Module 10 Unit 1 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习

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1、Module 10The weatherUnit 1It might snow.基础知识回顾.汉译英1.零下2摄氏度minus two degrees2.听起来很棒sounds great3.在冬天in winter4.变得暖和get warm5.也as well.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.It rained all day.I forgot to take my umbrella with me,so I got wet( 湿的 ).2.Li Min met a terrible( 可怕的 ) storm on her way home yesterday.3.You must be

2、joking( 开玩笑 )!It cant rain today!4.There are some dark clouds( 云 ),so I think its going to rain soon.5.I like winter because I like skating( 滑冰 ).根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.It is asnowy( snow ) day.The children are excited to see the snow.2.Winter here is muchcolder( cold ) than in Tibet.3.Im not sure.You are

3、probably( probable ) right.4.In summer,I enjoytaking( take ) a shower at night.5.This red notebook is a little thicker( thick ) than that blue one.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Some day your dream will come true.( 改为同义句 )One dayyour dream will come true.2.Whats the weather like today?( 改为同义句 )How isthe weather toda

4、y?3.The temperature in the room is 18 degrees.( 对画线部分提问 )What isthe temperature in the room?4.He likes spring and he likes autumn too.( 改为同义句 )He likes spring and he likes autumnas well.5.It may be hot and sunny later.( 改为同义句 )Maybeitwill behot and sunny later.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。We should

5、 brush our teeth at least twice a day.2.我每天都吃很多,所以长胖了。I eatquite a lotevery day so Im heavy now.3.河上的冰已经厚到经得住人走了。The ice on the river is thick enough to walk on.4.快点,否则我们赶不上火车了。Come/Hurry/Be on/up/quick,or we will miss the train.5.他想要一杯不热不凉的茶。He would like a cup of tea neither too hot nor too cold.综

6、合能力提升.单项填空( B )1.Its raining now, I decide to stay at home and go over my lessons.A.becauseB.soC.whileD.but( A )2.You must feel hot in that sweater.Take it off.A.thickB.dryC.magicD.common( C )3.What do you often doclasses to relax yourselves?We often do eye exercises,listen to music or do some runni

7、ng around the school. A.acrossB.amongC.betweenD.through( A )4.Which do you prefer,rice or noodles?,thanks.I am not hungry.I only need some water.A.NeitherB.EitherC.BothD.All( A )5.Mum,I signed for a big box by Future Express( 快递 ).Whats in it?Im not sure.It be a present from your

8、stC.shouldD.will.补全对话A:Hello,this is Winnie.Is that Charlie speaking?B:Speaking,please.A:I want to go to London.So I want to know the weather there.1.CB:Sure!Now its February,and it is cold.Its a bad month of the year.A:Oh,I think its as cold as it in Weihai,China.B:2.GA:Then when is the best time t

9、o visit London?B:3.A There are trees,grass and flowers everywhere.A:I heard that its often foggy( 有雾的 ).B:4.D Our government has tried to protect the environment.A:5.BI heard that you often talk about the weather when you meet each other.B:Yes.Because the weather changes from time to time.A.Its in s

10、pring.B.Im glad to hear that.C.Can you tell me about it?D.You are right,but it isnt serious.E.You wont visit England in autumn.F.What does the weather report say?G.But its a little warmer than that in Weihai.阅读理解My favourite vacation experience( 经历 ) was a Trans-Atlantic cruise( 跨大西洋巡航 ).We left fro

11、m Copenhagen,Norway and ended up in Boston,America.Along the way it made some stops in Norway,Iceland,Canada and then to America.I felt it was so cool to get off the cruise ship( 船 ) in Akureyri.Its a town in Iceland.I grew up there.I went to my old house to visit my family and old friends.At the en

12、d of the day I said goodbye to my parents and got back on the ship.The moon high in the air seemed to be so cold and beautiful.The ship went across some very heavy seas( 巨浪 ) after we left Iceland.No one could go outside because the wind blew so hard.A very large cruise ship might probably get tosse

13、d around( 剧烈摇晃 ) in the heavy seas.Those days on the sea were really dangerous but I enjoyed myself very much.Every day was fun and exciting.I also met so many cool and interesting people from around the world.It was a wonderful cruise and vacation.And Im going to have another one this summer.( A )1

14、.How many countries did the ship stop on the Trans-Atlantic cruise?A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.D.Seven.( D )2.The writer left the the night( C )3.The writer thought the experience on the heavy seas was.A.terribleB.boringC.excitingD.relaxing( A )4.You can repl

15、ace( 替代 ) the underlined word “one” with “”.A.cruiseB.shipC.personD.island( D )5.What can we learn from the passage?A.The writers cruise started in Boston.B.The writer went to the town in Iceland to see his classmates.C.The experience on the cruise wasnt dangerous at all.D.The cruise was a good experience f


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