英语专业泛读第四册Unit 1 Science in the Sahara

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1、1Unit 1 Science in the Sahara:Man of the DesertLead-in:I. Discussion:1. Have you ever been to a desert? What is a desert like?Full of sand, dry, waterless, harsh geographical environment; not available to live in. romote, far from city life.Dangerous. Easy for people to lose sense of directions. Pen

2、g Jiamu was lost in 1980s in Luobupo in Xinjiang.2. Have you everyread Sanmaos book: Stories in the Sahara Desert?What do you know about the desert? Largest one in the world.Its location? In Africa.Its map:Which countries are in the Sahara Desert?撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠.横贯非洲大陆北部,东西长达 5600 公里,南北宽约 1600 公里,面积约

3、 960 万平方公里,约占非洲总面积 32%.分布在西撒哈拉、毛里塔尼亚、马里、阿尔及利亚、尼日尔、突尼斯、利比亚、乍得、埃及、苏丹等十多个国家和地区.阿尔及利亚 Algeria3. Are you interested in exploration in a desert or adventure? Why?Exciting; dangerous; challenge yourself. Enlarge your vision.Our text is about an explorer in the eastern Sahara. 1. Have you ever been to a des

4、ert? What is a desert like? 2. Have you read Sanmaos book: Sahara Desert? 3 What do you know about it? About its location; countries located there; climate; geography;animals; plants; peoples life, etc. 4. Are you interested in exploration in a desert or adventure? Why? 5. Can you predict the main c

5、ontents of the text? 6. Suppose you lived in the desert, how would you plan to arrange your life there?II. Do word pretest before going to text. Check the meaning of new words:III. The text:Previewing questions:Pa 1 scanning: Stefan Kropelins first research trip to the eastern Sahara did not start w

6、ell. Why?Pa 2 scanning: What is Stefan Kropelin? 2Most devoted Sahara Explorers now. now a geologist and climate researcher at the Uni. Of Cologne in Germany.What hardships had he experienced?Pa 3 skimming: He had achieved a lot in his field work. What are they?1) he has made influencial discoveries

7、;2) he has recorded the Saharas cultural hsitory and has tried to preserve its heritage by persuading to protect scientific and cultural sites.Pa.4Skimming: How did he start his interest in his sense of adventure to the Sahara Dissert?Pa 5Scan: What is the meaning of “Inhospitable” in the first sent

8、ence of pa.5?Harsh weather and bad geographical condition.How about his attitude to his work?Circumspect, hard-driving leader, good at knowledge of geomorphology, archaelogy, human psychology and motomomor mechanics.I. Pa.1-5 Summary: Introduction to Kropelins and his research: his first research tr

9、ip to the eastern Sahara.His job now; his descoveries; why he started his adventure; his hard working environment and his careful attitude to work.Pa.6 1. What research has he done?Reveal how the Sahara transformed from a savannah more than 5000 years ago to the desert it is today.2. What was resear

10、chers idea about the Sahara in the past?Pa.7Will the pa. About his doubt to others research?Pa 8What is the conclusion of his research?II. Pa. 6-8 Summary: about His research: he doubts about others research and he gets his own research result. Pa 9Kropelin and deMenocals debate. His ideas were acce

11、pted. Pa 10 翻译句:他对约阿湖的研究结果给他在这个地区的长期发现画上了一个圆满的句号。Summary:His research results from Lake Yoa What about his research results from Lake Yoa?III. pa. 9-10 His debate with others and his satisfying discoveries.IV. Pa.11-12 Difficulties he met. V. Pa. 13-14 Other works he has done and his plans in the Sa

12、hara.3Pa.11 scanning: How have his trips placed him in difficult situations? Pa.12 skimming: why nature is the enemy?Pa.13 skimming: What other works has he done?Pa.14 What does he plan to do in the Sahara?Why does he do such things? Love for the land.I. Pa.1-5 Summary: Introduction to Kropelins and

13、 his research:Summary: His job now; his descoveries; why he started his adventure; his hard working environment and his careful attitude to work.Pa. 1 scanning: How about Stefan Kropelins first research trip to the eastern Sahara? Why? Main idea: his first research trip to the eastern Sahara.Remote:

14、 adj. 1)far distant in place or time 偏远的,偏僻的.2)冷漠的;冷淡的;与人疏远的;清高的 sb does not want to be friendly or closely involved with other people. Eg She looked so beautiful, and at the same time so remote. 她相貌如此美丽,同时又如此清高不群。Plateau:1. N-COUNT 高原 A plateau is a large area of high and fairly flat land. Eg A bro

15、ad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land. 一条宽阔的山谷展现在眼前,通往一处平整的开垦地高原。Sediment 英 sedmnt n. 地沉淀物;沉积物,沉渣 复数:sediments 词条标签:TOEFL IELTS GRE 1. N 沉渣;沉淀物 Sediment is solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid, especially earth and pieces of rock that have been carri

16、ed along and then left somewhere by water, ice, or wind. Eg Many organisms that die in the sea are soon buried by sediment. 海洋里死亡的许多生物会很快被沉淀物掩埋。Deposition 英 depzn n. 沉积(物)Canyon:1. N a long, narrow valley with very steep sides. (陡峭狭长的)峡谷,溪谷Eg .the Grand Canyon. (美国的)大峡谷Embark:英 mb:k vi. 上飞机,上船;着手,从事 vt. 使上船或飞机;使从事,使着手;投资于 词条标签:考研 IELTS 1. V start doing something difficult 着手;开始做Eg Hes embarking on a new career as a writer. 他即将开始新的职业生涯


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