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1、Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided)(每小题:1 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank.1.Thoreau didnt hate , instead, he got inspiration from it.2.Cold, as a rule, doesnt bother th

2、em but they will not prolonged (延长) wetness, particularly during the winter.3.All of these festivals were regarded as occasions when all ordinary work stopped.4.It had been a very hard frost, the path was very , and that night was particularly cold.5.Good looks are a more profitable in Hollywood tha

3、n talent and hard work.6.The Canadian trader had a fine load of to sell after his hunting trip.7.In praising movies for classroom use, he has an to grind; he sells motion picture equipment.8.Barbara had so many things to do that she could not do to her lessons.9.If you see him, please give my for no

4、t having written to him.10.Bitter experiences can lead to the maturity of a person, so tears are part and of growing up.11.Einstein became the high of physics for his theory of relativity.12.There was a feeling of gloom (忧郁) and in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.13.Be careful

5、 while communicating with the person, as he has an enormous as well as tremendous ambition.14.A snow fell, heavily the trees and the ground with a blanket of white.15.Ill ask at the post office what the is on a letter to the United States.16.The horse the dust of the ground impatiently while waiting

6、 for its master.17.In the hotel lounge (休息厅) an awful chamber orchestra was away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.18.If you see your small child trying to hurt a playmate, pull her away firmly without and find something else to interest her.19.Horses have a need to , and a diet that provides suf

7、ficient pasture (牧场) or hay will satisfy this need.20.Words are only essential to put across more concepts and intellectual ideas.21.There is no general nature in common to those things, and any idea we have is never general or , but always of some particular thing.22.In the , we approve of the Gold

8、en Rule, Do onto others as you would have them do onto you, but we do not always follow it.23.An English romantic poet, William Wordsworth found his in the lake district scenery.24.After she had panted for a moment in the fresh air, she had a brilliant .25.One mark of a writers greatness is that dif

9、ferent minds can find in him different .26.Annoyingly, youngsters were playing games in the lifts, and we had to to the stairs.27.What is clear is that when people do to credit to make ends meet, their anxieties increase.28.In the last we shall have to borrow the money, though I hope that it will no

10、t be necessary.29.The electric lamps went out so we had to to candles to light the room.30.In order to catch and hold students attention, the teacher sometimes to certain tricks.介词填空1.Sarah differs her sister Katie in that the former is talkative and the latter is reserved.2.As an absent-minded pers

11、on, he always finds himself pawing the messy desk looking for something he wants.3.The parents interfering ways spring the desire to see their daughter comfortably married.4.New college graduates would like to room others so as to meet their limited entry-level salaries.5.Whenever she runs the corri

12、dor to seek help from her neighbors, they always give her a hand.6.all odds, Alan and his roommate didnt slap each other around, instead, they became friends in the end.7.Thoreau was referred as the American high priest of solitude.8.The beginning of university life usually fills the freshmen with t

13、he excitement of being in a brand new environment.9.The solitary explorer ventured among the wild animals to tame that unknown area.10.In spite of her roommates complaints, she turned the volume on the radio.11.The two countries went to war a small piece of land that they both claimed as their own.1

14、2.The announcement came as ministers tried to head criticism that the reforms fail to meet the expected results.13.You will have to speak to both of them quickly if you want to head a nasty disagreement.14.Prior to this decision the authorities had in a number of cases resorted violence to prevent p

15、eople from seeking refuge (庇护) in the embassies of various Western countries.15.Employers therefore resorted the reduction of costs, most particularly in wages, in order to compete in world markets.16.The change will not endure another election defeat; if Labor loses next time the party will probably tear .17.The roomm



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