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1、词汇辨析(5) watch/see/read/look/notice see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing sound/noise/voice,What are they doing,watching TV,seeing a film,reading books,looking at the cat,辨析一,watch/see/read/look/notice,watch “看(动的东西)“、”观看“、”注视“,指全神贯注地看。 看戏、电视、比赛、实验、表演一般用watch,He watches TV only on Saturday,辨析一,watch/see/

2、read/look/notice,look 表示有意识地看,不管结果如何,只强调看的动作,Please look at the blackboard carefully,look 是不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,如果跟宾语,要与at连用,look 常单独使用,以引起对方注意,Look! How happily they are playing,辨析一,watch/see/read/look/notice,see “看到;看见“,指有意无意地看到,强调看的结果,无进行时态,I look outside but I cant see anything,Look! Can you see a bird

3、,see a doctor看医生,see a film看电影,辨析一,watch/see/read/look/notice,read指“看”时指“阅读”,常用于看书、看报等,I like reading at home,readd a book 看书,read a newspaper看报纸,read a magazine看杂志,辨析一,watch/see/read/look/notice,notice注意到,提醒别人注意等意思,汉语中常有通知、启示、告示之意,I noticed him come in,我注意到他进来了,There was a notice on the board sayin

4、g the class had been cancelled,布告牌上有一则通知说这堂课取消了,He will _a football match,He stands at the window and _ a policeman,_! The bus is coming,Did you _ anything unsual,Im trying to _the map,see,look,read,watch,notice,Match the word and the sentences,练一练,中考链接,1. Speak louder, please. I cant _ you. 【湖南】 A.

5、 see B. hear C. write,B,2.You are ill. You had better _ the doctor right now. 【湖南】 A. look at B. see C. watch,B,中考链接,3. Sandy feels unhappy because nobody seems to _ her progress. 【盐城】 A. notice B. look C. watch D. read 4. They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance. 【广东】 A. saw B. noticed

6、 C. watched D. observed,A,A,辨析二,see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing,Tom got into his car and drove away,I saw Tom get into his car and drove away,You saw this,Yesterday you saw Mark. He was waiting for the bus,I saw Mark waiting for a bus,辨析二,see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing,I saw her clean the room,

7、I heard someone knock at the door three times,Did you notice Jack come in,听到了有人敲门的全过程,强调做过了某事,强调看到了过程,辨析二,see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing,see/hear/watch/notice sb. do sth. 经常看到某人做某事/ 看见某人做某事的全过程,I often watch my classmates play volleyball after schol,此处有频率副词often,常用搭配,every night; often 等频率副词 I li

8、ke to hear the birds sing,辨析二,see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing,I saw her doing her homework,I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep,I notice my brother cleaning his room,听到了有人敲门的全过程,强调正在做某事,正在打扫,辨析二,see/hear/watch/notice sb.do/doing,see/hear/watch/notice sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事/ 看见

9、某人做某事的瞬间,I watched them plying volleyball on the playground just now,表示看见动作的瞬间,常用搭配,at 7 p.m. ;at that time; When I walk past,练一练,Use the words to make a sentence,1. now/see/the boys/ playing football/I 2. from the lady/ noticed / a thief/ Justin/ steal 3. listen/ do /you/somebody/hear/crying/?/,I s

10、ee the boys playing football now,Justin noticed a thief steal from the lady,Listen! Do you hear somebody crying,中考链接,1. Are there any birds in the zoo? Yes. I ofen go there because I like to hear the birds _ . A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. are singing,B,中考链接,2. Where is Mike? I saw him_with Rose

11、in the hallways just now. 【四川内江】 A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talks,B,中考链接,3. WeChat has become a hot free software. You can often see people _ with their friends over Wechat everywhere. 【南京】 A. to talk B. talked C. talk D. talking,C,How do you wake up in the morning,Sound is very important in

12、 our life,Noise causes discomfort to the ears,辨析三,sound/noise/voice,这三个词都作“声音”解,在表示“听到声音”这个意思时,三者可以通用,但它们又各有特定的含义,sound n. 各种声音; v. 听起来,We can hear different sounds in the forest,Lets go skiing! It sounds good,我们可以在森林里听到不同的声音,辨析三,sound/noise/voice,noise n. 噪声,吵闹声(不悦耳的声音);adj. noisy,What terrible noi

13、se,多么可怕的噪音,Dont make so much noise,别弄出这么大的声音,辨析三,sound/noise/voice,voice n. 嗓音,说话声,歌唱声,I could hear voices in the next room,我能听到隔壁房间里的声音,She has a cold and loses his voice,她感冒了,嗓子哑了,练一练,1.She has a very beautiful and sweet _. 2. Dont make much _. We are watching TV. 3. They heard the _ of a motorbik

14、e coming round. 4. _ travels slower than light,Use noise/voice/sound to fill in the blanks,voice,noise,sound,Sound,1. The _ outside _ terrible. Please speak in a high _. A. voice ; sound; noise B. noise; voice; sound C. sound; noise; voice D. noise; sounds; voice,中考链接,D,2. This sentence _ right. Ple

15、ase write it down. 【河北】 A. feels B. sounds C. tastes D. smells,中考链接,B,3. Lily has a silk _. Listen, she is singing in the next room! How nice! 【福建】 A. look B. noise C. voice,中考链接,B,Most children like watching TV very much, and they prefer (1) _ (watch) cartoons .Watching TV too much is bad for them,

16、 especially for (2) _eyes. But watching TV also has advantages (优点).(3) _ do children like watching TV? Because they think it is (4) _ (interested) and easy to watch TV. They can hear the voices and watch the moving pictures at (5) _ same time. They can see and learn a lot about their countries. They also learn newer and better ways of (6) _ (do) somet



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