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1、 例:This girl was all by herself and far from home , without a single relative or friend to help her. 直译:她离家很远,什么都要靠自己,没有亲人和朋友来帮助她。 意译: 她一个单身人 ,无亲无故。 例句: I talked to him with brutal frankness. (1)我同他谈话用粗暴的坦率。 (逐词翻译) (2)我同他谈话时,使用了令人不快的真诚的语言。 (直译) (3)我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。 (意译) 2. His irritation could not w

2、ithstand the silent beauty of the night. (1)他的烦恼不能承受夜晚宁静的美丽。 (逐词翻译) (2)他的烦恼经不起这宁静的良宵美景的感染。 (直译) (3)面对这宁静的良宵美景,他的烦恼不禁涣然冰释了。(意译) 汉译英: 感:sense 责任感,安全感,自卑感,优越感, A sense of responsibility , A sense of safety, A sense of inferiority, A sense of superiority, 节奏感,正义感,羞耻感,幽默感, A sense of rhythm /rim/ , A sen

3、se of justice, A sense of shame, A sense of humor, 无助感,方向感,紧迫感, A sense of hopelessness, A sense of direction, A sense of urgency 2. When should we depend on 直译法 ? (1) Common civilization core, 某些习语和短语的翻译 ,例如: cold war 冷战 hot line 热线 hot girl, spicy girl 辣妹 hot-selling books 热销书/ 畅销书 black market 黑市

4、 pillar industry 支柱产业 Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水 (2)含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等,直译可以丰富译语语言。例如: 1) He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. 他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那鳄鱼的眼泪。 2) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today e

5、xtended the olive branch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy. 参议院外交委员会今天向克林顿政府伸出了橄榄枝,要求在发展外交政策上合作。 3) In the court action, Alain sprang his trumptrmp (王牌) card by calling a surprise witness. 在法庭诉讼中,阿兰突然打出了他的王牌 请出一位意想不到的证人。(杀手锏) 4)In wine there is truth.

6、 酒后吐真言。to show ones cards 摊牌 Shuttle(穿梭,梭子) diplomacy 穿梭外交 a gentlemans agreement 君子协定 to strike somebody when he is unprepared 攻其不备 Soon got, soon gone. 来得容易,去得快。 Speech is silver, silence is golden. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。意译 例证分析 三口之家 nuclear(原子能的,核心的) family(核心家庭,基本家庭) 三世同堂 the extended family with three gene

7、rations under the same roof. 爸爸,感谢您对我们的爱,你的辛勤工作让我和妈妈衣食无忧。Dear dad, thank you for your affection on us, your hard work always keeps bread on the table and roof over our head. bread-winner 4)主要有以下几种情况需要意译: 包含典故的文化习语: 英语和中文表达的语义有较大差异,需要按照汉语习惯进行表达,以避免违反文化习惯。例如: (1)Two heads are better than one. (2)你不要班门

8、弄斧了. Remain modest before an authority. Dont display your axe at Lu Bans door. 联想对应 Dont teach a fish how to swim. Dont teach your grandmother how to suck eggs. as timid as a hare(野兔) at a stones throw wet like a drown(淹死的) rat as stupid as a goose as stubborn as a mule (骡子) seek a hare in a hens ne

9、st as dumb(哑的) as an oyster /st/(牡蛎) 胆小如鼠一箭之遥湿如落汤鸡蠢得像猪犟得像牛缘木求鱼守口如瓶 lead a dogs life 过着牛马一样的生活 cry up(夸奖,推崇) wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉 put back(放回远处,推迟) the clock 开倒车 talk horse 吹牛 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵 drink like a fish 牛饮 Once the wife of a parson(牧师), always the wife of

10、 a parson. 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。 Last night I heard him driving his pigs into market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 情人眼里出西施.Love is blind. Love makes the beloved lovely in the loves eye. 收红包 receive glove money. Receive a red envelope with some money inside as a Chinese New Year gift. 穿新衣 Put on your Sunday best 说曹操,曹操就到。 Talk

11、of the devil(恶魔) and he will appear. 老马识途。 Sense comes with age. 一花独放不是春。 One swallow does not make a summer. 英译汉时能找到汉语的对等含义,但是语义有所差异,必须按照汉语的语言习惯表达. 例如: Every dog has his day. 人人都有得意的日子。 风水轮着转。三十年河东,三十年河西。 One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 人多互打乱,鸡多不下蛋

12、。 Everyones business is nobodys business. 根据上下文语境,对有些词汇、句式进行适当调整、转换。例如: chain stores 连锁商店 非请莫入。 Staff only. Everyman is the architect of his own fate. 每个人都是自己命运的主宰者。 天不生人上之人,也不生人下之人。福泽谕吉劝学篇知识改变命运”,从励志角度,讲人和人本来都差不多,后天的差别主要是学问的差别,而每个人都可以通过教育来改变生活。 A virtuous wife is a mans best prize. 贤惠的妻子是对一个男人最大的奖赏

13、。 妻贤夫祸少。I. 能直译的就直译acid rainblind zonechain storecold war hot linehot-selling books black market酸雨盲区连锁店冷战热线热销书黑市crocodile tearsa laughing stock(树干)pour /p/ oil on firefish in troubled(使混乱,使 麻烦) waterspillar industrychain reaction gentlemens agreement鳄鱼的眼泪(猫哭耗子假慈悲)笑柄火上浇油混水摸鱼(意译:趁火打劫)支柱产业连锁反应君子协定经济特区一国

14、两制绿色食品超级市场special economic zoneone country, two systemsgreen foodsupermarketII. 直译硬译或死译bulls eyedog house cold wave a black sheep black coffee a white lie a baby kisser靶心高频高压电源屏幕罩寒潮害群之马不加牛奶的咖啡善意的谎言政客Queens Englishthe apple of ones eyeChina policy Chinese dragon English diseaseGreek gift Spanish athl

15、ete标准英语掌上明珠对华政策麒麟软骨病害人的礼品吹牛的人向钱看经济作物拳头产品黄色电影money madcash cropscompetitive productpornographic movies大刀阔斧 a great knife and axein a bold and resolute way袖手旁观 to look on with hands in sleevesto look on(旁观) with folded arms寄人篱下 to live under ones fenceto live under ones roof无孔不入 to get into every holeto take advantage of every weakness五湖四海five lakes four seasall corners of the countryWe parted the best friends.死译:我们告别了最好的朋友。正译:我们在分别时是极好的朋友。Thats all Greek to me.硬译:那对我来说全是希腊语。正译:那个我可一窍不通。He is as good


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