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1、 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 1 页 共 3 页2017 考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:不简单的特许学校每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此 2017 年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。凯程考研频道分享经济学人文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力!2017 考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:不简单的特许学校Charter Schools特许学校Big, not easy大,但并不简单Revolution and innovation in some of Americastoughest neighbourhoods美国的一些“老大难”街区的改革和创新AS

2、 PUPILS file into their classroom at KippRenaissance, a high school in a battered corner of north-east New Orleans, each one stops toshake the hand of a history teacher. “Changes”, a rap song by Tupac about the struggles ofbeing poor and black in America, plays quietly in the background. Within a mi

3、nute or two, thedozen teenagersall blackare busily filling in test papers. Soon afterwards, Mr Kullman, theteacher, begins rapping himselfhopping around the room demanding quick-fire answers toquestions about the civil war. Pupils shout back answers in chorus.知力复兴(Kipp Renaissance)高中座落在新奥尔良东北角的一个破旧的

4、角落里,那儿小学生们排队进入他们的教室,每个人还要停下来和历史老师握手。“改变”,是一首来自 Tupac 的饶舌歌曲,悄然地播放在校园中,讲述关于在美国穷困的黑人如何生存。几分钟内,那群黑人青少年就忙于填写测试答卷。很快,考尔曼老师开始开始唱起 Rap,在教室里小幅跳动着,要求学生快速回答关于内战的问题。学生们则不整齐地回答出来。Kipp Renaissance is one of New Orleanss newer high schools. Since Hurricane Katrina hit in2005, only six traditional public schools, d

5、irectly run by the city, remain. Instead 94% of pupilsnow attend charter schools, which are publicly funded but run by independent non-profitorganisations such as Kipp (in full, the “Knowledge is Power Programme”).知力复兴高中是新奥尔良市一所历史较短的高中。自从 2005 年卡特里娜飓风袭击后,直属市辖的高中仅剩下六所传统的公立学校。取而代之的是 94%的小学生现在都报名特许学校,这

6、些学校是由公众资助,但由独立非盈利性组织例如知力经营(全称是,“知识就是力量项目”)。Change began in 2003, when Louisiana created a Recovery School District (RSD) to take overand turn around failing schools across the state. Katrina dramatically accelerated the process:the RSD now controls most schools in New Orleans. Since 2008 alone, it h

7、as closed about 50and presided over the opening of an equal number of charters. The district organisesadmissions and expulsions, and helps allocate school buildings. But staffing, teacher training,transport, catering and much else are left in the hands of schools and the charter chainswhich run them

8、.改变从 2003 年开始了,那时路易斯安那州创办了一个叫复原学校街区(RSD)组织, 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 2 页 共 3 页目的是取代并扭转整个州立失败的教育。卡特里娜飓风戏剧性地加速了这一进程:RSD 现在经营新奥尔良市大部分学校。从 2008 年一年来说,它关闭了将近 50 所学校并主持开班了同样数量的特许学校。街区制定了准入令和驱逐令,帮助分配学校建筑。但是员工雇佣,教师培训,交通,饮食提供和很多其他的事情都被下放到学校掌管,连锁的特许学校经营它们。A decade ago, teachers in New Orleans were demoralised. T

9、he citys school district had eightdifferent superintendents in the decade to 2005, none of whom managed to curb corruptionor control waste. Affluent whites had fled the system: before Katrina New Orleans was roughly67% black and 28% white, yet only 6% of public-school pupils were not black.十年前,新奥尔良市

10、的老师士气低沉。市里学校街区竟在 2005 年之前十年有八个主管,没有人遏制腐败或是控制浪费。富裕的白人则逃离这一系统:在卡特里娜飓风来临之前新奥尔良市有大概 67%的黑人和 28%的白人,然而只有 6%的公公学校的学生不是黑人。Under the new regime, schools have sharply improved. In 2004 just 16.5% of pupils in NewOrleanss schools beat Louisianas state performance score; by the end of the most recentschool yea

11、r, 31.1% did, according to the Cowen Institute at Tulane University. High-schoolgraduation rates have risen from 55% before Katrina to 73% now; drop-out rates have fallenby half.在新策略下,学校则大幅改观。2004 年,新奥尔良市只有 16.5%的小学生达到了路易斯安那州成绩考核;在最新的学年里,根据杜兰大学科文中心数据,31.1%的学生做到了。高中毕业生比例从卡特里娜前的 55%增至现在 73%;辍学人数则下降了一半

12、。After Katrina, most of New Orleanss 7,500 unionised teachers were, in effect, fired. Charterschools have hired some backbut they have also hired plenty of new, young ambitiousteachers, often straight out of college, who work the long days and extra hours withoutcomplaint.在卡特里娜之后,新奥尔良市 7,500 名教师中大部分

13、实际上被解雇。特许学校返聘了一部分回来但他们也雇佣了很多新的、年轻有志的老师们,通常是刚从大学毕业,可以工作很久、加班没有怨言。The ability to choose a school matters less than you might expect. Autonomy and centralscrutiny matter more. New Orleanss charter schools are probably more closely watched thanpublic schools ever were, and those that fail to meet target

14、s do not get their charters renewed.With academic targets set centrally, schools tend to agree on what works best.择校能力仅仅和你可能预想中的部分相关。自治权和中央审核关联更大。新奥尔良市的特许学校可能会比以前的公公学校受更紧的监察,那些无法达标的学校无法更新特许证件。将完成学术目标设立为中心,学校倾向于许可工作最好的部分。The challenge now is whether improvement can be sustained. On national tests, Lo

15、uisianastill comes last or nearly last on a range of measures. What the state deems “mastery” of asubject barely passes for acceptable in other states: by the standards of Massachusetts orMaine, schools in New Orleans remain terrible. Middle-class whites still mostly send their childrento private sc

16、hools.现在面临的困难是进步能否被保持住。在国家性考试中,路易斯安那州仍然垫底或是在一定范围检测里将近垫底。这个州里被认为是高级学科的课程在其他州仅仅被认为是可以接受的课程:通过对比马萨诸塞州和缅因州,新奥尔良的学校仍然很渣。中产阶级 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 3 页 共 3 页白人们仍然可能将他们的孩子送往私立学校。One worry is money. Before Katrina, spending per pupil in New Orleans was 7,900 per year,about the same as in Louisiana at large. Last year the figure was 12,797much more than thestate average. Federal money, doled out to help rebuild after the hurricane, now pays forrepairing almost all the ci



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