高一英语 Unit1 Advertising reading 基础知识检测

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《高一英语 Unit1 Advertising reading 基础知识检测》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语 Unit1 Advertising reading 基础知识检测(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高一年级模块 4 第 1 单元基础知识检测 1Unit 1 Advertising reading【基础测评】. 单词拼写1. If you want to sell your product, you must_(做广告) it. 2.He a_ to be a successful writer.3. Dont let yourself be p_ into buying things you dont really want.4. The Hope Project is_(为而打算)for the children who cant afford to study. 5.After th

2、e 100-meter race, all of us were very tired and out of b_.6.The company is p_ their new products by advertising on television.7.I was told that he had made an unpleasant c_ on my speech.8.The s_ for our class is “ work hard or youll miss the future”.9 Sometimes customers can _(受益) from some advertis

3、ements.10.In our country , a(n) _ (全国性的) program to fight against AIDS. 选词填空be used to, for free, play tricks on, even if, be aware of, fall for, deal with, pay for, believe in, be meant to, fool sb into , feel pleased with1. You cant expect people to work _2. I _getting up early and going to bed ea

4、rly now. 3. His poems often _ the subject of death. 4. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to _it. 5. The customer _ the nice comment. 6. My brother _ cooking dinner for him, which made me unhappy.7.Ill clean my room _ it takes me the whole afternoon.8. The kids

5、 are very naughty. They always _ their neighbors. 9.You should _ yourself and try to be confident, otherwise you can never succeed.10. Youll have to _ your laziness.11. This software _ protect computers from being attacked by virus.12.He _ the danger of smoking finally.缺词填空Nowadays, we can find a_ a

6、lmost wherever we go. I did some research on advertisements, and have some important information to s_ with you. An ad uses words and pictures to p_ people to buy a product or s_, or to b_ in an idea. There are two main types of ads- c_ ads and PSAs. A commercial advertisement is _ which someone has

7、 p_ for to a_ a product or service. PSAs are run for f_, and are m_ to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem t_ affects public w_. As for an ad, we must be a_ of the skilful methods used in ads to try to p_ their products. Even _ an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altoget

8、her i_. Some advertisers make good c_ on you , and make a mental c_ with their products , hoping you can remember their products or service. We must not f_ for this kind of trick. However, not all ads play t_ on us though. PSAs a_ to teach us and help us lead better lives. China began a n_ public se

9、rvice advertising c_ in 1996. These ads d_ with widespread social concerns. There are also PSAs that encourage people to support public service projects, such as Project Hope. Its m_ is “ Project Hope -educating every child.” There are even PSAs to teach us h_ to live healthy lives. One of these is,

10、 “ when you smoke c_ , you are slowly killing yourself”. All of these ads are meant to b_ the public, and you can often learn a lot by f_ the advice they give. 单项填空1.As _ matter of fact, I quite wonder at _ old experts learning , and his professional knowledge has been of 高一年级模块 4 第 1 单元基础知识检测 2_ gr

11、eat to us.A. the the / B. a the / C. the / the D. / an the2. The country life he was used to_ greatly since 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed3. The young army officer was _to the rank of captain. A. encouraged B. promoted C. awarded D. permitted4. The strange man fooled the

12、young girl _ going abroad for work, but she kept calm and didnt fall _ his sweet words.A. onto with B. from in C. into for D. about with5. Tom made his brother _ by_ him. A. to cry; playing tricks on B. cry; playing tricks of C. cry; playing tricks on D. to cry; playing tricks of6. _doesnt always ha

13、ppen as we expect. Really! So we mustnt take the impossible things as our aims in case that we might be disappointed in future. A. Anything B. Everything C. Nothing D. Something7. Many pupils cant make full use of their time, _they realize how valuable it is. A. as if B. now that C. even though D. s

14、o that8. The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also_ a large number of social customs. A. join B. take C. share D. spare9. Do you think Li Ping is coming to attend the conference? Sure. I have _ her to. A. supposed B. advised C. persuaded D. suggested10. The manager had fallen asleep where he_, without undressing. A. was laying B. was lying C. had laid D. had lied11. The new school advertised _many newspapers _teachers of all subjects. A. for; with B. in; in C. in; for D. on; about12. Id like to go to the cinema with you, Dad. So


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