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1、汇编选集北京语言20秋高级写作作业3(100分)北京语言大学20秋高级写作作业3试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Will you please drive _? The train is leaving soon.A、quickB、fasterC、solwlyD、more slowly正确答案:第2题,Is chemistry more difficult than physics? No, chemistry isnt as _ as physics.A、easyB、difficultC、easierD、more difficult正确答案:第3题,_ we got to the st

2、ation, the train had left already.A、IfB、UnlessC、SinceD、When正确答案:第4题,So far, several ships have been reported missing _ the coast of Bermuda Island.A、offB、alongC、onD、around正确答案:,Can you make sure _ the gold ring.A、where Alice had putB、where had Alice putC、where Alice has putD、where has Alice put正确答案:

3、第6题,Today, well discuss a number of cases _ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.A、whichB、asC、whyD、where正确答案:第7题,John promised his doctor he _ not smoke, and he has smoked ever since.A、mightB、shouldC、couldD、would正确答案:第8题,Hundreds of people are _ now, so there are about 50 people tr

4、ying for the same position.A、out of the workB、out workC、out of workD、out of a work正确答案:第9题,I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. Is that _ you had a few days off?A、whyB、whenC、whatD、where正确答案:,Lets begin our class _ everybody is here.A、althoughB、untilC、even ifD、now that正确答案:第11题,No sooner had

5、 the man departed than the tree began dropping coffee beans _.A、by the thousandB、by a thousandC、by thousandsD、by thousand正确答案:,You dont have to know the name of the author to find a book. You _ find the book by the title.A、mustB、needC、canD、would正确答案:第13题,A large quantity of water pipes _ needed.A、ar

6、eB、isC、hasD、have正确答案:第14题,_ a postgraduate, I would at least master two foreign languages.A、Should I becomeB、Were I to becomeC、Had I becomeD、I should become正确答案:,My brother doesnt like studying. He watches TV for _ two hours every day.A、less thanB、more thanC、little thanD、much than正确答案:第16题,_ forget

7、my hometown and my happy childhood.A、Never I willB、Never will IC、Never ID、I never have正确答案:第17题,Not until I went to America _ what kind of a country she is.A、did I knowB、I knowC、I didnt knowD、I could know正确答案:第18题,If you want to know the meaning of the word _, youd better look it up in the dictionar

8、y.A、mostlyB、exactlyC、nearlyD、hardly正确答案:第19题,-Have you any plans for this evening? -No, but I wish I _.A、haveB、didC、will haveD、do正确答案:,You _ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thingA、neednt have washedB、shouldnt have washedC、must not have washedD、can not have washed正确答案:

9、第21题,_ dark was the night that we had to rely on our ears instead of our eyes.A、HowB、ExtremelyC、VeryD、So正确答案:第22题,Most of the representatives think that _ the meeting was very successful.A、on wholeB、on a wholeC、on the wholeD、on the whole that正确答案:第23题,The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses _ vacation to China.A、payingB、paidC、to be paidD、being paid正确答案:第24题,_ Mary is grown up, it doesnt mean that she can do whatever she likes.A、BecauseB、AfterC、ThoughD、Since正确答案:,They decided to drive the cattle away _ they did more damage.A、untilB、unlessC、beforeD、although正确答案:


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