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1、高一年级上学期英语衔接班第一课教案课题:必修一 Unit1 Friendship 关一、教学目标。(一)知识教学点:1. 必修一第一单元单词、短语过2. 必修一第一单元课文中重点句型讲解、背诵与仿写(二)能力训练点:1.通过本节课的教学,让学生明确高中英语教材与初中英语教材的差异和学习时需要注意的问题。2.掌握第一单元句型,理解句型在高考书面表达中的重要作用。二、教学重点、难点、疑点及解决办法。1教学重点: 重点短语的运用2教学难点: 短语的含义的掌握三、教学步骤。词汇部分(一) 词汇能力检测目的:在第一次课提前对学生英语水平进行摸底,有助于后期进行针对教学。教材 P3,学生在 5 分钟内标注

2、出重点词汇及短语的中文意思。通过检查学生完成情况了解班级学生水平及薄弱环节。(二) 本单元黑体短语讲解1.add up课文原句重现:(必修一教材 P1) Add up your score and see how many points you get.考高原题重现:(北京 06 年)28. There have been several new events _ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. add B. to add C. adding D. added(08 四川延考)Thats all I have to s

3、ay. Is there anything youd like to_ ,Terry?Atalk Brequire Cadd D deliver用法讲解:1add up: 合计 同义词: amount(vi):总计;合计, 用法:amount to(n.):数量;总额,总数 total(adj.):全部的;整个的;完全的2add.to. 把.加到.上 2. be concerned about / with (重点)课文原句重现:(必修一教材 P1)tell your friend that your are concerned about him/her and you will meet

4、after class and talk then.用法讲解:1.be concerned about:关心、挂念2.concern(n.) 关心、关注例:The on -going division between English - speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is a major concern of the country. (摘自 04 年北京高考)3.写作中必备句型:(1) be concerned about:例:Of course those people are concerned about health

5、, but they still cant give up smoking. (与健康相关的作文话题)(2) It is concerned that:备受关注的事情是4. 造句练习:用 concern 来造句高考考题分析:Concern 不易作为选项让学生来选择,但习惯于放在题干中让学生理解。如:(湖北 08 年)28. In those days, our _ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care.A. normal B. constant C.

6、permanent D. primary总结:学生重点掌握该词的词性、句型。3.go through 、set down、 a series of、in order to 串讲句子翻译:In a life, everyone go through a series of adventures, some choose to set them down, in order to be read by others or be remembered by themselves.单词补充:biography(n.)传记 文化拓展:梵高单词讲解:go through 经历 through 的核心含义讲

7、解a series of 一系列 加复数可数名词set down 记下 近义词组:take note; put downin order to 为了,以便。 阅读理解中常见提示词,常见的细节题答案所在处。课文原句重现:(必修一教材 P2)Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through.(必修一教材 P2)I dont want to set down a series of facts in a dairy as most peop

8、le do(必修一教材 P2)I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.高考考题分析:上述短语常在高考完形填空中出现4.no longer=not any longer 不再句型运用:I wont speak to him. I will no longer speak to him近义短语:not any more 不再5. beget tired of 对厌倦短语拓展: get rid of : 除掉、除去6. get along with课文原句重现:(必修一教材 P6)Im getting along well with a boy in my class.(三) 课堂练习检测巨人英语第一讲多项选择:1,7,8,9,12,13,14,22,24 题四、作业布置。1.课后训练一、多项选择剩下习题、完形填空。2.背单词。下次课听写。


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