesterday.3. I have a book _ is funny.4. That is the ship _ we travelled on.5. She is the girl_ is very nice.6. That is the story_I told you about yesterday.3 将下列句子分别用how/what改为感叹句(10X3=30)1. He is a handsome man.What _! How_!2. These are sweet apples.What _! How_!3

5、. The weather is fine.What _! How_!新概念英语第一册Lesson 125-126Name_ score _一根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(6X5=30)1. My grandmother_(浇) the flowers everyday.2. The woman was _(非常地)sorry for the lateness.3. The weather is hot and _(干燥的).4. My parents give me a _(惊喜).5. When I heard the bell, I run out of the classroom_

6、(立刻).2 按要求改写句子(8X5=40)1. He finishes the work before five everyday.(用must改写)_.2. She goes home before nine.(用must改写)_.3. They must sweep the floor.(改写为一般疑问句)_.4. I have to look after my mother.(主语改成He)_.5. My I do homework?(作否定回答)_.3 翻译(10X3=30)1. 往窗外看。_.2. 我需要你的建议。_.3. 我们需要买一辆车。_.新概念英语第一册Lesson 127

7、-128Name_ score _一根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(5X6=30)1. He is a _ _(著名的男演员).2. I have _ _(至少) 50 yuan.3. He _(读) the book everyday.4. She is my favourite _(女演员).二连词成句(单词不能重复使用,标点符号已给出)(8X5=40)1. come , look , have , and , it , at , a_.2. myself , not , I ,more , twenty , than , am_.3. is , first , this , bicyc

8、le , my_.4. eat , apple , please , another_.5. I , so , you , told._.三翻译(10X3=30)1. 妈妈让我吃晚饭前做完作业。_.2. 他一定是Mary的爸爸。_.3. 她不可能是一个医生。_.新概念英语第一册Lesson 129-130Name_ score _一根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词(5X6=30)12.3.4.w_ t_ d_ s_l_5. The policeman c_(罚款)him yesterday.6. Listen to me .d_(亲爱的).7. Please show me your d_ l_(驾照).8. It is dangerous to o_ at a corner.(超车).



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