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1、河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文I摘 要本次毕业设计是关于 D150-100X10 多级泵的设计。多级泵是输送能力最大的连续输送机械之一。其结构简单、运行平稳、运转可靠、能耗低、对环境污染小、便于集中控制和实现自动化、管理维护方便,在连续装载条件下可实现连续运输。首先对多级泵作了简单的概述;接着分析了多级泵的选型原则及计算方法;然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行选型设计;接着对所选择的多级泵各主要零部件进行了校核多级泵采用计算机设计和优化处理。目前,多级泵正朝着长距离,低消耗,微小的方向发展,从 而 可 以 提 高 泵 使 用 寿 命 和 降 低 机 组 噪 音 ,近年

2、来出现的医学多级泵就是其中的一个。在多级泵的设计、制造以及应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在设计多级泵过程中存在着很多不足。本次多级泵设计代表了设计的一般过程, 对今后的选型设计工作有一定的参考价值。 关键词:多级泵 设计准则 校核河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文IIAbstractThis graduation project is about the D150-100X10design of multistage pump. Multistage pump is the transmission capacity of the largest continuous

3、 conveying machinery. It has the advantages of simple structure, stable operation, reliable operation, low energy consumption, little pollution to the environment, and is convenient for centralized control and automation, convenient management and maintenance, in the continuous loading condition can

4、 realize continuous transportation.The multistage pump is summarized; and then analyzes the multistage pump type selection and calculation methods; and then according to these design criteria and the calculation and selection methods according to the given parameters selection of design; then the ch

5、oice of multistage pump of main parts and components of the school nucleus. At present, the multi-stage pump are moving towards long distance, low consumption, small direction, which can increase pump life and reduce the noise of the unit pump by computer design and optimize treatment, in recent yea

6、rs the medical pump is one of the. In pump design, manufacture and application, at present our country compared with foreign advanced level still has bigger difference, the domestic in the design of multistage pump process exists many shortcomings.The multistage pump design represents the general de

7、sign process, the future selection of the design work has a certain reference vKey words: multistage pumpS design rule check河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文III目 录1 绪论 .11.1 多级泵的历史 .11.2 多级泵的分类 .21.3 多级泵的组成 .22 吸入与压出口径的确定 .42.1 泵的主要参数 .43 部分参数的估算与确定 .53.1 计算比转数 .53.2 估算泵的效率 .53.3 求泵轴功率和电机的选择 .63.4 轴径和轮毂直径的计算: .74

8、水力设计 .84.1 叶轮 .84.1.2 叶轮出口部分尺寸 .124.1.3 叶片绘型: .144.2 导叶 .274.3. 平衡盘 .315.强度校核 .345.1 转子零件的强度计算 .345.1.1 叶轮的强度计算: .345.1.2 平衡盘的强度与变形量的计算: .345.1.3 键的强度计算: .365.1.4 联轴器的强度计算 .385.2 泵体的强度计算 .385.3 螺栓联接部分的强度计算 .395.3.1 密封凸缘宽度及拉紧螺栓的强度计算: .39河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业论文IV5.3.2 螺母的强度计算: .435.3.3 拉紧螺栓法兰的厚度计算: .435.4 轴的强度计算 .435.5 轴的临界转速计算 .45结 论 .



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