奥鹏西安交通大学考前练兵 英语4(新录)

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1、单选题1.Tomorrow is my birthday. - _.A.Oh, I have a good ideB.I am glad you like it.C.Many happy returns of the day!D.You must be very happy.答案: C2.Its high time that he settled down in the country and_a new life.A.startB.startedC.startingD.to start答案: B3.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown ga

2、ve me an A! _.A.Dont worry about itB.Congratulations! Thats a difficult courseC.Mr. Brown is very goodD.Good luck to you答案: B4.He was healthy ( ) and ( ) .A.physical, mentalB.physically, mentallyC.body, mindD.bodily, mindedly答案: B5. Hey, Tom, whats up? _.A.Yes, definitely!B.Oh, not much.C.What is ha

3、ppening in your life?D.You are lucky.答案: B6.一Marilyn,Im afraid I have to be leaving now _.A.That sounds wonderfulB.Oh,so early?C.Not at a11D.Good luck!答案: B7.We all know knowledge begins _ practice.A.atB.fromC.inD.with答案: D8.一Hi,Tom,hows everything with you?_,and how are you?A.Dont mention itB.Hmm,

4、not too badC.ThanksD.Pretty fast答案: B9.It was getting _ , he had to stop to have a rest.A.very darkerB.dark and darkC.darker and darkerD.darkest and darkest答案: C10.As the busiest woman there, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A.thisB.thatC.oneD.it答案: D11.His

5、 total worldly possessions ( ) little more than the clothes he stood up in.A.amounted toB.settled forC.turned upD.came at答案: A12.We need someone really ( ) who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.A.crucialB.realisticC.essentialD.efficient答案: D13.This disease ( ) in Africa but now spread

6、 to many parts of the world.A.derivedB.originatedC.sparkledD.dwelled答案: B14.The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.A.collectB.collectsC.to collectD.collecting答案: D15.I wont make the _mistake next time.A.likeB.sameC.nearD.similar答案: B16.The manager will not _ us to see use his

7、 car.A.haveB.letC.agreeD.allow答案: D17.Anyone caught ( ) an offense will be punished.A.committingB.conductingC.executingD.performing答案: A18.The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City ( ) shock and anger throughout the world.A.summonedB.temptedC.provokedD.enveloped答案: C19.This overcoat cost _

8、. Whats more, they are _small for me.A.very much; veryB.too much; much tooC.much too; too muchD.very much; too much答案: B20.The national flag of the United States is the Stars and the ( ).A.SlicesB.StringsC.StripsD.Stripes答案: D21.It is not until you have lost your health _ you know its value.A.untilB

9、.whenC.whatD.that答案: D22.一Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday?一 _.A.Excuse me,my friend sent me a flowerB.Fine,I never go to birthday partiesC.Haha,I dont like birthday partiesD.Sorry,but my wife had a car accident答案: D23.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being se

10、ttled.A.hardlyB.almostC.nearlyD.scarcely答案: C24.The doctor ( ) Billys operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.A.went afterB.followed upC.started upD.took on答案: B25. David injured his leg playing football yesterday.Really? _ A.Who did that?B.Whats wrong with him?C.How did tha

11、t happen?D.Why was he so careless?答案: C26.一Paul,_? 一Oh,thats my father! And beside him,my motherA.what is the person over thereB.whos talking over thereC.what are they doingD.which is that答案: B27.I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given.A.no possibilityB.there was impossibilityC.i

12、mpossibleD.it impossible答案: D28.Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. - _.A.Its none of your business.B.What are you doing?C.Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D.No, I dont think so.答案: C29._ her and then try to copy what she does.A.MindB.SeeC.Stare atD.

13、Watch答案: D30.Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were ( ) out.A.carvedB.priedC.penetratedD.decorated答案: A31.As a reporter, I was paid to ( ) into other peoples lives.A.pryB.convertC.blurtD.carve答案: A32.一_is your girl friend like?一 She is very kind and good-lookingA.HowB.WhatC.WhichD.W

14、ho答案: B33.People under a lot of ( ) may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.A.stressB.exposureC.enduranceD.endeavor答案: A34.At night, cars often ( ) small animals that are blinded by the headlights.A.run overB.held upC.took apartD.drove at答案: A35.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A.coveringB.coveredC.coverD.to cover答案: A36.You _ buy some reference books when you go to the college.A.couldB.will hav


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