长乐职业中专学校 英语组 黄兰青教学设计

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《长乐职业中专学校 英语组 黄兰青教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《长乐职业中专学校 英语组 黄兰青教学设计(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried!(第一课时 教学设计)一、学情分析 本单元是学生第二学期的第一单元,话题与学生的假期活动相关。而学生刚从假期中归来,仍沉浸在假期的快乐中。第一单元的话题非常符合学生的兴趣和当时的心情,这为本单元的学习打下了良好的基础。第一单元的教学内容主要为:能够听懂并谈论假期中的活动;能够看懂关于家庭成员的小故事;能够描述一些已经发生过的有趣的经历;能够掌握并运用一般过去时的肯定式和否定式;能够在朗读时注意句子中的重读音节。本单元的话题虽然亲切,教师仍然要注意运用多种教学手段,并关注每一个学生,在一些教学步骤中采用分层设计,任务教学,

2、帮助学生达成教学目标。本单元设计分为 4 个课时:第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时 reading and writing第三课时 language in use 第四课时 vocabulary consolidation + unit task + fun time第一课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语 2 (基础模块 高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括 Lead-in & Listening and speaking 两部分,具体内容为:能够表达假期活动词汇和词组,能够

3、基本听懂并简单谈论家庭在假期中的活动,以及过去时的基本变化和特殊变化的学习。2. 教学重点、难点 教学重点关于假期活动的单词和词组,关于假期活动的简单讨论。 教学难点如何在讨论假期生活的时候渗透过去时的学习。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 帮助学生掌握以下词汇:如 ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent 等 使学生掌握关于假期活动的一些词组和对话,并巩固过去时的表达方式如:a. useful expressions about some activities:visit the zoo, go swimming

4、/ skating / skiing / boating / sailing / fishing, pick apples, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, etc.b. ask for and give some information on vocation:How was your vacation?It was wonderful / great / not bad. We had great fun. Where did your family go? / Where did you go?I went to . / We

5、 went to .What did you do there?2. 能力目标 帮助学生听懂,会说出以下词汇:如 ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent 等。 使学生基本能够表达关于假期活动的一些词组,能够对假期活动进行一些简单讨论,如How was your vacation?It was wonderful / great / not bad.3. 情感目标学会与同伴分享自己的快乐假期经历,提倡学生假期到户外运动,健康生活。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. The teacher gre

6、ets each student: Hello, everyone, Im so glad to see you again, haha I miss you so much.Welcome back to school. Here are some little gifts I got from my holiday journey. Do you like it? Do you want it? Ok, lets share them.(hand them out) Do you know where did I go on my vacation?(设计意图:这是学生寒假回来的第一节英语

7、课,和学生互相问候之后,分享假期旅游的小礼物,吸引学生的注意力,再聊到寒假里的活动是再自然不过的事了,顺便抛出有关课文内容里需要学生反复操练的一个问题,顺理成章。这里的开门见山让学生很快进入了本节课的话题。 )2. What did you do during your winter vacation? What about you? Did your family go somewhere? Did you enjoy yourselves?3. Encourage the Ss to give answers. And collect different answers on the bl

8、ackboard. While collecting, present some new words such as ski, mountain, sail, skate, beach, etc. teacher should repeat these words on the blackboard.(设计意图:教师可以一边和学生进行交流,一边就把学生的回答写在黑板上,不仅可以复习巩固一些旧的表达方式,同时可以呈现新的单词和词组,可谓一举两得。 )4. now lets do a survey.(show them Activity 1)3. Activity 1(survey1): Tick

9、 the activities you did before. First, teacher should explain some difficult words, then after the students has ticked them out, ask some individuals to tell the whole what they once did by using: I .(I visited the zoo. / I went swimming. / I climbed mountains.) (设计意图:以调查的形式展开第一个活动,既衔接了上面的单词和词组的呈现,学

10、生又不会觉得突兀。而且调查的形式贯穿整个课堂,让学生始终都围绕这个调查任务进行活动。在这一活动中,教师不应仅仅局限于让学生完成一个打勾的练习,而是要让他们用语言表达出曾经做过的事情。要说的句子只需在所列出的词组中加上一个 I 即可,这也让学生更有信心与别人交流。 )4. let students pay attention to the past tense. Teacher should use different colour to show the past tense.( present them in PPT)(设计意图:第一课时并不是主要讲语法的,所以只要适当了解这个过去时的组成形

11、式是-V+ed 或者特殊变形就好。 )4. Activity 2: Listen and match. Get the Ss to do it by themselves without listening. Then get them to listen and repeat the sentences on the screen. let students pay attention to the past tense. (设计意图:这里的听力练习并不能从听磁带上帮助学生解决连线的问题,因为是句子和图片的连线,所以不听磁带的先根据直观的图片先连线,再听磁带巩固句子的朗读,纠正语音语调。再次

12、接触到过去时和“I went to”句型的使用。 )Step Two Listening (divide them into several groups of four students, ask each group to choose a group leader.)1. Before listening, ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about whats the difference between these two cities?. Prepare for the listening BY a task that “le

13、ts do another survey to know the Cindy and her parents holiday activities”(设计意图: 第二个调查比第一个打勾的调查内容更深入一点,需要了解更多的关于地点,天气,假期活动和感受的内容,为下一步呈现简单的询问假期活动的对话做好铺垫。 )2. Activity 3(survey2). Listen and tick out the city that Cindy and her parents went to on their vacation . Then check the answers with them.3. Ac

14、tivity 5(survey2). Listen again and match the people with the activities. Give them some time to discuss the answers, then check the answers with them.4. Activity 4(survey2). Listen again and answer the questions. Let each group leader tell their answers in class, tehn check the answers with all of

15、them. Question1 What was the weather like in that place?Question2 How was their vacation? (设计意图: 在听之前,让学生先讨论教材中的图片能让他们先熟悉要听的内容。接着,要让他们明白在听的过程中要完成的任务。把教材中的活动 4 和活动 5 调整了一下顺序是因为学生对于回答问题总是比较害怕,也觉得比较难。所以可以把这一练习放到最后去完成。而且活动 5 还有小组讨论,活动 4 由小组长进行回答问题,进一步降低了难度,大多学生都能参与到其中。 )Step Three Speaking 1 lets go to

16、do a third survey about Tang Hua and Li Xiaonian. Listen to the tape and try to answer these questions.(survey3)Question1 where did Tang Hua go?Question2 who did Tang Hua go with?Question3 what was the weather like there?Question4 what did them do there? What was their activities?1. go over Activity 6. each group discusses the anwers with their partners. Teacher ask some students to answer these questions. Them can choose the questions to answer. Teach


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