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1、1. 重要be of vital importance/significance to2. 重要的事是what counts/matters is that+句子3. 认为.重要attach importance to4. 保护环境protect the environment5. 没有人会看不到No one can fail to notice the fact that+句子 6. 起重要作用play an important role in7. 积极参加take an active part in8. 丰富生活enrich our experience/ life9. 开阔视野broad

2、en our horizons10. 获取知识acquire knowledge11. 容易接近have an easy access to12. 产生作用make a big difference to13. 采取有效措施take effective measures14. 不遗余力/尽全力spare no effort to/ make an/every effort to15. 喜欢be fond of/ be keen on16. 花时间做spend time in doing17. 精通/掌握have a good command of18. 有资历做be qualified for

3、19. 盼望不早日回信look forward to your early reply20. 对有益be beneficial to21. 从中受益get much benefit from22. 众所周知as is well-known to all,23. 我个人认为as far as I am concerned,24. 总之in brief/in conclusion/in a word/in short/in a nutshell 25. 首先to begin with, 而且whats more/besides/moreover/in addition 最后但不是不重要last b

4、ut not least26. 尽可能地as +adj./adv.的原形as possible27. 大量的a large number of/ a large amount of/ a large quantity of28. 为打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for29. 成功做到succeed in doing30. 由于的事实due to the fact that+句子31. 帮助有困难的人lend a hand to people in trouble32. 帮一个忙do sb. a favor33. 在取得快速的进步make rapid progres

5、s in34. 越来越多的an increasing number of.35. 忙于be occupied/absorbed in(做状语省略be)36. 奉献be devoted to37. 以为傲take pride in/be proud of38. 对感谢be grateful to39. 进行调查carry out a survey40. 与相处融洽get on well with sb.41. 毫无疑问there is no doubt that+ 句子42. 不可否认there is no denying that+ 句子43. 做有困难have difficulty in d

6、oing44. 随着的快速发展with the rapid development of.45. 创建和谐社会build a harmonious society46. 促进之间的理解promote understanding betweenand47. 目标在于aim to48. 缩小代沟narrow the generation gap49. 养成好的生活习惯get into/develop a good living habit 50. 改掉坏的阅读习惯get rid of bad reading habit51. 对上瘾be addicted to52. 满足的需求meet ones

7、needs53. 有可能be likely to54. 对有深远影响have a profound/lasting influence on55. 利用take advantage of56. 申请apply for57. 保持身体和心理健康keep physically and mentally healthy58. 做户外运动do outdoor activities59. 保持均衡的饮食keep a balanced diet60. 好好照顾take good care of61. 为提供provide sth. for sb.62. 为作出贡献make contributions to

8、.63. 为而表扬praise sb. for64. 为树立榜样set a good example for.65. 受欢迎be popular with66. 在的空余时间in ones spare time67. 高度评价think highly of68. 注意pay attention to69. 擅长于be good at70. 一定能be bound to71. 大量地in large numbers72. 对感到满意be satisfied with73. 与交流communicate with74. 在某种程度上to some degree/extent75. 有意识be aw

9、are of76. 实现梦想/目标achieve ones dream/the goal77. 对负责be responsible for78. 因此as a consequence79. 对有害do harm to80. 留下深刻印象leave a deep impression on81. 有能力作到be capable of doing82. 决心be determined to83. 提高公民意识raise public awareness of 84. 通过做by doing85. 各种各样/一系列a variety of/a series of86. 一on/upon doing8

10、7. 毫不忧郁without hesitation88. 面对be faced with(做状语省略be)89. 决不at no time/in no way/on no condition +倒装90. 同意be in favor of (不加句子)91. 反对be against92. 肯定for sure93. 坚信be greatly convinced that+句子94. 生气lose ones temper95. 忍受put up with96. 发扬优点carry forward strengths97. 克服缺点overcome the weaknesses98. 激发热情m

11、otivate our passion99. 腾出时间set aside time for100欣赏美丽的自然界enjoy the great nature写作实用短语 1 make great efforts to do / try ones best to do /spare no efforts to do努力做某事2 concentrate (ones attention) on sth/ doing sth ; focus on sth/ doing sth ; get down to doing集中精神做3 look forward to sth/ doing sth 期待做某事4

12、 be admitted into 被录取 enter a famous university 进入名校5 seek advice from sb 像某人寻求建议 turn to sb for help 像某人求助6 have easy access to sth 轻易获得7 make a difference to有影响;起作用 make contributions to 做贡献8 rely on/ depend on 依赖9 mentally and physically 身体以及精神上10 achieve ones goal 实现某人的目标 realize ones dream 实现某人

13、的梦想11 take an active part in 积极参加12 play an important role in/ play a positive role in 起到重要/积极作用13 be good/ /bad/harmful for ; do good / harm to 对某人或某事有好处/害处 be beneficial to 对某人或某事有益处14 form/ develop the habit of doing ; kick / get rid of the habit of doing sth 养成/改掉做某事的习惯15 be of vital importance

14、to 对某人或某事至关重要16 Let alone/ needless to say 更不用说 (加句子)17 benefit a lot from 从某事中获益良多18 broaden ones horizons ; enrich ones knowledge/ life 开阔眼界 ; 丰富知识/生活 19 make great progress (in) 取得巨大进步20 be faced with 面对21 with the purpose of doing (介词短语) aim at doing (动词短语) 目的是22 take the opportunity to do 利用这次机

15、会去做某事23 call on sb to do sth 号召某人做某事24 lead to ones doing / result in ones doing 导致25 take effective measures to do sth / effective measures should be taken to 采取有效措施26 attach importance/ significance to 认为某事重要27 be grateful to sb for sth / express ones gratitude to sb for sth/ appreciate sb for 因某事对某人表示感谢28 get on well with sb / develop a good relationship with sb 与某人相处/关系好29 be willing to do 愿意做某事 30 be proud of / take pride in 对某人感到骄



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