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1、题目:人力资源管理的研究与对策以xom公司为例姓 名:准考证号:序 号:指导教师:提交日期:年 月目 录摘 要4Abstract5第1章 前言81.1 问题提出81.1.1 经济环境下企业生存压力问题81.1.2 管理形式转变81.1.3 企业绩效提升过程中的问题表现91.1.4 员工绩效优化需求分析91.2 研究意义91.2.1 提升企业整体绩效91.2.2 提升企业管理者素质101.2.3 促进员工成长101.2.4 扩展教练技术实际范畴101.3 研究方法101.3.1 问卷调查法111.3.2 案例研究法111.3.3 文献法11第2章 研究综述112.1 企业教练的起源与发展122.

2、2 企业教练技术发展情况122.2.1 企业教练技术国际发展现状122.2.2 企业教练技术在我国的发展现状132.3 企业教练及员工绩效132.3.1 企业教练142.3.2 企业教练技术特征分析152.3.3 企业教练行为与其他类型的管理行为对比分析152.3.4 企业教练分类162.3.5 企业教练操作模式172.3.6 企业教练及员工绩效关系分析17第3章 问卷测量与资料收集193.1 问卷说明203.2 问卷发放与回收203.2.1 预试203.2.2 正式测试203.3 统计分析方法203.4 企业绩效相关资料收集213.4.1 企业基本情况介绍213.4.2 A技术服务公司绩效考

3、评流程213.4.3 A技术服务公司绩效考评激励措施213.4.4 A技术服务公司绩效优化建议22第4章 问卷调查实证分析234.1 调查问卷数据描述244.1.1 管理者基本情况244.1.2 企业绩效管理情况244.1.3 员工绩效优化情况264.1.4 企业应用的绩效提升机优化管理方式294.2 问卷分析总结304.2.1 企业绩效管理值得肯定的地方304.2.2 企业绩效管理存在的问题31第5章 优化企业员工绩效方法及建议315.1 企业教练文化建设325.2 完善绩效制度,优化教练技术325.2.1 客观绩效考评325.2.2 强化员工参与绩效管理程度335.3 加强企业管理者教练技

4、术提升335.4 激励机制保障分析34第6章 研究结论及展望346.1 研究结论356.2 研究局限及展望35参考文献36致 谢41附录 调查问卷42附录A企业教练与绩效改进调查问卷43附录B员工绩效改进状况调查问卷46高等教育自学考试人力资源管理专业本科毕业论文A技术服务公司绩效提升中教练技术应用研究摘 要绩效持续提升是企业绩效管理工作开展的最终目的。现阶段企业绩效管理工作开展存在这样几个方面的问题:第一,企业管理者对员工绩效提升仍持传统看法;在企业员工表现出绩效不佳的情况下,主要因为他们的知识与技能无法满足实际需要造成的,因此,需要通过以知识传授与专业技能培养的方式来解决问题。第二,企业之


6、的教练方式,以此可以引导员工持续提升绩效。针对员工思维以及心理方面的创造性水平提升,有助于在员工职业发展与组织管理界面建立长效机制,并帮助员工不断获得学习机会,工作技能水平持续提升。这也是本研究之中的创新之处。本次研究之中形成了四个结论,包括企业教练技术的优化与员工绩效提升;通过综合运用企业教练技术完成对教练的专业化培养;绩效之中的关键是对匹配度的选择;另外也包括了对员工进行教练式的引导,这也是有效提升企业之中员工工作热情的关键。希望通过本研究能够对未来技术进步提供帮助。关键词:企业教练;绩效提升;方法;建议IIAbstractThe performance of continuous imp

7、rovement is the ultimate goal of enterprise performance management. Performance management work carried out at this stage of the existence of such enterprises to carry out several aspects: first, the enterprise managers still hold the traditional view on employee performance improvement; in the ente

8、rprise employees showed poor performance, mainly because they can not meet the actual needs of the cause, knowledge and skills they therefore need to solve the problem by using knowledge and professional skills training. Second, produced by the influence of individual factors of enterprise employee

9、performance problems. Combining the performance management mechanism of enterprises need to solve practical problems encountered, the performance problems in the future appears unable to form accurate forecast. Two kinds of problems are hindering the enterprise managers to improve performance on the

10、 solution of the problem. Therefore, to solve this problem, this study attempts to break through the traditional management concept, From the perspective of enterprise coaching perspective, the practical problems of enterprise coaching.According to the empirical theory, by using SPSS multivariate st

11、atistical method, there are A enterprises performance optimization problems, and by trying new methods, make full use of enterprise coaching. Analysis of how corporate coach technology application in enterprise performance improvement, and the formation of the methods and suggestions.At the same tim

12、e, the coaches and staff development planning model integration, further formed a performance optimization model. Combined with the different stages of development of the employees can take the corresponding coach, this can guide staff continued to improve performance. For employees thinking and psy

13、chological aspects of the creative level, contribute to the establishment of long-term mechanism in the employee occupation development and organizational management interface, and help employees to achieve learning opportunities, continuously improve work skills. This is also the research innovatio

14、n. This research has formed four conclusions, including coaching technology optimization and employee performance; through the integrated use of enterprise coaching complete professional training the coach is on the performance of the key; the matching degree of choice; in addition to coaching staff

15、 guidance also include this. The key is to effectively enhance the enterprise employees enthusiasm. Hope that through this study can provide help for the future technological progress.Keywords: Enterprise Manager;Performance Improvement; Method; Suggestion第1章 前言1.1 问题提出1.1.1 经济环境下企业生存压力问题受全球经济增速放缓以及经济危机的影响,全球失业率大幅提高,同时全球性金融危机在一定程度上也对我国资本市场产生了影响。直接导致企业出现负债率持续加大的情况,企业需通过收缩战略以及降低生产规模、提高生产经营效率的方式解决问题。因此产生的员工转岗、企业裁员等动作势在必行。基于此具有良好业绩才能够在激烈的市场竞争环节之中获得生存机会,员工也才能够拥有良好稳定的生活。如何


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