英语:Unit 5《Learning about China》Topic 3课件(1)(仁爱英语九年级下)

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1、Unit 5 Topic 3,The dragons has become a symbol of the Chinese nation Section A,梅晓红,Teaching Aims 教学目标 1. Master some new words and phrases. 2. Learn the usage of connectives(并列连词). 3. Understand dragons and Huabiao which play an important part in Chinese culture,Learning about China,Chinese historic

2、al persons and historical events,Chinas history and culture,The geography of China,There are many people, places and things related to dragons. Here are some pictures. Can you describe them using some phrases related to dragons,Lord Yes Love of dragons,the year of the dragon,Dragon Well Tea,Dragon B

3、oat Festival,the Forbidden City/ the Palace Museum,Listen to the tape carefully. Then mark T or F,Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City have yellow roofs(屋顶). There are many real dragons in the Forbidden City. Yellow is the a symbol of the Chinese nation. Dragon plays an important part in Chin

4、ese festivals,T,F,F,T,Read, think and ask,Translate the following phrases or sentences into English,1.带某人参观某地 2.多宏伟的建筑! 3.帝王权力的象征 4.古代中国 5.被刻在石头上的动物 6.有长长尾巴的动物,show sb. around (round) sp,What grand buildings,_,_,a symbol of imperial power,_,ancient China,the animals which have long tails,the animals

5、 that are carved on the stones,_,_,_,_,Read the dialogue again then translate the following phrases or sentences into English,7.很正确. 8.真龙天子 9.起重要作用扮演重要角色 10.龙年 11.哥哥,real dragons and the sons of heaven,play an important part/role,the year of the dragon,my elder brother,Thats correct,Do you have any

6、other problems,_,_,Exercises: 1.My _ _(哥哥) is a doctor while my _ _(弟弟) is an actor. 2.My _ _ (长女)is at university now but the other one is still at primary school. 3.Who is_ _(较大) of the two? Do children still respect their _(长辈)? 5.Jack is _(elder/older) than Mary,elder adj. 年纪较长的,对应词: younger eld

7、er n. (sing) the elder 年纪较大的一个 (pl) elders =older people=the old 长者,elder brother,younger brother,elder daughter,the elder,elders,older,Retell according to the key words,Most of the - because - The animals - Its said that - In ancient China, emperors - And dragon has become - It also plays - There a

8、re a lot of,Most of the _ _ in the Forbidden City have _ _ because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in _ _. The animals that _ _ on the stones are dragons. _ _ _ they are _ animals which have long _. In _ China, emperors thought themselves _ _ and _ _ _ heaven. And dragon has become _ _ _ the C

9、hinese _. It also plays _ _ _ in Chinese festivals. There are a lot of _ _ _ _ _ about dragons,grand buildings,yellow roofs,ancient China,are carved,Its said that,tails,powerful,ancient,real,dragons,the sons of,a symbol of,nation,an important part,operas,music, paintings and sayings,Tian An Men,Huab

10、iao,Listen to the tape and finish 2b,1. Whats on the Huabiao that the children saw outside the Forbidden City? 2. Who set up the first Huabiao that was made of wood? Why? 3.Where are Janes, Susanna and Kangkang going next,Dragons,Yao. In order to encourage people to carve their suggestions on it,The

11、y are going to either Beihai Park or Sichahai Park,Read, think and ask,Choose the words in the dialogue to explain the following phrases: not like anything else; being the only one of its type 2. made of wood 3. to say definitely(肯定地) that you will do or not do sth. or sth. will happen,unique,wooden

12、,promise,Translations,1.You can _ write _ phone. (你可以写信也可以打电话) 2.He cant speak French, I cant _. (他不会说法语,我也不会.) 3.Either of us _(be) willing to help. (我们俩谁都乐意伸出援手) 4.Its a pleasant road, with trees on _ side. (这条路两边都种了树,真是赏心悦目,either,or,either,is,either/each,eitheror, neithernor, bothand, not onlybu

13、t also (每个短语限用一次,1._she_I have seen the film. We know nothing about it. 2._ Lily _ I am going shopping with you. One of us wants to see our grandpa. 3._ Jack _ Tom is interested in the book. 4._Jack _ Tom are interested in the book,Neither,nor,Either,or,Not only,but also,Both,and,_,_,_,_,Read again

14、and retell the story about Huabiao,It is said that in ancient China a King Named Yao set up a wooden column outside his palace. He encouraged people to carve their suggestions on it, and Yao promised to follow the good ones,_,_,DISCOVERY 大清皇朝 紫禁城,Thank you,promise v.及物动词,意为许诺,答应,其结构为: promise sb. st

15、h. 许诺某人某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 promise sb. to do sth. 答应某人做某事 promise+that从句 promise n. 作名词意为诺言,约定 make/keep/break a promise 许/遵守/违背诺言,爸爸许诺买一个手机作为我的生日礼物 My farther _ _ _ _for my birthday. My farther _ _ _ _ _ for My farther _ _ _ _ _ _ for My farther _ that _ _ _ _ _ for my birthday,promised me a cellphone,promised to buy a cellphone,promised me to buy a cellphone,promised,he would buy a cellphone,Dragon Boa


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