Translation1常用 (2)

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《Translation1常用 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Translation1常用 (2)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1、我们必须抓住机遇, 迎接新的挑战,.首先要积极调整出口商品结构,进一步扩大机电产品,农产品出口.We must seize the opportunities and meet the new challenges, first of all must actively adjust / active efforts must be to adjust the structure of export commodities and further expand export of electro-mechanical and agricultural products2、要当州长,成为参议

2、员,或众议院都需要花钱.Big money is needed to become a governor, a senator and an representative.3、只有坚定不移地坚持改革开放方针才能确保经济持续不断地增长.Only by unswervingly/firmly adhering to persisting in the policies of reform and opening up can sustained economic growth be ensured. 4、没有和平没有稳定地政治局面,就谈不上经济发展.Without peace /If there

3、is no peace stable political situation/ political stability , there will be no economic development can be achieved at all.5、关于西部大开发,主要有两个方面要注意,一是基础设施的建设,二是生态环境的改善.With regard to the west development, there are mainly two aspects/Attention should be paid to mainly two aspects , One is the building o

4、f infrastructure, the other is improvement of ecological environment.6、在和平统一谈判的过程中,可以吸收两岸各党派, 团队有代表性的人士参加.Representative of all the parties and groups form both sides of the Taiwan Straits can be invited to participate in /take part in/attend takes on peaceful reunification.7、几乎所有的书店、旅馆、入境口岸、机场和旅游景点

5、都能看到我们的出版物。 Our publications can be found in almost all book stores, hotels, port of entry, airport and scenic spots.8、中国幅员辽阔,各地景色气候差异很大,可以说一年四季都可以旅游。China has a vast/ massive land, with landscape and climate varying greatly from place to place. It can be said that people can travel in China in all

6、four seasons.9、我们主要服务对象是外国在华商社和三资企业。We mainly provide service for / serve foreign business communities in China and foreign-funded enterprises. 10、 政府的宏观责任将会增大.The government will shoulder more responsibility of macro-management.11、 中美两国经贸的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场.China and America are strongly complemen

7、tary in the fields of economy and trade, Both of them can share each others huge market.12、 中国国际汽车城的总体定位是成为亚洲最大的汽车贸易中心,博览中心,物流中心,研发中心,信息中心和服务中心.China International Auto City aims to become the largest center of auto trade, exhibition, logistics, research and development, information and service in A

8、sia. 13、 大家都充分意识到在当今现代,中国和非洲加强各个领域的合作比以往任何时候都更为迫切,更为重要.It is fully realized that in this age, it is more urgent and important than ever for China and Africa to Strengthen /promote cooperation in all fields.14、 中非合作前景十分广阔. China and Africa have very wild prospect for cooperation.15、 举办世博会对中国的影响是积极的.H

9、olding the world Expo will have an positive impact for China.16、 两国建交以来,特别是过去十年,中美经贸合作的发展十分迅速.Since the two countries established the diplomatic relations, especially the over past decade, Sino-Us economic and trade cooperation has developed very quickly. / China and America have witnessed rapid dev

10、elopment in economic and trade cooperation.17、 建立和健全社会保障体系, 关系到改革,发展,稳定的全局The establishment and improvement of social security system have an overall impact on reform, development and stability.18、 谈判是缓解该地区紧张局势唯一可行的方法.Negotiations is the only feasible way to ease the tense situation in this region.

11、19、 当今世界出现汉语热,是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化.Enthusiasm in learning Chinese is because the Chinese Nation has a long history and a glorious culture 20、 中国加入世贸组织.将为中国和亚洲以及世界各国各地区经济发展注入新的活力。China accession to WTO/ entry into WTO will inject /instill new vita life/vigor into the economy of China ,Asia and other

12、 countries and regions of the world.21、 上海投入巨资建设汽车城对整个上海的发展将取得举足轻重的作用.Shanghais tremendous/huge investment in the all the city will play a vital /critical role in the overall development of Shanghai.22、 虽然经济的长期增长需要消费金融和信用卡行业平衡,但是要充分建立一个健全、坚实的信用环境还必须采取其他积极措施.Although the long-term economic growth nee

13、ds the balance between consuming finance and credit card industry. Other active measures must be taken to fully establish a sound solid credit environment. 23、 为了尽快使学生掌握日常交际用语, 以适应在中国生活和学习的需要,则重听说能力的培养.Importance should be attached to the training of students listening and speaking ability. In order

14、 to help them have a good command of daily communicative language as soon as impossible to adapt to the life and study in China.24、 1995 年 1 月 30 日, 江泽民在人民大会堂举行的茶话会上, 就促进祖国统一大业发表了重要的讲话.On Jan 30th, 1995, Former Chinese President Jiang zemin made/deliver/give a important speech on promoting the reuni

15、fication of the motherland at a party held in the Peoples Great Hall.25、 人们认为可以通过吧这些新产品向西方出口一部分的方法来偿还贷款.People think that / It is believed that loans can be repaid / paid back by exporting a portion of the new products to the west.26、 中华文化是维系全体中国人的精神纽带,也是和平统一的一个重要基础.The Chinese culture is the spirit

16、ual tie that links all the Chinese people and also an important basis for peaceful reunification.27、 我们应该加快科技成果转化, 积极培养各级各类人才,全面提高劳动者素质We should accelerate/ speed up the transformation scientific and technological of achievements, Actively train all kinds of talents at all lever and fully overall enhance /promote the quality of the laborers.28、 亚太经济合作组织成立于 1989 年,是当今亚太地区进行官方合作的一个地区性经济组织,现有成员 21 个.APEC, founded in 1989, is a regional economic organization for government coope


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