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1、深圳版小学英语五年级下册Unit 1练习题1 When a light turns red, we cross the road. A must B mustnt C can D cant2 If we find a fire, we must call.A120 B119 C112 D1223If you are , you should talk quietly in the library. A rude B polite C happyD sad4 Mary doesnt like doing her homework doing any work. A and B but C soD

2、 or5 This is empty fridge. Its untidy one. A a, an B an, an C a, a D an, a6 We must talk in the library.A quickly B quietly C carefullyD slowly7 The children going to play football tomorrow.A is B are C am D will8 I went to hospital to visit my friend yesterday.A a B the C anD /9 Look at the sign. Y

3、ou eat or drink on the bus.A will B must C mustntD do10 We never walk quickly the swimming pool.A of B on C into D at11 - Must I finish the work before dinner? - No, you . A neednt B mustnt C must D cant12 We play at the museum.A mustnt B neednt C mustD will二 阅读理解,判断对错.It is Sunday. Jim doesnt go to

4、 school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, Hello, Jim. Is your father at home? Yes, he is, Jim answers. The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, You say your father is at home. W

5、hy doesnt he open the door? Jim answers, Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!根据短文,判断正(T)误(F):1. Today is Saturday.2. Jim and his friends are going to school.3. They are playing.4. That man didnt know Jim.5. Jims father isnt at home.小学五年级英语下册Unit1练习题(深圳版)一 阅读理解 Tony is a good driver. He

6、is twenty-three years old. He drives a truck on a farm. He works from Monday to Friday. His home is far away from the farm. He gets up at a quarter past five. He goes to work at ten to six oclock. At five past seven he must get there. He has no time to have breakfast at home. He leaves the farm at f

7、ive oclock. He cooks supper and does housework in the evening.He likes reading a lot. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.1Tony . Ais a worker Bis a truck driver Cteaches on a farm Dmakes trucks2On Saturday and Sunday Tony . Adoesnt go to work Bstays at home Cgoes to the farm Dreads

8、 books3 , so he has no time to have breakfast. AHe is busy BHis farm is too far CHe doesnt like having breakfast DHe often gets up early4He has lunch . Aat home Bin his truck Con the farm Din the park5He in the evening. Awashes his clothes Bcooks supper Cdoes housework DBoth B and CBus rules Molly i

9、s a little mouse. She lives with other animals at Animal Land. Every morning she goes to school by bus with other baby animals. There are a lot of rules for taking the school bus. Here are some of them. You mustnt eat or drink on the bus. You mustnt stretch you head or arms out of the windows. You m

10、ustnt talk loudly on the bus. You must sit quietly on the bus. You mustnt play games with others. You mustnt leave the seats or stand up. You mustnt fight. Not every body likes the rules. But rules are rules. Every one has to follow. Molly is a good girl. She always follows the rules.Read the sentences about the story. Write “T” for true or “F” for false.(在正确的句子前面写T”,错误的句子前面写F”.)1. You mustnt eat or drink on the school bus.2. You can stand up or leave the seats on the bus.3. You can talk loudly


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