2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 课时作业(新课标专用)Book4 Unit3 Word版含解析

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《2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 课时作业(新课标专用)Book4 Unit3 Word版含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 课时作业(新课标专用)Book4 Unit3 Word版含解析(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3A taste of English humour.单项填空(建议用时8)1He apologized to me for his_me to his party.Adelay inviting Bdelaying to inviteCdelay to invite Ddelaying inviting2If you grow up in _ large family,you are more likely to develop _ ability to get on well with _ others.(2011菏泽月考)A/;an;the Ba;the;/Cthe;an;th

2、e Da;the;the3Not content_ her new car,_Selina now wants a bike for trips into the city center.Awith;/ Bfor;andCto;but Dabout;so4It looks heavy.Can I give you a hand?_.ANo,thanks BYes,my pleasureCNo,never mind DYes,I do5As he works in a remote area,he visits his parents only_.Aoccasionally Banxiously

3、Cpractically Durgently6Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a blouse?Oh,she was very _ about her clothes.Aspecial BparticularCespecial Dunusual7The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract visitors to the beauty of nature.Ato smell BsmellingCsmelt Dto be smelt8The c

4、ouple tried every effort to_the judges,who tried their case,of their innocence,resulting in the contrary.(2011滨州模拟)Aprove Bconvince Ccharge Dconfirm9He made a promise_ he would entertain us_ dinner the next day.Athat;with Bthat;toCwhich;with Dwhich;to10When I was a child,our family was so_ that we c

5、ould have meat for dinner only at the Spring Festival.Agenerous Bbadly offCwell off Dunfortunate11How could you_ my sister so easily in the crowd?Because she stood out in her red dress.(2011烟台模拟)Apick up Bpick outCtake up Dtake out12It _ him a long time to fall asleep.Aspent Btook Cmade Dcost13This

6、year,the attraction enjoyed a great number of tourists_ up to 200,000.Atotalled BtotallingCcounting Dcounted14_ by the heavy snowfalls,Chenzhou,a city in South China,was cut off from the outside,_ water and electricity shortage.AHaving struck;facing BHaving struck;facedCStruck;facing DStruck;faced15

7、By the year she comes back to life,scientists probably_ a cure for this incurable disease.Awill be discovering Bare discoveringCwill have discovered Dhave discovered.阅读理解(建议用时8)British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted on a television program that he has never sent flowers to his wife Cherie and th

8、at Hollywood beauty Grace Kelly was his dream lover.Blair,who allowed Channel 4 interviewer June Sarpong to shadow him for two days last month,made other personal revelations(被曝光的秘闻) when asked questions he rarely heard on the usual television political programs.During the interview for a program ta

9、rgeting 18to30yearolds,the prime minister admitted that he sometimes had to “wing it” when making public appearances and that he wanted to go out for a drink without being recognized.However,the most dramatic revelation was his reply to Sarpongs question whether he still sends his wife flowers.“Ive

10、never sent her flowers.If I sent her flowers,she will get worried,”Blair said.But he added,“I am romantic.There are other ways of being romantic.”Blair needed a few moments to recall which posters he had on his bedroom wall as a youngster,and then revealed,“Ill tell you.actually,when I was younger,I

11、 loved Grace Kelly.”Blair admitted he initially found it “odd” to be prime minister and to be rushed in motorcades from appointment to appointment,and worried that his lifestyle left him “a bit isolated” from ordinary people.He admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public appearances,

12、and rarely had time to prepare for his next event,telling Sarpong,“I_wing_it_all_the_time.”Asked what he would do if he could be invisible for a day,Blair said he would “just walk down the street and go to the pub.just be absolutely normal”16It seems that the author wants to tell us _.ABlair doesnt

13、like his wife so he has never sent her flowersBsuch great people as Blair sometimes want to live as ordinary peopleCGrace Kelly was once Blairs girlfriendDBlair was not satisfied with his life17What does the underlined word “shadow” in Paragraph 2 mean?AFollow and interview.BShade.CStay with.DKeep a

14、way from.18Which word can be used to describe Blair according to this passage?ASerious. BEasygoing.CKind. DDull.19What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 mean?ABlair didnt take his public appearances seriously.BBlair didnt know what to say before the public.CBlair often had to do or talked about something


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