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1、12013 届高考英语专题复习单项选择易错题 60 道1. They _ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _on it as no good results have come out so far.A. had been working; are still working B. had worked; were still workingC. have been working; have worked D. have worked; are still working此题的时间参照点是

2、 before I joined them,,所以第一个空应该用过去完成进行时,第二个空根据时间 now 用现在进行时。2. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, _cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.A. of which the top B. the top is C. the top of which D. with its top此题是独立主格结构,如果题干改为_is cut off,答案则为 A 或 C3. _ is it _ has made Peter _ he

3、 is today?A. What; that; that B. That; that; what C. What; what; that D. What; that; what用还原法则为 It is what that has made Peter what he is today 可知是强调句式。4. Before he went abroad,he spent as much time as he _ English.A. could learning B. learned C. to learn D. could learnspend time (in) doing sth如果改为

4、he did what he _,则答案为 could to learn.5. The person we talked about _ our school last week Avisiting Bwill visit Cvisited Dhas visited此题中包含一个定语从句,the person 既作先行词,又作句子的主语,要填入的应该是句子的谓语,根据后面的时间状语为 last week,应选过去时。句中包含的定语从句 we talked about 中 about 虽为介词,但不影响主句的谓语,故应选 C。观察下面三个句子:The person we spoke to _ n

5、o answer at first Amaking Bmakes Cmake Dmade此题中也包含一个定语从句 we spoke to,the person 既作先行词,又作句子的主语,要填入的应该是句子的谓语,根据句子的需要,应选过去时。本题中的 to 为陷阱,实际上它属于定语从句中,而不影响主句的谓语动词。故 D 正确。The person we referred to(提及)_ us a report tomorrow Agiving Bwill give Cgave Dgive同上题一样,句中包含定语从句 we referred to,所缺成份为句子的谓语,又根据句中的tomorro

6、w,故用将来时。选 B。The days we have been looking forward to _ soon Acoming Bwill come Ccame Dhave come同理,此句中的定语从句包含短语 look forward to,虽然 to 为介词,但并不影响主句的谓语动词,只是一个陷阱而矣。又根据句中的 soon,应用将来时,故选 B。6. Not far from the club there was a garden, _ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon. A.

7、 whose B. its C. which D. that答案为 B。此题关键是理解 seated 这个单词,它是过去分词,而不是作谓语的过去式。它不能在句中谓语。所以后面句子不是一个非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,故选代词 its。7. You should treat him (in) the way _ suits him most.A. that B. in which C. / D. why2此题中先行词 the way 后面的定语从句中充当主语。故只能选 A。如果先行词 the way 有从句中充当状语,则可以用 that, in which 或省略。8. He is a

8、 strict but kind-hearted father, _ the children respect but are afraid of.A. / B. that C. for whom D. one whom此题答案只能为 D。替代词 one 在句中作同位语,代指 father,后面再接一个定语从句。先行词 one 又在从句中充当宾语。9. - You havent been to Beijing, have you? - _. And how I wish to go there again!A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I havent C. No, I hav

9、e D. No, I havent注意题中最后一个单词 again(看三遍!) 。不要误选为 D。答案应为 A。全句的句意为“你没有去过北京,是不是?”“不,我去过。我多么想再一次去那里。 ”10. Not only _the jewelry she _been sold for her sons gambling debts but also her house.A. is; has B. has; had C. has; has D.不填; has此题中由于 Not only 置于句首,故用部分倒装结构。第一个 has 助动词,是句中谓语动词has been sold 中 has 的提前。

10、第二个 has 为实义动词,属于定语从句中,表示 “有” 的意思。本句的意思为:不但是她所有的珠宝而且还有她的房子一起已经被卖掉作为她儿子的赌债了。答案为 C。11. We should do more such exercises in the future,I think, _ those we did yesterday.A. as B. like C. about D. than此题前面有 more,根据题意,应该选 D。比较:We should do such exercises in the future, I think, _ we did yesterday.此题应选 A 因为

11、 we did yesterday 是句子,所以用连词 asThe teacher suggested that we should do _ what he did yesterday.此题应选 B 应为我 what we did yesterday 是名词性从句,所以用介词 like12. He will tell you _ he expects will win such a match.A. why B. whom C. which D. who此题中的 he expects 是插入语,所以答案应为 D13. Who would you rather _ the report ins

12、tead of you?A. have write B. have to write C. write D. have written此题还原为 You would rather have who write the report instead of you.可知答案为 A句式为:have sb do sth14. Who would you rather _ you repair your CD player?A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help此题还原为 You would rather who helped you repair your CD

13、 player.可知答案为 B句式为:would rather sb did sth 是虚拟语气15. Well be free tomorrow,so I suggest _ to the history museum.A. to visit B. visiting C. we should visit D. a visitsuggest 的句式为:suggest sb (should) do sth 是虚拟语气suggest doing sthsuggest sth to sb 所以答案为 D16. I like swimming,while what my brother enjoys

14、_.A. cooking B. to cook C. is cooking D. cookwhat my brother enjoys 是名词性从句做主语,所以答案为 C317. How long have you been here? _ the end of last month,A. In B. By C. At D. Sincesince 引导的介词短语和现在完成时连用18. _ nice,the food was all eaten up soon.A. Tasting B. Taste C. Tasted D. To tastetaste 是系动词 ,没有被动,答案 A 表示原因。

15、对比:_ nice, the food should be made by adding more sugar. 此题应选 D,表示条件。19. He was sentenced to death _ what he has stolen from the bank.A. that B. since C. because D. because ofwhat he has stolen from the bank 是名词性从句,所以应该用介词 because of20.What do you think of the concert? I really enjoy it. I didnt expect it was _ wonderful.A. as B. more C. most D.veryA 这是一个省略句,承接上文,省略了 as I had thought。21. I have no dreams _ to have a happy life.


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