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1、新版基于社交媒体的知识服务企业公关形象构建汇编 基于社交媒体的知识服务企业公关形象构建 基于社交媒体的知识服务企业公关形象构建 本文关键词:社交,公关,构建,形象,媒体基于社交媒体的知识服务企业公关形象构建 本文简介:本篇文章目录导航:【题目】基于社交媒体的知识服务企业公关形象构建【第一章】企业利用社交媒体塑造组织形象问题提出【第二章】罗辑思维公共关系文献回顾与研究设计【3.1-3.2】罗辑思维品牌建设和公众管理的独特性【3.3】罗辑思维罗辑思维公共关系文献回顾与研究设计【3.1-3.2】 罗辑思维品牌建设和公众管理的独特性【3.3】 罗辑思维传播沟通管理的独特性【第四章】 罗辑思维危机公关处

2、理的案例探析【第五章】 罗辑思维对知识型企业公关管理的其他启示【第六章】知识型企业未来公共关系创新探究【第七章-参考文献】知识类公司新媒体公共关系管理研究结论与参考文献摘 要在移动互联网时代,社交媒体的盛行和广泛运用,使得教育、内容出版、媒体这三个领域开始融合,依托移动互联网的技术及社交媒体的平台,形成了付费知识产品这一新物种、新业态;从而产生了以提供内容业务为主的知识型企业;其中极具代表性的有喜马拉雅、罗辑思维、知乎及分答等。202x 年,得到、喜马拉雅、分答、知乎等平台纷纷探索付费音视频、付费咨询、付费问答、付费专栏订阅等形式,开启了以知识作为产品和服务的有偿共享经济模式。至今,业内不断涌



5、的三个关键方向,分别是:以效率为重点,以沉浸为手段,以认同为基础。本研究的意义在于,比较系统地探究了社交媒体时代知识型企业的公共关系价值、特征、方法、策略与未来发展;分析了知识型企业发展公共关系的重要性和必要性。与此同时,罗辑思维是这个时代非常典型的知识型企业,罗辑思维的公共关系建设与管理具有普遍价值,本研究所解剖出的罗辑思维公共关系特性等内容,对同类知识型企业具有参考价值和指导意义。关键词: 罗辑思维;公共关系;社交媒体;移动互联网;组织形象建设AbstractIn the era of mobile Internet, the prevalence and widespread use o

6、f social mediahas led to the integration of education, content publishing, and media. With the help ofmobile Internet technologies and social media platforms, this new species of paidknowledge products has emerged. As a result, a knowledge-based company thatprovides content business has emerged, amo

7、ng which are the Himalayas, Luo Jiji,Zhihu, and points. In 202x, platforms such as Get, Himalayan, Appointments, andZhiyi explored paid audio and video, paid consulting, paid quiz, and paid columnsubscriptions. They started a paid sharing economy model using knowledge as aproduct and service. In the

8、 industry, a variety of knowledge-based companies, mainlyindividuals or teams, have emerged. Through knowledge services and the economicrealisation of the community, the use of the Internet as a means of communication andpayment has led to transactions, which has triggered a boom in the knowledgeeco

9、nomy. With the advent of the age of knowledge, information, globalization, andintelligence, knowledge-based companies will not only be more and more, but will alsocontribute to the development of society. However, knowledge-based companiesrelying on social media platforms Development is still at an

10、exploratory stage, andknowledge-based companies products and services often encounter various problems.Based on this, it is the responsibility of public relations to strengthen the research andguidance of knowledge-based companies.In the highly popularized mobile Internet and smart mobile terminals,

11、 social mediahas brought the relationship between human relations, organizations, and the publicinto a new era of time and space. The human-based relationship network based onsocial media construction has become more common. In the context of informationexplosion and over-information, the public has

12、, due to the increasing choice of information, will, to some extent, lead to the dissemination or even neglect of thepublic relations of social organizations. In this case, Difficult to do public relations,brand promotion effect is difficult to do well, and naturally become a hot topic inpublic rela

13、tions theory circles often talk about.Therefore, based on the analysis of the value of the development ofknowledge-based companies and the hot topics of public relations in the context ofsocial media, the study adopts the perspective of social media and draws on existingpublic relations and social m

14、edia related theories and research methods, and adoptsliterature. Laws, case studies, qualitative research methods, interviews, and otherresearch methods are based on the case of Luo Ji Si Wei, a representative of aknowledge-based enterprise under social media, to analyze the public relationsstrateg

15、ies and issues in the development process. It is from the Luo Ji Si Wei to usesocial media to strengthen the uniqueness of public relations, strategies and issues ofcrisis public relations management, and the enlightenment to the management ofknowledge-based enterprises public relations, and predict

16、 the future ofknowledge-based enterprises along with the future development trend of social media.In order to bring some inspirations to the management of public relations ofknowledge-based companies in the context of social media, we explored the directionof relationship management innovation.According to the logical relationship, this paper is divided into the following sevenchapters:



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