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1、解决问题型议论文Objectives:To learn how to write an argumentative essay on solving a problem.Task I Translation:1. 目前,环境问题引起了人们的广泛关注。2. 我们要采取有效 不同措施来处理这个问题。Task II Writing典例展示:假设你班将举行一次英语班会,主题为“如何控制人口增长” 。请你根据提示写一篇发言稿。实行计划生育;给独生子女家庭以奖励。文章结构模板:第一段:_第二段:_第三段:_写作模板Currently, there is a widespread concern over

2、(the issue that)_话题_. It is really an important concern to each of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to deal with this prolem. First of all, _途径一_. In addition, another way of solving the prob

3、lem is _途径二_.Above all, to solve the problem of how to control the fast growing of population, we should try various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, _方法 _.模拟演练:某英语杂志开辟了一个“Heart-to heart”栏目,该栏目下期话题为“Growing Pains of Senior Students”

4、。假设你叫李华,你打算根据身边同学所,你打算根据身边同学所遇到的烦恼如:父母期望高,作业多、高考压力大等向该栏目投稿,就此现象谈谈你的看法和建议。注意: 1. 语言通顺,结构严谨2. 词数不少于 1203. 开头语及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,We senior school students do have some growing pains._事物利弊型议论文范文假设你是李华, 家住在一座青山环绕的湖边。 最近,你们村准备在上级的帮助之下开发这里的旅游资源。 请你根据下表提供的信息,写一篇短文,分析一下开发对你们村的利弊。Advantages Disadvantag

5、es1. offer more jobs;2. make more money;3. 1. destroy the natural beauty;2. make people think more about money;3. Tourism is becoming an important business in the world. Our village, where there is a beautiful lake with some cute hills surrounding it, is also planning to open up the natural beauty h

6、ere.There are some advantages of opening our village up. First, if our village is opened up, the business will offer the villagers more jobs, which will therefore help us become richer. Secondly, as the villagers have earned more money, our village can develop more quickly. Whats more, not only the

7、tourists but also the villagers will become more and more interested in nature.On the other hand, opening up our village will also have some bad effects. For one thing, with more and more buildings built up, more and more people coming here to have a visit, the natural beauty will be destroyed. For

8、another, people will think more about money. To make things worse, all kinds of pollution will be caused.So every coin has two sides.随着人们生活水平日益提高和手机收费不断降价,手机已经成为人们日常生活中的必需品,也开始大量涌入中学校园。由此引发一场观念碰撞:中学业生该不该带手机?请你围绕 “Is it necessary for a middle school student to carry a mobile phone?”这个问题,参考所给要点,写一篇英语短

9、文。要点:1带手机的好处;2带手机的不利因素;3我的观点是:注意:1词数 120150,短文开头已给出(不计词数)2参考词汇:convenient 方便的 the electric wave radiation 电波辐射Is it necessary for a middle school student to carry a mobile phone?Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular in China. As is said, there are more than 500 million mobile use

10、rs in our country. Sometimes you can even see students using them.Mobile phones have brought people a lot of benefits, but the most important is that they are convenient. If there is a sudden accident at school, It is much quicker for us to dial for help.However, mobile phones can also bring people

11、problems. The most serious is the electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users brain. Another problem is the when we are having a lesson, the ring of the mobile phone may interrupt us. Last but not the least, students may spend a lot of time playing games in the mobile phone as well as sending short messages. In my opinion, because there are more disadvantages than advantages, it is not necessary for us students to carry a mobile phone at school.


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